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(Bobby Lau) Trespassers May Be Stabbed...

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  1. #31
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Behind Bobby Lau, Dillon is already imagining the proper spot on the man's back to hit his heart. It's a little trickier from the back... You have not only ribs to miss, but a spine and shoulder blade as well.

    Unless he just punched straight through bone and sinew without any thought to finesse.

    Kind of harsh, but at least it doesn't make the sort of mess a fresh corpse does. What with the bleeding and defecation and all.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  2. #32
    Conner Greyson

    Conner rises out of his chair and makes his way over to the man. A stake seemingly spawns out of nowhere as Conner looks to the seated Bobby Lau.

    "Mister Lau, you have been Weighed, and Measured... and found Lacking." Conner delivers a well placed stake directly into the chest of the Mekhet. There is no wasted movement just a flash of his right hand, and sick wet sound as the stake enters the man's chest and pierces his heart. Conner, as priscus of Shadows did not take pleasure in the staking of one of his family. But the man had broken the law. And through that, he must be punished. Bloodhunting, Final Death, Amarath. All are possibilities. Torpering... this is merciful.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2012-06-16 12:34:17 Conner Greyson rolls 16 to Staking-3 to called shot (10 Again, WillPower) 10, 9, 1, 7, 9, 5, 6, 7, 7, 5, 1, 3, 7, 10, 10, 6, 10, 5, 10, 7, 10, 1 8 successes

  3. #33
    Ariana Donovan

    Ariana heard the final words of Bobby. He may have been an asset to the Domain if he knew enough to present himself in more ways than one. The Lordess did not typically like violence, yet when Conner made the action in one clean shot, she could not help but be a little proud. The Reeve and Deputy before her were a credit to the Domain, more than some may ever know.

    Her eyes lingered on the staked man for a moment. When she looked up to both Conner and Dillon gave them a nod. Knowing they were fully capable of what was next in regards to the Shadow.

    The Lordess addressed the issue of the women to which the topored Shadow spoke. “This Gangrel Mr. Lau mentioned, do we know anything more about this individual?” Ariana could not recall if she had come up in conversation between Conner and herself. She did not have the memory as the pristine Shadow did.

  4. #34
    Wolven Pryde's Avatar

    Dillon Connery
    Onward Christian Soldier

    Potency •••••
    Protean • (Down in Elysium)
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good Looks)
    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••
    Adrian Isaacs

    Gnosis ••
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)
    Striking •• (Eccentric)
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Silver Ladder ••
    Sacramento ••


    Bobby's jaw clenches to prepare for what is coming, but otherwise he doesn't move. When the wooden shaft slams through his muscle and bone, the whole rib cage supporting it fractures and collapses. The heart is impailed. The strike itself would have likely put the weakened Kindred into Torpor, but the masterful aim of the Reeve ensures that the stake will keep him there.

    His blush having faded, one might have said that Bobby Lau looked like a corpse beforehand. Now, though, there is no personality to his features. He lacks any semblance of a sentient creature. The body in the chair is a foul stain on the relatively civilized backdrop of the room.

    If Conner had hit much harder, Bobby may have began crumbling to ash by now. The combined punching power of Brenn Lawrence and David Silver already left him fractured.

  5. #35
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Hearing the crunch of multiple bones and systems of support from the poacher's chest, Dillon reaches out and snatches the man's denim shirt collar in an iron grip. It's probably all that keeps the body from collapsing into an ugly, mishapen heap on the floor.

    The Gangrel bites his tongue to keep from congratulating his boss on the shot. That might be bad form.

    Looking up to answer Ariana's question, Dillon nods respectively. "Miss Madison Carothers presented herself to Herald Villiers during a very busy night in Elysium, several months ago. The same night Archon Twist put down that fellow who was shouting profanities at the Keeper. She claimed to be an Invictus Groom, and that she wished to meet with me as her Priscus at a later date, but I never heard from her again.

    "I'm not sure who else she had contact with other than Herald Villiers, but Doctor Swift asked me about her when she didn't show up for the next Clan Meeting. He may have spoken to her."

    After speaking, Dillon's eyes glance up and left in thought. He's pretty sure there's only been one Formal Court since Madison's arrival, so she should still technically be Acknowledged. He wonders if she might show up at the next one.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  6. #36
    Conner Greyson

    "I remember her, She had asked about tenancy and shortly there after disappeared. She was fairly particular about the area of Florin she wanted tenancy in. So that will be the first place to start."

    Conner looked to Bobby and had a flash back to a duty that was performed some time ago. Clean up detail for his majesty. Conner will tend to that duty again himself.

    "Thank you for your assistance in this matter Deputy Connery, I will handle this matter personally." Conner stated. "Including him..." Conner says shifting his gaze for a moment to Bobby.

  7. #37
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    "Yes sir," Dillon nods without hesitation. "Is there anything else I can assist either Regent of Florin, this evening?" Technically, he's asking as a offer to serve the purview of any of the other two Kindred's titles and duties, but this seems the least verbally cumbersome way to address them both.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  8. #38
    Ariana Donovan

    “Yes, Mr. Eric Drag.” How Ariana could ever forget that night would only be by powers of blood.

    Her eyes lifted as the Shadow mentioned something about Tenancy. “The Elk Grove area I believe you mentioned.” Ariana added what she vaguely recalled.

    “Thank you as well Deputy Connery.” She smiled to him gratefully. “I do not need anything more this evening. Unless there is something I can assist either of you with?” The Lordess only offered in case there was more than what the situation entailed.

  9. #39
    Conner Greyson

    "I will tend to this investigation personally. I will handle that as well..." Conner says and looks to the corpse.

    "Thank you Deputy Connery, your assistance in this matter is appreciated." Conner states.

    End Scene?

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