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  1. #11
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    The Arrow froze as she felt the Supernal flow, preparing herself to pit Will against Will just as a startled boxer might prepare to attack, but as no harm seemed to come to her, she forced herself to relax. Also, to swallow, almost as if in mimicry of the Hierarch.

    "Well?" she asked, sandwich limp in her hands.

    She wasn't as finicky as the some people in the Consilium, both past and present, about Magi casting around her, but she did want some kind of explanation, eventually.
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

  2. #12

    Methodically processing what he finds, Aquinas considers the sandwich before he asks Avis, “How much of the Circle have you explored?” While it is a question, it is also part coy tease for his fellow Mastigos. “The Circle is far, far more interesting than I realized. Then again, I never examined the place during my first residence; it wasn't my place.

    Another bite, is finally torn. Mastication comes and goes.

    You'll need to take a look at it, when you have time.

  3. #13
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    Now that gave Avis pause. Not that she didn't recognize the importance of the building, or appreciate what it offered, that was why she'd called the Hierarch up in the first place, but it was something she thought she knew. She'd wandered the building in the first few months that she'd been in Sacramento, since the building had been her home, and she'd spent hour after hour cleaning and maintaining different parts of the building, enough areas that she'd assumed she'd cleaned the whole building at one time or another, but that was just that, an assumption. A structure as huge and complex as the circle could well hold secrets that she'd overlooked.

    "I've never examined it magically, if that's what you mean," she replied, finally. "I guess I assumed that mundane exploring and maintenance would let me learn the building inside and out, or that Animus or Leo might've mentioned if it had any secret passages or something, but I s'pose that was naive now that I think about it. The building probably predates Animus."
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

  4. #14

    It does,” Aquinas says without any fanfare whatsoever. “When I was apprenticed to Hierarch Peter Cartright many years ago, it was already here.” Which might suggest just how long ago it does predate Animus. The Hierarch might continue but first he interjects into himself, “This is a good sandwich, thank you Avis.

    Appreciation for the food given he adds, “Now, I don't know exactly what it is I pinged on when I sought to get a feel for the layout of this building, but it isn't nothing.” A wry smile forms on the lined face of the Mastigos as he half jokes, “Now, I know that makes me sound like Gandalf. But, it is the best that I can offer.

  5. #15
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    "Who?" Avis returned, expression guileless. "Is that some Awakened philosopher or something?"

    She thought for a moment, trying to recollect if she'd heard the name, then finally shrugged.

    "Either way, thanks for pointing it out to me. I'll make sure to look into it. Get to the root of the conundrum, so to speak."
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

  6. #16

    Pop-culture,” Aquinas says, “from a book-series.” The Mastigos shrugs, thinking very little of the fact that Avis has missed his joke.

    A gesture to the sandwich as he stands, “Mind if I take this along with me?

  7. #17
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    "Oh, yeah, sure. Of course," Avis replied, standing as well. "It's just, ya know, Subway, but I'm glad you like it. Would you like me to walk you back to your car, or did you take other, uh, means of transport?"

    She was pretty sure the Hierarch would prefer the petrol kind of transport for something as mundane as a lunch meeting, and likely the protection a two tonne metal carapace might provide, but who knew?
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

  8. #18

    Thanks,” Aquinas says with unexpected brightness as he wraps the remains of his sandwich up and tucks it beneath his arm. “My car is right outside, if you want to see a beaten up Volvo.” He shrugs, half-jokingly as he describes the car.

    I used to have better,” he certainly can have better, “but really for city-driving? A beater will do just fine.

    ! This will be a plot as soon as I finish some prep for it.! Wrap up?

  9. #19
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    "Yeah, Star and I have a, uh, kind of a fix-er-upper, too," Avis replied lamely as the two warlocks began to make their way out of the Circle...

    Yay plot! Yay good thread! Wrapped
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

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