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Meeting Vaeltia

  1. #1
    Cayce's Avatar

    Bai Hu stood across the street from the Circle of Creation, staring up at the massive Gothic towers that flanked the building's entrance. Bai had arrived twenty minutes earlier, giving herself time to get a feel for the area and clear her head before her meeting with Vaeltia , but she found the goliath of a building hard to ignore. She had parked several blocks away and traveled the rest on foot, gaze watchful as she passed through the neighborhood around the Circle, but when she finally stood before the building she couldn't help but to admire it. This was a good meeting place; the magnificent building was a fitting symbol for the things that people could accomplish and create when they weren't busy killing each other, and it put Bai more at ease.

    She alternated between people watching and studying the building until it was five until 8 and then she crossed the street. Bai paced up the steps and stood a few yards away from the building's entrance, her back to the stone. She was dressed in black paratrooper pants and tennis shoes, with a leather jacket over a tank top. Her browning pistol was holstered behind her right hip, hidden by the waistband of her jeans and the hem of her jacket.

  2. #2
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    The white harley was in the parking lot the entire time. And at precisely eight pm the door to the cathedral opened. Vaeltia’s hair was loose around her face and her red tank top was covered by a white leather jacket. She also wore jeans and shoes that would be obvious “cop” shoes to anyone who had been arrested a few times. There were no visible weapons, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there.

    She stepped out onto the stairs and looked at the woman.

    Hello, I’m Vae, You must be Bai Hu then?” she said with a hand outstretched in greeting.
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  3. #3
    Cayce's Avatar

    "I would have to say yes," Bai agreed with a nod. She stepped away from the building and strolled over to Vae, taking the proffered hand. "It's good to meet you, ma'am," she said, giving a firm shake and then letting the Obrimos' hand go.

    "I have to say, I admire you're choice of meeting places. It's definitely more impressive than a lot of the gathering spots in 'Cisco. Things are still...bad for us down there."

  4. #4
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    "How is the situation in SanFran? and this is the chapterhouse, do you have a place to stay already?"

    It was odd enough handling a second Arrow from SanFran, but also because the first ( Dash ) refused to speak about the conflict. Not that she honestly cared too much beyond the fact that her order was being persecuted, but it wasn't her Jurisdiction in any sense of the word.
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  5. #5
    Cayce's Avatar

    Bai glanced away and took a slow breath, ordering her thoughts. "Not to sound like a broken record, ma'am, but it's not good," she relayed, looking back. "I'm still a bit green, so I wasn't privy to a lot of information while I was in 'Cisco, but from what I've seen the bounties have cooled and we have a bit of breathing room. Still, I wouldn't call it safe. It reminded me a lot of being overseas, to be honest. The people you're protecting are also the people you have to be on guard against. I can't really deal with that anymore, and I also have family in 'Cisco, so I figured Sacramento would just be a better place for me to be. Safer for them, really." She broke off and shrugged.

    "Don't know if that helps you at all, ma'am, but there it is. Also, since you asked, I don't have a place to stay. Figured I should see how the meeting with you goes before I put down first months rent." She cracked a smile at the last.

  6. #6
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    Perhaps it will be. Thank you though.” she said as she invited the woman into the Circle.

    Upstairs are the dormitories, through this door,” she points behind her at the glass door “Is the gym, and that door that leads downstairs goes into things like the firearms range and the showers and stuff.

    It was relatively light for a tour and she felt little need to walk the entire building. Instead she withdrew a keycard from her back pocket and passed it to the Soldier. “This is your key card, it’ll get you in places, go over to that lock.” she pointed to the door that leads downstairs, “And let it fingerprint and dna print to ensure it’s matched to you, and then you’re free to explore, if you want.
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  7. #7
    Cayce's Avatar

    Bai Hu blinked, and then nodded, taking the card. She had been expecting some sort of test, or vetting process, but the hospitality was more than welcome.

    "Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate the help. I think I'll do alright squaring myself away if you have things to attend to."

  8. #8
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    "Okay, you have my number if you need anything."
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  9. #9
    Cayce's Avatar

    "I do, thank you. Have a good one, ma'am," Bai Hu said in farewell, raising a hand before going to register her card and get settled in.


  10. #10
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    Yes end scene, go have fun
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


Closed Thread

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