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(1305) Library Galleria

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  1. #61
    Miach's Avatar



    Coming back from his talk with the Hierarch, Miach looked around to see what the people he was looking for were doing. They were all already engaged in talks of their own, as expected, and so he would have to chime in. On a whim, his choice went to the group in which his Cabalmate and Reverb were, and he joined them.

  2. #62

    Mr. Rossi watches if any other person is coming.

  3. #63

    After breaking from the torrent of greetings and salutations erupting around Toren, Hachiman glanced around for a minute to let his gaze settle on the faces of the men and women around him, looking for a particular face. He had met one of the Adamantine Arrows, albeit briefly, at the Free Council headquarters, and he had hoped to continue a conversation with the woman. Vaeltia, Idun had named her. He had wanted to introduce his services to that Order and see about contributing more to the Consilium and the Mage community. Unfortunately, she was the only member he had met and what better place to discuss the matter than at an event such as this.

    Finally, his eyes rested on the policewoman's visage amidst a group of other men. He ventured toward them.

    Hachiman enters this thread

  4. #64
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


    Quite possibly on the cusp of being late, the Deacon of the Silver Ladder swaggers onto the scene. He's wearing a tried and trusty striped suit, one that Mages in this town have seen him don on more than one occasion.

    Well, those who have seen him on more than one occasion in the first place, that is.

    It isn't quite a tux. And Ix doesn't quite give a shit.

    The usual collage of silver trinkets are all there as well. Earrings, at least three necklaces, a few bracelets, a ring on each finger. Two wide, black leather cuffs around his wrists render it impossible for him to button his sleeves, and so they had been carefully, and artfully turned back a few inches. No dress shoes either. Just a pair of sleek boots of an indeterminate style. Too heavy to be cowboy boots... too snazzy to be biker boots...

    Tattooed hands are in pockets, when one of them isn't being lifted for a casual and inconspicuous wave to the other other willworkers he's acquainted with.

    Ixidor doesn't single out anyone for conversation, just yet. The rocker is content to browse the buffet for a few moments. Not surprisingly, however, his eyes and his smile linger on Bell longer than anyone else.

      Precast vision; 2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-05-13 11:14:18 Ixidor rolls 7 to cast Supernal Vision pre-scene; Gnosis + Prime + HS +1 tool (10 Again) 9, 5, 6, 8, 6, 4, 6 2 successes
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  5. #65

    Mr. Rossi watches the Awakened filing in, signing and filing in.

    He looks at the small group of folks assembled near Toren, he then watches Ixidor joining the fray. The Moros reaches the Obrimos, clears his throath and with a pleasant smile and the sleekest modes.

    -"Ahem, Sir, pleased to meet you"-
    -Hope you guess my name-
    -"Could I ask you a small favour?"-
    -but what's puzzling you-
    -"Please could you sign the guest book?""-
    -Is the nature of my game-
    -"Thank you for your attention."-

    And with a quick nod, he slightly bow to the Rockstar.

  6. #66
    Key's Avatar

    This event is closed to new entrants
    "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep.
    Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to.
    He says that only a few people are awake,
    and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

  7. #67

    Kiko's stand off and aloofness seemed a paradox to her usual cheerful and social demeanor. She simply watched people curiously, not a look of scrutiny by any stretch of the imagination, but curiousness as she would occasionally fidget with the hem of her uniform skirt as she nibbled the small plate of food she'd obtained earlier.

    "The hell is wrong with me tonight?" she softly spoke the question in her native language. For whatever the reason she felt as if her heckles were raised as her soul slightly growled in annoyance as to the question she had posed to herself.

    Something was bothering her..

  8. #68
    Toren's Avatar


    Presence •
    Status •• (Academics)
    Mysterium Status ••
    Consilum Status •


    Toren heads away from the two Awakened he had been speaking with, on route to the main stage. Seeing Kiko standing alone seemed odd to him. His Cabalmate was normally so cheerful and friendly. Though he supposed he usually only acted that way around her Cabalmates since there was that element of trust between them.

    Stopping alongside Kiko, Toren greets the Thrysus with a smile and rests his fingers gently against her shoulder, only to indicate his presence before retracting them. "Kiko, everything alright? You look so serious by yourself here," he says with more cheer than concern. "I'm about to head up to the main stage. As part of the hosts, would you like to join me?" Toren had intended to simply address the Consilium by himself, at least for the introductory portion. But having a Cabalmate and fellow Order member by him would be a comfort.
    Oblations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    [Moros Meeting] Active Spells: Ward, Speak With The Dead, Grim Sight | WP: 5/9 | Health 8/8 | Mana 9/9 | Def: 2
    [Library Galleria] Active Spells: Supernal Vision, Unseen Aegis | WP: 5/9 | Health 8/8 | Mana 7/7 | Def: 2

  9. #69
    Mage ST's Avatar

    Bell sat quietly, her headphones plugged into the iPod in her back pocket. As she looked around the room and with the slightest of flicking gestures sent Volos over to the buffet table before pulling out her music device and shifting through the songs.

    She noticed Ixidor ’s glance and smile and returned it with a brilliant white line of her own.

    And with Volos gone, she was free from who too many people had started assuming was her boy friend.
    This is a generic account for moderating the Mage game/forums. It cannot receive messages and inquiries should be posted on your character sheet or messaged to the specific Mage ST(s).

  10. #70

    Hachiman entered back into the main host of Mages, eyeing the embellished decor and gallant interior of the library as he delibrately strode up and down the tables so as to enjoy the atmosphere. Although he had never been known for being the most social of people amongst his small circle of Sleepers, he certainly enjoyed being at events like these.

    He was able to put together a small plate of food from the buffet and find an empty table close to the main stage, noticing Toren again who had been speaking to a woman of Asian decent. He also noted Bell, the girl from The Rage at the time he met Jammer. She was, after all, difficult not to note. After tearing his eyes away from her, he sat back and let his mind wander.

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