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(Skeleton Keys) The Summons

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  1. #31

    Salty, moist sweat leads David on in the chase. He runs like a man possessed – finally running towards something rather than running away from it – all in the hope that he would reach his destination before something terrible happens.

    “Go,” David says to Emma, giving his word, “If you can run faster than me, go ahead. Be ready. Do what you can.”

  2. #32
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma breaks into a run in the direction David indicated. She was prepared for anything she might encounter. Or at least she hopes she is.....

  3. #33
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane


    The beautiful woman coming straight at her was far too close, far too quick, for Aοleen to hope fooling her by disappearing. Much to the Mekhet's dismay, her favorite trick would be of no use in those circumstances. Forced to face someone, she braced herself and readied to step and dodge as best she could under the circumstances.

    Hopefully, some window would open itself for fleeing.


  4. #34
    Wolven Pryde's Avatar

    Dillon Connery
    Onward Christian Soldier

    Potency •••••
    Protean • (Down in Elysium)
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good Looks)
    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••
    Adrian Isaacs

    Gnosis ••
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)
    Striking •• (Eccentric)
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Silver Ladder ••
    Sacramento ••


    To keep from wasting Aileen's WP, it needs to be understood that the assailant is acting first in the turn, and that you are spending your action to dodge reflexively before Aileen's turn comes up.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-08-10 06:44:42 NPC baddie rolls 7 to stab Aileen; Strength + Vigor + Weaponry + Spec + Equipment -1 (second atk) -4 (dodge -1) (10 Again, WillPower) 10, 5, 7, 1, 2, 7, 10, 5, 5 2 successes
    2014-08-10 06:42:02 NPC baddie rolls 5 to Slash Aileen; Strength + Vigor + Weaponry + Spec -6 (WP dodge) (10 Again) 6, 8, 6, 4, 3 1 success

    Aileen's nimble maneuvering spares her the worst of the pain, even as treacherous as this foe is. The slash isn't so much telegraphed, but it's impossible not to have some idea where it's coming from. With a flick of the wrist, the beautiful assailant whirls the blade to align with her offhand shoulder, and the swing turns to a backhanded one at the last moment carving an inch deep trench from Aileen's shoulder at a downward angle and ending at the top of her bosom.

    As the Mekhet retreats as quickly as she can to avoid as much damage as possible, the woman continues her momentum forward into a lunge with her empty hand.

    Except, it isn't empty.

    She buries a stiletto dagger into Aileen's abdomen, just beneath the sternum, right up to her thumb on the weapon's hilt. It is as sharp as a razor, so the victim's backpedaling immediately frees the blade. The attacker continues her single-minded advance.

    Two Weapons 3 to attack Aileen twice, foregoing her Defense and spending 1 willpower on the stab. Quick Draw allows her to stage the attack without spending an action to extract the second weapon.

    Dave and Em

    While Aileen attempts to stay out of the reach of of her attacker, David and Emma follow the fading trail of the young mortal's scent back from the direction he came. Without him as their captive to show the way, it's easy for both of them to imagine that they could have been taking a wrong path around the junk and clutter for several seconds only to find a dead end that would force them to double back or climb into the skeletal framework of the open second level.

    David's Auspex scent is invaluable. It allows him to pick the exact route through the-- let's be honest, here-- garbage, and the interior walls that still remain.

    Unless either of you have any actions you want to take, or other ideas, David and Emma will spend the turn continuing toward the destination and source of the collapse until next turn.

  5. #35

    Only one thought keeps running through David's mind as he follows the salty-trail in the air: Aileen. He runs with a turn here, left there, and right around the garbage stack that was piled helter-skelter. Hoping against hope that he would get to her in time.

    David will keep running to the destination.


  6. #36
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma followed David through the warehouse. There were so many odors and so much crap she didn't know how David could keep up with the trail. He must have the nose of a blood hound or something.

  7. #37
    Aileen McFarlane's Avatar

    Aileen McFarlane



    Even though she had never been in such a pinch before, or perhaps because of it, Aοleen's brain was working in overdrive. Obviously, no matter how much she tried to avoid the blades, she would eventually wear down, and succumb. And quite as obviously she couldn't try to hide in front of the Daeva, because she would be slashed regardless of her proficiency with the Shadow Gift. And she couldn't even try and flee because they were in an enclosed space. Her options were slim to none, and she could only think of two. One required bluffing, which was no option, really.

    Left with only one option, no matter how dicey it was, she prepared to keep on avoiding the blades, but also to search for eye-contact, and make it count.

    Between two swirling blades, Aοleen maanged to catch the smirking Daeva's sight, and the Shadow expanded her Will to supplant her attacker's, Commanding her to "Begone" !

  8. #38
    Wolven Pryde's Avatar

    Dillon Connery
    Onward Christian Soldier

    Potency •••••
    Protean • (Down in Elysium)
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good Looks)
    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••
    Adrian Isaacs

    Gnosis ••
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)
    Striking •• (Eccentric)
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Silver Ladder ••
    Sacramento ••


    Mind of the Inscrutable Hydra

    Maybe Aileen fails to line up her gaze with her attacker's for long enough that the Command can take hold. Or, it may simply be that the other woman's resistance is merely too strong. Given the feeling her Beast causes within Aileen behind her Mask of Tranquility? She's probably old enough to know those tricks, and how best to avoid them.

    Or maybe she just got lucky.

    It's looking to be not worth the debate, however, as more urgent matters are at hand. Namely, the whirling, deadly blades bent on dropping the Mekhet long enough for her attacker to retrieve the box she seeks.

    Again, the sword is mostly turned aside. Aileen manages to get clear of the worst of it, taking only another ragged, shallow slash across her ribs and abdomen as the blade comes slinging back from the opposite direction.

    But the woman spins, this time. Continuing all her momentum in the same direction, and abruptly buries the knife into the side of Aileen's neck; right where it meets her skull. The pain is shattering. It almost feels... electrical. Sending spasms out to her every extremity. It doubles, when the sharp blade is ripped free.

    Nearing the edge of the large open space, close to the mouth of where Aileen entered from, the Mekhet is getting weary. She does not stumble, but things are becoming more difficult to her to make sense of. Particularly confusing, is the look on her villain's face. Which looks positively... lustful.

      Command Resisted; 5L
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-08-15 03:19:27 NPC baddie rolls 7 to stab Aileen; Strength + Vigor + Weaponry + Spec + Equipment -1 (second atk) -1 (DEF -1) (10 Again) 10, 2, 8, 5, 2, 8, 7, 8 4 successes
    2014-08-15 03:18:22 NPC baddie rolls 11 to slash Aileen; Strength + Vigor + Weaponry + Spec + Equipment + Vitae -2 (DEF) (10 Again) 5, 7, 5, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 4, 2, 7 1 success
    2014-08-15 03:09:10 NPC baddie rolls 11 to resist Aileen's Command;Resolve + Composure + Blood Potency (10 Again, WillPower) 7, 7, 10, 7, 10, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 10, 6, 3, 7 4 successes

    Aileen heals 1L and takes 5L more as the attacker follows her retreat and again drops her Defense to attack twice. Aileen is at 7L, and takes -2 to following actions due to wound penalties.
    David and Emma

    As they scramble closer, the funeral employees begin to hear the sounds of struggling. The scuffling of feet, the grunts of effort, they both clearly hear Aileen's attempted Command, and may assume its failure as the sounds of violence continue. Then suddenly, they're at a halt. A stack of heavy steel pipes had been propped so that when a nylon strap was pulled on the mortal man's way back out, they collapsed against the door that is apparently the vampire's only means of progress on the ground. It was a careful bottleneck. All other ways forward in the building are blocked by heavy, ruined machinery, another steel cargo container, or stacks of rotten freight pallets.

    Not all of the pipes made it to their intended destination, naturally. Many are strewn about the floor in the haphazard disarray of collapse. But there are enough resting against the door, which must pull open, that it may take several moments to clear. It is either that, search for a ladder or stairs to the more open second level, or start climbing.

    For the sake of simplicity, we will treat clearing the door as an extended Strength + Stamina action, where the character attempting to clear must accumulate 8 total successes to get to a point where the door is operable. Assistance must come in the form of a Teamwork roll. Indeed, without teamwork, the task takes a -2 penalty for the unwieldy size of the objects in question. It is permitted to be extended, rather than a single lift and move (WoD Core pg47), because the obstruction is not a single object.

    Alternately, the door has a Durability of 2 and a structure of 7, if either of you wishes to attack it directly.

  9. #39

    “Can you fly? Shred the Door?” David asks Emma uncertain if she could do either of these things, but it stands to reason given Emma's position in the Domain. The Shadow places his hopes in Emma to get there faster than David ever could.

    David delays his action till after Emma


  10. #40
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma tried to decide the best form to get things done. She opts for the mountain lion, fast and deadly. Hopefully able to shred the door as requested. "Turn your back and hide me from sight. I will answers questions with one paw tap for yes and two for no." Emma requests. Once his back is turned she morphs into a mountain lion. Ready to spring into action. Next action round she will get to the door.

    what do i roll in lion form for attacking door? Reg strength is a 2 and stamina a 4. not sure what to add for lion form.

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