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Bloodhunt: Hunters Hunted

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  1. #31
    Premsyl's Avatar

    Now inside the building Arnold looks around, trying to get his bearings and find some sign of the mysterious archer.

    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  2. #32
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    No problem with Arnold having the Auspex now.

    Arnold hears the clatter and the swearing at the back of the building. He also hears what sounds like a motorcycle speeding off.

  3. #33
    Premsyl's Avatar

    Arnold makes a bee line for the sounds he hears in the back of the building, not bothering to be quiet himself. Anything in his way is carelessly tossed aside in his pursuit.
    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  4. #34
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    Heading toward the back, Arnold finds one window where the plywood looks to have been removed, then loosely replaced. As he rushes to the window, his enhanced senses note note footprints in the dust, and some dust still floating in the air from the dusty floor and the cobwebs by the window having been disturbed. It appears someone came in through the window, walked a few feet in and looked around, and then went back out the window, probably no more than a few minutes ago given the dust motes still floating about.

    Arnold rushes to the window and tosses the plywood aside. Down below, he sees Sofia, her motorcycle on its side against the far wall of the alley among some garbage cans, both tires shredded. She is standing, but one leg appears hurt, and she is holding a knife raised as if to throw while looking down the alleyway and still muttering curses in Spanish. He sees several small, spiked balls - caltrops - sticking out of her injured leg, others in her tire and stuck in the arm of her jacket, and lots more scattered on the ground in the alleyway. He hears the sound of another motorcycle receding in the distance, and can see its exhaust floating in the air.

    He also notices a sturdy nylon rope, of the sort used by sport climbers, hanging down from above, almost to the alley surface. He can reach through the window and grab it if he so chooses.

    Roxie is up

  5. #35
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    Moving things forward, as Benji has not posted for a bit. Presumably Roxie is withholding her action.

    Jessi slams her body into the sturdy, barred, back door of the building, shs smashes through bar and door alike. Her momentum carries her out into the alleyway, where she immediately steps on one of the devices that has disabled her friend's motorcycle.

    "Fuckin' shit!" she yells, lifting her injured foot. "Sofia, you alright?"

    "Better than my bike," Sofia grumbles. "He's way gone," she adds, pointing with her raised knife down the alleyway.

    Michael is up

  6. #36
    Thistle's Avatar

    "Did you see who it was?" Michael asked, she'd obviously gotten a good enough look to assume to was a man.

  7. #37
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    "Big, muscular guy with a ponytail and a beard, had a quiver of arrows and a bunch of knives and guns and other weapons. I didn't get a good look at his face, but he had a lot of tats on his arms," Sofia says, pulling the caltrops out of her leg. "Nice bike. Some sort of custom thing."

  8. #38
    DaevaDude's Avatar


    The vampires gather together in the alleyway, by which point their attacker is nowhere to be seen.

    Sofia asks Arnold if he might help arrange for her bike to be transported somewhere, as both its tires were shredded by the caltrops and it has suffered some other mild damage in the crash. Arnold has Gary take care of that, and as the day approaches, the vampires head off to Haven away the daytime hours.

    Scene end.

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