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Walk of Shame

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  1. #21
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    "I haven't observed any particular interactions, myself. I'm not sure they even really see each other, or if they do, if it's as fuzzy as when I try to see a ghost." She shrugs. "Yeah, I remember hearing that the Moros have some difficulty with that Arcana, just as the Mighty have difficulty with your Arcana, Death. The resonance just isn't correct. It clashes with our Tower."

    "We probably should do that. It's been a while now, our areas of expertise might have changed or expanded. Always a good idea to check what we can do for each other now." She shrugs. "Parliament's fine. He spends a lot of time in the library."

  2. #22
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    Truce isn't sure how he feels about a Spirit lurking on the collection of occult books he's provided to the Sanctum. But then the Spirit hasn't really done any harm or caused any interference. Knowing that there are beings, even ones of simple intelligence, lurking on the periphery of the Fallen World seems reason enough to pursue study of them.

    He simply nods his agreement, considering things. As they progress farther towards their route, Truce revisits his earlier concern. "You're sure you're doing alright? What with your self-imposed exile? The last Consilium Meeting went really well, you know. There wasn't any impromptu arguments or infighting. Crowley and I mentioned our meeting with Rabbit. I figured that we aught to at least make others aware of her presence in the city, being a Sleepwalker and all. Though we didn't mention anything to the effect of the proposal she made to us."

  3. #23
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    Einstein raises an eyebrow at him. This again? Everyone's favorite subject when she was involved. Not 'what is your favorite flavor of ice cream' or ' do you want a pet', but 'hey, why are you still separate from the Consilium'. The Obrimos' jaw sets and she lets out a sigh. "Yes, I know, so everyone's told me. Everything was sunshine and rainbows, and hugs were given by all, and Avis acted like a normal person. La-dee-da." She waves her hands from side to side whimsically.

    "But, nothing got done that wasn't already talked about being done a thousand times before. You might think of it as a first step, but nothing's changed. People just buried their real thoughts deep down, and then pretended that somehow they'd fixed it. Like covering a crack in the wall with a poster of a kitten. It's still there, and it's still a problem. Just hiding it doesn't make it go away." Another sigh escapes her lips. "Avis' still a bitch, the Consilium is still irrelevant and inefficient, and nothing is being done by it as a group. Just by its members as individuals."

  4. #24
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    "Oh," says Truce in deferential understanding, having not realized that she had already heard the events through the grapevine. Crowley had probably already mentioned it to her. He had already found that challenging her on that opinion has not led anywhere and promptly backs off.

    Still, rather then let things hang awkwardly he adds after a pause, "Well hopefully things work out with this lead of ours."

  5. #25
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    "Yeah..." The silence stretches on. And on. It seems like it may never end. Einstein starts tapping her foot to some invisible beat, hands drumming along with it on her knees. Finally, she indicates one last turn and they end up in the parking lot behind the club. It looks a lot dirtier in the daylight.

    Einstein hops out of the car quickly, poking her head through the window and smiling at Truce. "Thanks. Seeya later." With that, she runs to her car, and gets ready to take it home.

    And, scene!

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