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Meeting at the Apple Orchard

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  1. #31
    Ariadne's Avatar

    Mastigos Guardian

    SL 2 (Red Hair, Blue eyes)
    Pres 3 (Diplomatic)
    Consilium: **
    Path: **
    Guardians of the Veil: ***

    Under Control: McEl Mis/MS(5 armor, 4 suxx), SuperVis(1 suxx), CreativeThaum@Leo, SpatAwar(Ari,Maich-3suxx) -H: rB,/6, W: 2/6, M: 1/13:4, TPC 1/4 remaining Pledge+2subt
    Consilium: Mis/HS(3 suxx)
    Down by the riber: H: /8, W: 6/6, M: 13/13:4 Misc/MS(Cloaked-3 suxx), Third Eye (cloaked-3 suxx)


    "So aside from the other Cabals that are forming. What would each of you want from a Cabal? I was trained in one but never part of it. Then I was part of Vigilant and that fell apart."

    Blue eyes move between the gathered mages.

  2. #32


    Halo grinned at Ixidor's suggestion. It would be hilarious if it weren't for the vast multitude of problems it would cause. He listened to the others before adding his own thoughts to the discussion about Cabals.

    "Well, I'm not exactly a fighter either, although I'm a good shot if it ever comes to that." No need to spell out his occupation. "I guess I'm looking for a group of people I can work with and trust to put the needs of the team above their own personal interests. I can get computers to do most things, and I can get into most places if I need to." He shrugged. "Investigation, data recovery, secrecy, team work."

  3. #33
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    Noctina smiled at Halo and Ixidor as she simply pulled a knife from no where and started twirling it, it was very old, looked rusted and the handle was made of bone.

    "I can handle myself against the average joe with a score to settle, with the right knowledge I can even bring it to a gun fight" She said with a shrug before quickly returning the knife to where ever it normally hid on her body.

    "As far as what I am looking for, I gather information and acquire relics, not always the most legal of enterprises. I am looking for those that can use my skills and are willing to aid as well." Noctina said calmly before skulling her drink and pouring herself another cup.
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  4. #34
    Princess's Avatar

    "I am not as graceful as some of you, but I can certainly aid in such endeavors. It's almost a given for a Moros to be capable of some assistance in sneaking around, and I can provide some emergency care if someone is hurt. And I have all the legal paperwork taken care of for concealed carry. Were there any immediate objectives in mind for this, hmm, reconnaissance effort?"

  5. #35
    Ariadne's Avatar

    Mastigos Guardian

    SL 2 (Red Hair, Blue eyes)
    Pres 3 (Diplomatic)
    Consilium: **
    Path: **
    Guardians of the Veil: ***

    Under Control: McEl Mis/MS(5 armor, 4 suxx), SuperVis(1 suxx), CreativeThaum@Leo, SpatAwar(Ari,Maich-3suxx) -H: rB,/6, W: 2/6, M: 1/13:4, TPC 1/4 remaining Pledge+2subt
    Consilium: Mis/HS(3 suxx)
    Down by the riber: H: /8, W: 6/6, M: 13/13:4 Misc/MS(Cloaked-3 suxx), Third Eye (cloaked-3 suxx)


    "Finding threats before they affect the community. This city has a problem of being caught with its pants down."

    Ariadne give some time for any giggles.

    "I'd rather that doesn't happen again. And besides I'm sure our allies could benefit from other investigations as well."

  6. #36
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    "Yeah but I have had some pretty wild nights start by getting caught with my pants down..." Noctina casually mumbles to herself although it would be loud enough for anyone else to hear her that payed attention.

    "Jokes aside I pretty much agree with Ariadne on this, Also I think it would be good to build a group of contacts in various areas where we can monitor things and keep and eye out for unusual occurrences." She said before taking a large drink of the bubbly wine before topping up her glass.
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  7. #37
    Ixidor's Avatar

    Gnosis ••
    Adrian Isaacs


    "I very rarely get caught with my pants down..." Ixidor drawls dryly, wearing that sort of eyes-half-closed smile you'd expect from a cat that just got asked if it saw where the canary went. Clearly he seems to mean that when his ass is showing, it's for anyone and everyone to see.

    Maybe he just took that too literally.

    "I can agree with the general sentiment, though."
    Though he never looks too serious, the rocker's tone is thoughtful. As Noctina and Ariadne's words turn away from humor, so does his. "I've gotten the feeling that the whole atmosphere has been very reactive rather than proactive.

    "Maybe that's because of how easily distracted by our own personal pursuits many willworkers are, I dunno."

    Ix takes a pass on the combat discussion. Though he's never done more than duke things out someone on a mundane level, it's hard to say you aren't interested in throwing down as a mage when you can command the very Forces of the world around you, reshaping the flow of energy through the Lie as you see fit.
    "I got a PhD in Bullshit, and a Masters in Procrastinology..."

    Adrian "Ixidor" Isaacs
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Striking Looks •• (Eccentric)
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)

  8. #38
    linkrulesx10's Avatar

    Noctina quirks an eyebrow as a twinkle flashes across her face as she grins at Ixidor.

    "Oh? Is it always deliberate?" She asks with a tone of amusement dancing across her words.

    "Easily Distracted, no clear distinctions of what roles people had until recently with the cabal thing and even with some of the roles cabals will be taking I dunno how well it will all fit in. Do we need every doctor in 1 cabal? Point aside I want to make an impact here in my own way and maybe some of you will be willing to help with that." Noctina said a small fire in her otherwise casual words.
    Thyrsus Mystagogue
    Presence: 3 (Animalistic)

  9. #39

    "Yeah, sounds good. I'm used to working behind the scenes to stop threats before they really get going. Running around trying to catch up after the fact is much less fun." He lingered on the word 'fun'.

    It seemed like a good group, although he didn't really know any of them yet. Still, if Ariadne was okay with being in the same Cabal it would mean having someone he could almost certainly trust backing him up.

    "I've a few contacts who've proven useful. I should probably put some time into developing them more, but if you have technological issues I can usually find a solution."

  10. #40
    Princess's Avatar

    "Proactive Intelligence sounds like an excellent goal. And it seems we all agree we'd like to be part of it. Shall we have a toast?" Kim suggests, smiling as she looks around the gathered magi.

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