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Weavebreaker Glimpses

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  1. #11
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    "How is Sacramento?" Carolynn asked before taking a sip of coffee. The Warlock always seemed to have a certain serenity shrouding her that put others at ease.

    "It is not so different from here..." Anastasia responded, leaning forward to rest her forearms upon the glass of the patio tabletop. She shifted slightly as she glanced at all the colorful roses that surround the open patio at Carolynn's house. There was a supernal touch to it all, that Anastasia could not quite comprehend. Her attention returned to Carolynn, rolling her shoulders slightly. "Seems like the problems are the same no matter where you go..."

    "I am going to be heading to San Francisco around October." Carolynn paused, taking a moment to gauge Anastasia's shift in mannerisms. "A bit of business...a bit of pleasure. Needless to say we will have to get up at some point." The Mastigos could not help but smile as she rested the cup of coffee back down onto the coaster.

    "I am sorry for..."

    "Think nothing of it. I apologize too." Carolynn said quickly with a dismissive wave of her hand before Anastasia could even finish her words. Anastasia had forgotten how often Carolynn made a habit of doing that, and it never really bothered her.

    "I have to be heading back in a couple of days. Going to have to do a lot of catching up in school to make up for coming out here, but I would not have missed being here for anything..."
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  2. #12
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    "I'm going to miss you babe. You better call me more!" Sarah chided her daughter.

    "I am going to miss you too and I will." Anastasia said with an awkward smile. She leaned over in the passenger seat to give her mom a hug and a kiss. After a moment, she let go of her embrace and opened up the door. "Could ya pop the trunk?"

    "Already did!" Sarah said with a laugh.

    Anastasia moved around to the back of her mom's Volvo and lifted the trunk to pull her backpack out. She did not really pack for making the haul out to Georgia, and did not see a point bringing a lot of stuff back to California. Slinging the backpack over her shoulder she gave her mom one last wave, and headed into the airport to make her way back home.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  3. #13
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Weavebreaker stands in a empty chamber within the Circle of Creation. Her eyes closed as she focuses solely upon her breathing. It takes a few minutes for the slow breathing to become natural, leaving her mind to drift elsewhere. The Watchtower of the Golden Key becomes as clear to her as the day she carved her name into its surface. The rhythmic sound of the gears in the distance draws her mind to the thought of a cog's purpose within a watch.

    What is my purpose in Creation...

    The question pulls her mind back to the reality of the empty chamber. A smile forms upon her lips as she realizes that so many souls, awakened or not, asked themselves that very question. She draws in a deep breath, holding it for a moment.

    I do not know truth. And though I know there is a lie, I would be a fool to think I even began to know what the lie is...

    "I will seek both..."
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  4. #14
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    At the end of the day, it was a conscious decision to lead a normal life. With the dangers and secrecy that the life of being awake to the lie imposed, she was easily written off as dead or missing, and her grasp upon the primal nature of magic helped reinforced that notion. It also helped that only a few in the Consilium actually knew her by face.

    It became a morning routine for Anastasia to nullify the traces of magic from her aura. It fell between getting out of her bed and brushing her teeth, and felt almost second nature with time. With it, she blended into the mass of sleeping students who attended California State University, and it was the only point of the day where she consciously let magic touch her life. She found more safety in anonymity that the practice of veiling gave, over the best armor any practice of shielding could provide.

    Anna found that the hardest part, was ignoring curiosity. It would not happen every day, but from time to time that chill would run down her spine, signaling some deeper truth in the lie. It took every ounce of strength to continue on, and utterly ignore whatever supernatural event triggered that chill. That feeling, along with her morning routine, were a constant reminders that no matter what, she could not separate herself. In the end, it was a race to finish her degree before the intrigue and danger pulled her away from normalcy.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  5. #15
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Weavebreaker settled down on the floor in her room, taking time away from it all to focus. Infront of her a simple flame burned from a candle that was set atop a paper plate to stop the wax from getting into the carpet. Her eyes were focused on the flame with her palms facing the flame. They were close enough that they could comfortably feel the warmth.

    Weavebreaker closed her eyes slowly, still feeling the flickering flame.

    "Lord, mercifully receive my prayers, and grant that we may know and understand what things we ought to do, and also may we have grace and power to faithfully accomplish them."

    "Amen." She said softly.

    Weavebreaker knew that with college starting back up, her life was going to take on new hardships with that change. Above and beyond that, the rest of the Consilium was going through a change that she knew was going to bring even more hardships.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  6. #16
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Cardboard boxes adorned littered Weavebreaker's small dorm room. Her life so far, crammed and taped up inside each and every box. It wasn't what she wanted, but she knew it was what she needed.

    Weavebreaker withdrew from the classes for the up coming semister and was moving off campus. It was in preparation for what was coming. She knew that in no time this place would be a warzone and she was vulnerable.

    Within the Consilium, she may have been known as Weavebreaker, but here on campus she was just a girl who kept to herself and made good grades. Admist the distant chaos, she knew it would be impossible to keep her lives seperate and it wouldn't be too hard for enemies to uncover her name.

    It is only temporary...

    Weavebreaker let out a sigh as she lifted the first box to move to the curb. There was a taxi coming, and she wanted everything on the curb and ready...
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  7. Likes Teeramus liked this post
  8. #17
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    The pool of water was calm, though the reflections danced ever so slightly from the softest touch of a breeze. Times had been strange lately with all the changes she had to endure, and it pulled her far from her comfort zone. Where once she had only worked magics to undo the works of others, she found herself tempting the Abyss with a greater frequency. It was changing her and she knew it...

    Weavebreaker's eyes were fixed upon her dancing reflection, but her mind was trying to find the center...trying to find balance. Her breath was slow and seemingly methodical, though at this point it was unconscious.

    "How do I weather the upcoming storm if its approach is already changing me..."

    Weavebreaker tilted her head as her double reflected the motion. She shook her head softly and ran her finger softly upon the surface of the pool, as that slight motion completely changed the image into something unrecognizeable. She couldn't help but glance away as she let out a sigh.

    There has to be a answer...
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  9. Likes Teeramus liked this post
  10. #18
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Weavebreaker panted as she shifted her weight and swung her arm up to meet the oncoming onslaught. She knew exactly where the strike was going to land, as she orchestrated every motion of her phantasmal opponent, but it didn't soften the strikes in the least. She felt the pain shoot up her forearm and into her shoulder as the blow connected solidly against the phantasmal buckler attached to her arm.

    Weavebreaker couldn't help but wince in pain, as the phantasmal warrior ceased motion. It froze in position as she outstretched her arm, trying to work out the pain. "You can't do too much more of that..." She reminded herself as she drew her arm back in.

    Weavebreaker's shield arm dropped to her side, as her other hand lifted. With a quick motion of her hand and a bit of conscious effort, the puppet turned away from her. It took a step forward with a sweeping horizontal arch slashing through the air. It repeated the motion a few more times, as she watched on, trying to discern the best way to deflect the attack.

    With another flick of her wrist, it turned back in her direction and froze back in place. She stepped forward, back into its reach. With another thought, it stepped forward with its sweeping strike. She quickly dropped her center of gravity, sinking closer to the ground while her arm came up to cover her head. Weavebreaker took care to rotate her forearm enough to allow the blow to skip off and graze the surface of the shield as it moved past her.

    The Puppet froze in place once more as Weavebreaker stood tall. She drew in a deep breath as she considered all the other angles of attack she would have to account for. With a flick of her wrist, the Phantasm turned away and took a step forward doing a similar horizontal attack, but at a much lower height. One that was too low top be avoided with a quick dip of the body.

    Weavebreaker watched the motion as she considered the best defensive effort.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  11. #19
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Weavebreaker was kneeling in the peaceful and serene garden of her cabal. Not even the wind dared to disturb the peace with its touch upon the leaves. Her hands were folded together over her heart as she lost herself to the moment of tranquility. No thought stirred or troubled her mind for a minute that seemed to hang upon eternity. Then a soft prayer left her lips.

    Absolute and all knowing God, nothing is hidden from Your sight. In the prescience since the beginning, all knowledge existed within You. Kindly share Your knowledge with me, making me aware of what is meant to be, permitting my soul to understand it, and wisdom to agree with its outcome. Provide me with the gift of discretion, to prudently apply received knowledge, to ensure the fulfillment of Your Will. Your knowledge shines forth forever."


    Weavebreaker fell back to silence for a moment, before she added something slightly different. "Please allow light to shine upon the souls that have grown dark." Her eyes slowly opened. She couldn't help but squint slightly for a moment from the light of the day as she ended with short prayer for the Consilium's enemy at SacState.

    "Amen." Weavebreaker said softly as she rose to her feet.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

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