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Solace of the Mind (OPEN)

51 - 60
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  1. #51
    Angel of Darkness

    Dash spit blood onto the ground as he fell to his knees. Small trails of blood flowed from his ears as paradox ripped at him. The dancer felt almost as nauseous as he felt ashamed. He'd made mistake after mistake. Dropping his defense, running into what apparently was a shooting range. The paradox was a calculated risk, just like the many concussions he'd sustained when he'd attempted a difficult maneuver while free running and failed. The arrow hurt, but just served as a physical representation of his failures.

    His nimbus flowed around him like a second layer of skin. A constantly changing primordial ooze of color, a living lava lamp. Never still, never stopping, never the same. With bloodshot eyes he looked for the point of origin for the arrow, prepared to roll out of the way if he needed too.

  2. #52
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    Vaeltia took a slight step back as she felt the chimes in her ears and the explosion of technicolor.

    TALON! What Are You Doing?” her eyes snapped over to where Weavebreaker ‘s voice came from. “Weavebreaker, get a first aid kit, NOW!.

    Who the fuck stops running in the middle of an archery line?
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  3. #53
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    "Shit..." Weavebreaker couldn't believe what she saw but Vae's voice snapped her into action as she hauled ass to comply with the request.

    Weavebreaker runs off for the First Aid Kit.
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

  4. #54
    Angel of Darkness

    Dash grimaced, more at Vae's voice than the pain he was in. He used his good arm to help push himself to his feet.

    "Teaching a lesson on time, and um, demonstrating what not to do." He managed a weak, smile. Using his good arm he started to pull up the bottom of his tank top and wipe away the blood from his ears.

  5. #55
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    Well you’re doing a good job of it.” she said as she knelt beside the shot and paradox ridden Mage.

    Why didn’t you let it fly? I’m sure Weave here could have dispelled whatever you were going to blow.” She managed to keep excess rage on the inside but began to check over his arm where the arrow was still lodged.

    Also you’re a Fucking Idiot, Talon. What the Fuck were you thinking walking onto a range without advanced notice?” She was intending to beat him black and blue. But first the bleeding.

    On the upside these particular arowheads came out of the body a little easier... With a slight twist and a pull she plucked the arrow from his body.

    Weavebreaker , you can apply a bandaid right?

    If she didn’t know how to deal with something like that, Vaeltia might just have to swallow some pride.
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  6. #56
    Angel of Darkness

    As the arrow is removed Dash grunts with pain, but manages not to show much more than that.

    Dash raises an eyebrow at Vae as he looks over her shoulder, and not seeing Weavebreaker returning with the first aid kit.

    "It sure seems like my time pupil is taking her sweet time." The dancer manages to chuckle.

    "The range wasn't in use a few minutes ago, and I needed space for my demonstration. If I hadn't stopped to yell at Weave, there's no way in hell you coulda hit me with an arrow. On purpose or accident." He winks at the woman, giving her a friendly smile.

    Then he examines his arm and mutters.

    "I gotta learn how to heal myself."

  7. #57
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    Put pressure on this.” she said as she pressed a wad of cloth into the wound. “I’ll go check on Weave, that girl better not have run off again.

    It was one thing to disappear during a tour, it was a different thing entirely to disappear when members of your order needed you.

    She found the first aid kit and brought it back with no signs of Weave anywhere.

    Looks like she’s gone.” She began to fix Dash’s arm.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-05-02 07:50:06 Vaeltia rolls 6 to please don't make it worse (10 Again) 5, 3, 10, 5, 8, 8, 1 3 successes

    Look before you leap next time, and I can’t heal you, you’ll have to wait it out or talk to Animus...I wouldn’t suggest the Medstars or the Free Council at this point, neither of them are very stable.
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  8. #58
    Angel of Darkness

    The Acanthus chuckles to hide the grunt of pain as the bandage is applied.

    "Awww, leaping into the unkown is half the fun... then again getting shot isn't." The Arrow seems unphased by the fact that Weavebreaker had dissappeared on him.

    "Taking off when shit goes south, that's the kind of behavior I expect outta people." He checks out the bandaging that the First Talon managed, once she finishes.

    "I've survived worse. One time Brass shot me and made me heal on my own, to remind me of my weaknesses, this'll be forgotten in a week." He holds the damaged wing toward Vae "It might heal faster if you kissed my booboo and made it better." The Dancer gave her a big cheesy grin, he'll probably be cracking jokes on his death bed.

  9. #59
    Vae's Avatar
    Presence ●●●● (Fiery)
    Striking Looks ●● (Fierce)
    Arrow ●●
    Consillium ●●
    Culture ●
    Police ●
    Mana: Full
    WP: -2
    Adamantine Arrow, ObrimosSentinel

    Status (Culture) •
    Status (Emergency Services) • [Officer Gideon]


    Vaeltia gave the Acanthus a look of boredom and annoyance. “I will shoot you with a hunting arrow if you ask something stupid like that again, Talon.

    She stood and walked away from him, “Go find your student.” The First Talon drew the bow and the arrow she had just pulled from Dash with a smooth motion the arrow flew and hit just shy of the center ring.

    Maybe next time we’ll see how fast you can run, but we’ll wait until you’re rested.

    That sort of training was still on the queue, wether people knew it or not.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2013-05-02 21:09:35 Vaeltia rolls 6 to just shooting a bow (10 Again) 8, 7, 9, 9, 4, 9 4 successes
    Speaking {0FAF0B} || Thinking {8340A8}


  10. #60
    Angel of Darkness

    The Talon sighs, rolling his eyes.

    "Well if that's what it takes to steal a kiss from the First Talon." The dancer smirks and scurries off.

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