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Continuing the Search

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  1. #11
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    The voice becomes suspicious and even more aggressive. <<Go the way you came. This is ours.>>

    Correct. The net modifier is -2.

  2. #12
    Majunior's Avatar

    And away we go...

  3. #13
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow

    As Alex begins to cross, he notices that the two spirits are both fading out as well.

    Two can play that game

    Perception check when you reach the other side. Roll initiative on a success.

  4. #14
    Majunior's Avatar

    I spy with my little eye...

    Alex crosses over into the material plane, noticing the spirits seem to be intent on venting their displeasure.

    Oh for the love of...

    "I have to be smart about this," Alex thinks to himself, hastily. "I'm going to book. It's not warrior-like, but right now it's about priorities. I'd rather have a good run than a bad stand any day. Hopefully, they're too protective to really give chase. Take off, and shift into Urhan as I run... it's a bit slower, but better for the city streets, at least till I get away."

    On your mark, get set...

  5. #15
    roadnottaken's Avatar

    Moros, Adamantine Arrow


    Alex notices unusual ripples in the water, but of more immediate concern is the beam of water heading directly towards him. The high pressure flays a good deal of fur off of his chest where it hits.

    ((3 Lethal, +2 from earlier wounds))


    Please do not declare actions between calling for initiative and the start of combat. The shapeshift happens after he gets hit, unless he wants to change his action. If he's moving away from the edge of the water, combat ends.

  6. #16
    Majunior's Avatar

    Wouldn't the two damage from earlier have healed by now? It should have been over 30 minutes since the serpent.

    Alex grimaces as the water hits him, but it doesn't stop him from turning and putting distance between himself and the water's edge. Changing into a proper wolf form and heading directly east, he moves as fast as he is able, sticking to covered areas and alleyways as much as possible.

    "Oh yeah, I gotta find Shadow Tongue," he thinks to himself.

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