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  1. #31
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


    "Well the guy had the mutilated body of one of our former Deacons dropped in his lobby not long after he entered town," Ixidor says, catching on to Gallows' show of support for their frequently sullen Proximus. Though, Ixidor's unfair assumption was not that Cook had been familiar with the city already. He'd pretty much gathered that the man was even newer than they were to the River City. What Ix had taken for granted, was that Jonny Cook knew exactly why he came to town, possibly at the behest of Lux. Or chose it. It now seems that the truth is a little more complicated.

    "Can't get a whole lot weirder than that."

    Yes it can. But for the moment, the statement serves its purpose. Further discussions on the poisoned Hallow can wait.

    "That whole time was a bit of stumbling through the dark for us all. The entire Consilium, but specifically the Silver Ladder." Ix says this for Azure's sake, tilting his head in her direction and animating the statements lightly with his free hand. He's still giving off that vibe that his ass is dragging, but the coffee is beginning to perk him up. Fortunately, Cook didn't spare any expense, and supplied his customers with the good shit. "Getting everyone settled into Cabals really seems to be helping things along. Communication seems to be a little better, at any rate."

    There is a too-neutral-to-be-real look at Gallows following the phrasing of Azure's last sentence. The only feature that violates this facade are the Deacon's eyes, which widen just slightly. All the more noticeable because of the eyeliner...

    As though mentally saying: Oh come on. She's asking for it now. It's totally not my fault.

    "Oh, I can come up with something specific for you to do," Ix attempts with as much innocence as he can muster. Unfortunately, the words 'Ixidor' or 'Adrian Isaacs' and 'Innocent' don't really belong in the same sentence together. "Given enough information and some brainstorming..."

    See? That wasn't as bad as it could have been.

    Clearly going somewhere, though, Ix gives the former Lictor a studying look. Then there is stare up and to the left, a classic tell of memory access, before settling on Azure again. He begins the sentence with a light tap on her knee with a curled finger.
    "What Path do you walk, Azure? I don't remember your mentioning it. And your Shadow Name isn't as big of a hint as the hangman here."

    After nearly ten dry sentences, another deep swig of coffee is required. At least it's cooled down enough to be handled without as much care.
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  2. #32
    Princess's Avatar

    Ok, you threw that one at him. Regroup, thinks Azure, but her blushing is finally apparent through the foundation she now wished she'd used much more of. K, focus on the horrible things that happened, tragic tragedy. Not. Working. Must. Focus.

    Endeavoring not to dwell, or rather, ineffectually reminding herself not to dwell on her high school celebrity crush flirting with her in a fabulous hotel, very suggestively, and playing it off so coolly that all she could think about was....

    Introducing herself. And not dwelling. Or thinking any of the things she was fantasizing about in the back of her mind now. Certainly she was focused. Cool as a vegetable that started with C. And answering the only question she'd been asked. "Acanthus, sir."

    Good. Create distance with the power of dull formality. Brevity. Butch phrasing that will get this conversation over with much, much faster. I should not be thinking about other things, that are not business, and the bare necessities of this conversation. Right here. Right now. Besides, you sort of maybe have a boyfriend now. Or maybe he's just homeless. You're sleeping with a homeless Peter Pan and being hit on by your teenage dreams. Oh, holy fuck is this amazing. Where am I, really? Clearly this is just a very, very long dream, and I'm just being terribly silly not waking up like I should be. But the knee tap. Oh fuck, do I want him to do that again.

    Her expression, of course, was locked into a firm, polite, noncommittal sort of thing by this point. Or so she very desperately hoped it was. It should be totally serene. If it were not, she'd have to have a stern talking to with her face after this. Her naughty, naughty face and brain should be punished for all this. Perhaps spa...

    Leaf. On. The. Wind.

    "Which might yours be, sir, if you don't mind my asking?"

  3. #33
    Gallows's Avatar


    Gallows nodded at Cook's assertion--honestly, he hadn't been sure if Cook owned the Bismarck outright or if it belonged to the Ladder disguised as some corporation. Well, he knew it now. Hopefully this would lead to some sort of relationship with Cook that resembled a partnership more than it did dancing in the dark trying to avoid beartraps.

    "I'm sure we can all find duties around the Consilium that fit our unique talents," Gallows said, raising an eyebrow at Ixidor. Gallows was having to suppress the urge to duck, to keep all the flying innuendos from smacking into his face. He didn't think it was deliberate on the flustered newcomer's part, but Ixidor was definitely not making it easier. He didn't know if he should laugh, sigh, or just shake his head. "I've been meaning to talk to you myself, Ixidor, about what spheres of influence the Ladder might want to begin devoting our resources to."

  4. #34
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


    "Enchanting," Ixidor puns in response to Azure.

    "That's excellent. I myself am Obrimos; a Theurgist." He offers her a little dip of his head that seems to be humble thanks for her asking. Except that any action which would appear humble on another looks like theatric flourish on Adrian Isaacs.

    With a gesture to Gallows, Ix continues.
    "Our former Lictor is Moros. And if I recall correctly, either Silk or Uncarved are Mastigos." Or maybe both? He can't remember. "Which means we have nearly every Path covered in this Order of leaders and mediators.

    "I know that the Consilium doesn't strictly recognize Path Councilors any longer, but that doesn't matter. We are still meeting among each other periodically in that demographic, are we not? It was my intention to call my fellow Mighty together for a visit, but Reverb conveniently beat me to it.

    "We can take this as another opportunity to extend our networking. I want each of us to be that connection.

    "This is the Vox Draconis. We don't need a literal title in order to act as Councilors. Perform the service with respect and intelligence, and others will remember you for it."

    Ixidor punctuates that with a wink. Cabals are one way to offer an olive branch to members of other Orders as well as apostates. This is another.

    Sliding right into Gallows' next item, the Deacon nods. It is another thing that has to be reassessed since the days of Lux, Denizen, and Jack Storm.
    "I've always gravitated toward the entertainment industry, naturally, but we can't forget the news media and the body of law. Influence there will ensure that we can uphold the Lex Magica, not just with less interference from Sleeper society, but even with its assistance."
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  5. #35
    Mage ST's Avatar

    Jonathan sighed before moving off to the side of the conversation, and an area that was probably placed there just so he could keep up his wine habit. He refilled the glass with a red and shuffled slowly back, the blue beads in his hair managing to shine just a bit brighter.

    Finance and business are my specialties, if anyone was wondering.” There were other things, but when people don’t ask, they don’t get answers.
    This is a generic account for moderating the Mage game/forums. It cannot receive messages and inquiries should be posted on your character sheet or messaged to the specific Mage ST(s).

  6. #36
    Princess's Avatar

    Azure chimes in, "I'm a writer. Mostly fiction and satire, but I also have solid contacts with local media. If there is anywhere there I can be of help, please let me know. Or if there are any other areas of influence we might be helped by as an order, or consilium? I'd love to help in any way I can with, uh, networking. Would you like me to use my News contacts to open up our door into legislative issues?" She maintained a deadly serious expression, if by deadly, one meant a cutely pseudo-gregarious interpretation of business-like formality, to move past her still unresolved tension at Ixidor's remarks. The anxious undertones were hardly relevant at all, of course, as her blushing had begun to fade.

    And perhaps, maybe, just a little bit, she subconsciously adjusted her seat and ended up just a hair closer to him. Entirely coincidental, of course. It just sort of happened that the knee he'd put his hand on before was now closer to him. This was happenstantial, coincidental, and in all other ways not intentional on her part. But it definitely happened, while it was certainly not her fault at all. Her opposite side hand went to her knee on its same side, and gently brushed it, a minor and inconsequential release of tension that only slightly had to do with the thoughts that wouldn't leave her alone.

    "And, uh, I would appreciate more specific information about which cabals I might be able to work well with, if that would not be too much trouble?"

  7. #37
    Gallows's Avatar


    Gallows bit back his own sigh at Cook--the man could be a bit of a drama queen sometimes. The only reason the comment had been directed at Ixidor was because Ixidor was Deacon. It was appropriate to go to the Deacon before going to anyone else about potential policy changes for the Ladder as a whole. But no, apparently Cook was miffed that Gallows hadn't gone immediately to him. Gallows had been hoping to use his skills as a diplomat more, but somehow had imagined that he would be using them more amongst others in the Consilium, and less with his own Order and Cabal.

    "I can definitely see how all three of those would have their uses," Gallows said. "Entertainment has always been a great way to shape public opinion, and writing newspaper columns or even fiction can do wonders there as well." He turned and nodded to Cook. "In addition to managing the Ladder's resources and helping them to grow, I imagine that keeping an eye on the business world could also make us more aware of the movements of our adversaries. The Seers like to influence those sorts of groups too, from what I understand." Gallows stretched a bit--the furniture here was too comfortable for its own good.

    "As for myself, I work as a medical examiner, so I have some connections in law enforcement and the medical community. I'm not exactly a huge influence, but I can get my hands on some information when I need to."

    Taking a glance at Azure, Gallows had to try hard to resist shaking his head. There was so much tension there that it was becoming distracting. Time to play wingman and get it out of the way.

    "You know, I don't know much about finances, but I think I know even less about entertainment and writing," said Gallows, shaking his head. "It sounds like your talents there might work well in synergy," he said, nodding to Azure and Ixidor. "You two should probably meet up later on to figure out how to handle that aspect of the Ladder's business between the two of you, I imagine that could be very productive." Gallows managed somehow to say all of this with an entirely straight face. It was not easy.

  8. #38
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


    So Gallows is an ME... Ix can't remember having heard that before. Either that, or he wasn't quite as specific about it during any of their prior meetings. Either way, it's a handy piece of information to have. He nods thoughtfully at that.

    "That's excellent, and I'm glad you're thinking in terms of interrupting Seer agendas in addition to obscuring our own from Sleepers. Both are vital.

    "And I was wondering,"
    the Deacon comments to Cook, aiming squarely for the chip on his shoulder. "I can't say I'm surprised," one finger points up in a circular fashion, to indicate the Bismarck in general, and its obvious prosperity, "but it's good to have you confirm it."

    After another sip of coffee, Ixidor is nearly feeling perky. Adding in Cook's direction with a casual tap of the air,
    "Actually, do me a favor, at your convenience. Keep your eyes open for any other business opportunities the Ladder can add under its belt. I was thinking about acquiring the recording studio where I'm supposed to be cutting an album, as there are quite a few musically inclined among our number; in addition to the previously mentioned advantages among the entertainment and media circles." The rocker's lower lip draws between his teeth before he finishes his thought. "But you never know what other ventures that there are available right now that we can make use of. I want us expanding our footprint on this city in every way we can, while we have the manpower to do it."

    Last but not least, there is the situation with Azure, which is growing more interesting by the second. Ix narrows his eyes at Gallows only briefly, unable to figure what angle the hangman is driving at. One moment, he seems ready to reach over and conk his Deacon over the head. Now it's like the guy is slipping a handful of rubbers into his pocket and patting him on the back.

    "Hey, that's perfect." Whether he means Azure's assessment of her fields, or Gallows' suggestion, or both, Ixidor doesn't bother to clarify. "It would be wise to corroborate more closely, and be sure that we're covering our bases, and not tripping over any unnecessary redundancy."

    For what it's worth, he is absolutely sincere in that...

    "We should put our heads together sometime soon."

    ...But it's almost shocking that he managed to say heads there, rather than hips.
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  9. #39
    Princess's Avatar

    "Of course, sir," Azure says, though her gaze is down to the floor, and it's not apparent at all who should be on the receiving end of that remark.

    She continues, "Coordination is important. As is efficiency. So when and where do I come in?"

    Oh my fucking god. I just said 'when and where do I come' in a sentence. Oh god. Oh fuck. Stop. Talking. Right. Now.

    Her left hand slaps down on her knee, as though the sound might banish the tension and awkwardness out of the room like a startled cat. Her expression is frozen in a slightly awkward smile, eyes away from anyone, as her brain fumbles for what she should say next.

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