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Fogging the Senses

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  1. #1
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Not long after his phone call to Cesar Fields, Edwin pulls up at the funeral home and parks the car out front. Wearing blue jeans, a pair of black Nike Classics, a classic Guns and Roses tee and his leather jacket, The Lord made certain his switchblade was tucked inside his pocket.

    Moving around the side of the building, the magnetic Acolyte assumed the tradesman entrance was where the bodies of the departed were delivered for David to ply his trade, and couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation.

    Locating the back door, Edwin marked his arrival by ringing the bell.

  2. #2

    Away from the front entrance festooned with flowers, low lights, and a discreetly placed camera is the far more businesslike tradesman entrance. Hearses could make their deliveries tactfully without the prying eyes of kine or Kindred. Comparatively, it is spartan, but understandably so given that prudence wins the day here. A familiar pea-green aluminum bike sits sentry outside, greeting Edwin as he rings the buzzer. The angry noise calls David as he slides a heart-attack victim into his temporary home.

    Moments later, David appears at the entrance draped in the protective coverings of his trade: sky-blue gowns and a clear visor sitting on his head. Where Edwin is fashionable, the circumspect Mortician is not. Where the Acolyte is destined to lead and inspire, David is destined to fade into the inky depths of the Dark.

    The Companion screeches angrily at the sight of the interloper. Red anger rips through David's blood all urging the Man to do one thing: destroy. Familiar or not, it still hates and it still desires the Ventrue's destruction before he too overshadows the Mekhet. David locks the thought aside, bottles it up and sets it away on a shelf in his mind. “Mr. Bridges, please come in. I'm glad to see you are well.

    Bright white and gleaming stainless steel meet Edwin's eyes as they pass into David's office, of a sort. “I'm sorry that I haven't reached out to you lately, I've been per-occupied.” It is an understatement, but David is nothing if not a master at understating.

  3. #3
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    As the door opened, Edwin was pleased when his Beast did not stir in it's den; blissfully unaware of the rival before it - the very reason why The Lord had come here this evening.

    "Oh, no worries, Mr. Regan," Edwin replied with an easy smile, holding up a placating hand. "It would seem these nights draw our attention in ways that seem hard to resist."

    Entering David's office, Edwin remembered it from before. "I hope you have been keeping well?" Some level of concern perhaps? Even though they were far from friends, David seem to have a similar understanding that Edwin could appreciate.

  4. #4

    My nieces and nephews and closer family within the Circle would call it a Trial,” David meekly says as the he pulls up a couple of stools for Edwin and the Shadow to take a seat on. “I would be lying if I said that it has been a fine couple of seasons, Mr. Bridges but, the Dance keeps turning.” David's voice nearly doesn't carry through the room awash in antiseptic white.

    There's been chatter, here and there, about the sad state of Mr. Regan. However, it's been mostly said in hushed whispers and between individuals. A sad shake of their head there and a concerned look here. If he didn't not stick out, David would have stuck out at the Superhero Ball.

    Settling himself on the stool David adds, “And now there are a few small repairs to do.

  5. #5
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Taking a seat, Edwin let his feet and arms cross, eyes focused on the easily overlooked Shadow, definite concern in those hazel eyes. "Sounds very cryptic," Edwin finally said, not trying to be funny but rather coax out whatever issues seemed to be plaguing David. "A Trial? Well, Momma Bridges would often say that a problem shared is a problem halved but then again she didn't understand the true nature of the world. If you wanna talk about it, I'm all ears."

  6. #6

    David shifts on his stool, lacing his fingers and leaving them on his lap. While he doesn't intend to speak at length about what happened, he decides to give the long and short of it, “My lover was murdered, virtually before my eyes, and I was powerless to stop it.” What is it that the Acolytes of the Crone are fond of saying so much, as though it excuses the world its sins? Tribulation brings enlightenment. David doesn't feel enlightened. David feels the imperative to do duties left to go fallow.

    So, I've been busy with her final arrangements and with the aftermath of it all.” Perhaps, keeping himself busy has kept him focused. “I've had little time between all of that and work, here, to reach out to many.

  7. #7
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    "What?!" Edwin replied, clearly shocked and horrified, his emotions obvious. They toiled for supremacy, ranging swiftly through fear and anger before the Lord refocused on the man before him. Now wasn't the time to worry about the potential danger.

    "I...I'm truly sorry for your loss, David."

    Honesty poured through every word. Edwin showed another mortal trait, moving to place a hand on the Shadow's shoulder, a willingness to show companionship.

    "If there is anything I can do, I offer any service I can."

  8. #8

    Thank you, Mr. Bridges,” What else is there to be said? What else can be said? The man looks down as Edwin touches him on the shoulder. “I appreciate your condolences.” The unfairness of David's life, of his Requiem, peek out from beneath the surface. Finally, David's head makes a subtle shake. “The dance keeps turning and I search for Justice for her; hopefully, I'll be able to attain it.

    David pauses as he adds, “Perhaps, after your lesson I can tell you more if you'd like to hear it. There are a lot of moving parts, so I don't want to take up all of your time with it.” Ever considerate, perhaps too much so. Rina Yui mentioned that David is 'too nice.' She is right.

    What do you understand of conscious thought? Of what you see?” David asks, quietly moving the discussion back towards the discipline of Obfuscate.

  9. #9
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Edwin simply nodded in regards to hearing more but when David pressed on with the lesson, the Lord moved on also, retaking his seat. "It is what it is. I touch a bottle, it feel the bottle. Is that what you mean?"

  10. #10

    Perception,” David starts slowly at first, “can be fooled. Some trust their perception, what they see, far more than they should. They say to themselves that Seeing is Believing, yes?” The rhetorical question asked, the Shadow nods, “But, what is it that we 'see?' You see a bottle, you touch a bottle, but is there a label on that bottle? In this room, you perceive an embalming chamber; the clues used are the white walls, the steel tables, and the scent.” The Shadow grows still, forgetting the small motions that signal to others that he is alive.

    The mind takes the clues it needs to make a decision and blocks out everything else. This isn't bad, it's actually quite natural that it does this. If it didn't selectively block out details then it would be overloaded with information.

    Pausing, David looks to Edwin keen to see if he might need to explain in a different way, then David continues, “What the Blood can remember to do, is to choose pieces of information that those around you will simply block out from their conscious thought.

    The fingers of one hand, remove a tiny, thin gold band and place it on the palm of his hand. David doesn't explain the band as it glints in the overly harsh light, but he does explain, “For instance, you see the palm of my hand with a ring on it. You can perceive that there is no ornamentation on the gold metal and the paleness of my skin.” Closing his fingers around the ring, it disappears into the fist of his hand. When he opens it again, the ring is gone.

      Touch of Shadow 4 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-11-26 14:51:32 David Regan rolls 9 to Wits + Larc + Ob + 2 (Tiny) (ToS) (10 Again) 5, 2, 3, 9, 8, 3, 9, 10, 2, 6 4 successes

    Is the ring gone, Mr. Bridges?

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