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Libertines and Ladders

  1. #1
    Pulp Noir's Avatar


    I wasn't completely sure that she would show until I saw her actually enter the small coffee shop, an occasion that brings a slight smile to my face as I close my laptop, acknowledge her with an eyebrow and nod towards the counter. Standing up, I make my way to the glass display case and await Lux's presence next to me, my mind pondering a thousand different questions I feel I need answers to and trying to work out what to say and then how to say it in order to get those answers. I want to know what she's doing here, if she followed me, if so why, if not then why this city, what is so special about this Consilium ... and did she have prior knowledge of the whole coup back in Toronto. While the first group of questions are more important to my own future and to the situation at hand, I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say that the last one wasn't eating away at me like a cartoon worm devouring a rotten apple.

    My internal monolog is interrupted by her arrival next to me, which I greet with an honest smile and a nod at the menu listings of assorted caffeinated awesomeness and the various treats behind the glass class. "Large double double with milk and a toasted poppy seed bagel with butter." The clerk looks at me like I'm speaking in Latin and I remember that this isn't Tim Hortons. "Large Coffee please, with two milk and two sugar. Sorry." The clerk nods, accepting the apology and looks at Lux.

    "I invited you, it's on me." I say to my fellow Mage, letting her know to order whatever she wants.

    Lux had been curious about what Pulp wanted to speak with her about. The Mastigos was probably wanting to know what she was doing in Sacramento, and why she had left Toronto, but there might be something else. Not that she minded a chance to have a friendly chat and take stock of a potential ally in the city. Despite the fact that she didn't really know Pulp, or vice versa, the fact that they knew each other at all was a powerful factor in a city where danger always lurked and great swaths of ground had yet to be tread. Thus she came.

    She glanced over the menu, shooting Pulp a smile when he offered to pay, and then looked back to the clerk. "I'll have a large Chai and a croissant , please. Hm...and the most expensive thing on the menu." She deadpanned, looking at the clerk blankly while he punched numbers on the cash register. "Actually, I've changed my mind, I'll just have the Chai and the croissant." She kept the flat affect in place and glanced at Pulp, trying to judge his reaction.

    I smile at Lux as she orders the most expensive thing on the menu and simply shrug, having no issue if she really desired a fourteen dollar piece of cake. Actually I kind of want to order it now, just to know what a fourteen dollar piece of cake tastes like. The moment passes and I take the cash out of my wallet and pay, making extra sure about the bill I hand over given that I'm still getting use to money that isn't color coded. I drop a dollar into the tip jar when I get my change and lead Lux over to the table where I've put my stuff, placing my plate and coffee down on the table before pulling out Lux's chair for her. Seems like an awfully old fashioned gesture for a member of the Free Council, but I was raised by the Toronto Catholic school system and thus I am prone to such lapses from time to time, especially when the company is pleasant. Yeah I said she's pleasant, the topics we could be covering might not be pleasant but that doesn't change my opinion of her.

    After she sits I take my own seat and decide to begin with a softball. "So how are you enjoying Sacramento so far?"

    That was a good sign, Lux thought, following her acquaintance to the table of his choice. He seemed relaxed and in a good mood, almost as if this was just a social visit, and, in reality, she supposed that's what it was. A supposition confirmed when he pulled her chair out for her. She merely cocked a sardonic eyebrow and accepted the seat, deciding this was probably his idea of sweet, sweet revenge after her light joke. She took her time, stirring a bit of sugar into her Chai before she looked up at Pulp.

    "Well, It's a city,"
    Lux shrugged, "complete with all of the usual problems and benefits that you'd expect. I have to admit though, I find it weird that no one pays attentions to stop signs here. I mean, they acknowledge them, but they don't stop, they just slow down and drive by them. Well, not everyone, but its a trend I've seen. Pretty much the only trend I've noticed, to be honest, but I haven't really seen much of the city. I've been pretty busy finding a place to live, but my search was successful I'm proud to say. It's a small place, but it has excellent vibes." The Obrimos took a sip of her drink, looking at Pulp over the rim of her mug."How about you, Monsieur Noir? Do you like the city, or are you still getting used to it?"

    I take a bite of my bagel and then a sip of my coffee as I consider her answer and the question. "I know, but at least that must remind you of Quebec. I've never seen a Montreal driver properly acknowledge a stop light, let alone a stop sign." Toronto drivers were reckless, Montreal drivers were just insane and frankly when it came to stupid driving decisions, Sacramento was strictly amateur hour. "I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit homesick. While the jobs I've got pay better and allow me a lot more freedom, this city just feels rather small to me but I guess that's to be expected when going from a major International cultural and economic center to a government town with ten thousand basketball fans all trying to be Will Ferrell from that More Cowbell SNL bit." That's if they still had the team ... and if there was still an NBA.

    "Still I've been slowly getting use to things and while I miss Timmy's coffee, I have at least found a good pizza place." I smile. "See I can look on the bright side of life." No I don't whistle. "By the way you can just call me Pulp."

    Lux snickered and shook her head. "Please, I haven't been back in Montreal in years. Well, not back for any length of time; just for the holidays." She broke off and took a bite of pastry, chewing thoughtfully. "Honestly, I don't really miss Quebec, though. It holds good memories, sure, but after the incident at BMO, and all that happened after it, I think its more important to look at what the future holds. Similarly, I find myself thinking that even though Sacramento might be small, there are a lot of possibilities. Possibilities that we are standing right on the brink of, my good Pulp. It's pretty exciting I think. The only things I'm worried about," she continued, pausing only to take a sip of chai, "is finding a new job and learning more about what's happening in the city. In terms of our "hobby" if you will."

    I smile, glad that there is some common ground in our beliefs. "Well it's nice to know that someone was listening to my toast the other night." I take a fair sized sip of my not half bad coffee before offering my reply. So far her desire to be here in Sacramento seems legit. I don't know whose chess board she's on, but I've got a gut feeling that she's not playing along and thus I feel comfortable bringing up a new topic.

    "I had a bit of a secondary motivation in asking you here today." My face becomes a bit more serious. "I also see opportunity and possibilities here and when I go chasing them, I would like to have a friend or two at my side. Someone I can trust." I look at Mage across the table from me. "You and I don't see eye to eye on everything, but I know that we have some beliefs in common and that we're at least willing to respect each other's differences. What do you think of forming our own group?"

    "You can be quite the speaker. Even while inebriated," Lux said in reply to Pulp's opening, a sardonic smile playing over her lips. She remained silent while he continued speaking though, her eyes searching the Mastigos for the truth in his words. She noted the motes of resonance flicking around him, but there wasn't much magic about it him, certainly nothing to worry about, and he seemed to be genuine. She was suddenly very thankful for the years she had spent at BMO and the practice she had in keeping her features schooled, because otherwise she might have started grinning like an idiot. Instead she took a sip of her drink and tried to project an air of consideration.

    "Well," she began, "we're both new to the city, as well as the country, we don't know many people, or at least I don't, and things here are...chancy." Read: dangerous, she thought. "We both have different talents, and I know for a fact that you're a stand up person, at least in some regards, so I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be a good idea. I think we can work well together, I really do," she said, letting a bit of that smile creep through. "We don't really have anything proper to toast with, but I'm still going to propose one. Here's to...taking chances and knowing you have someone at your back." She raised her mug, hoping that the toast would seem appropriate. Even though there were situational factors to consider, she still felt honored at being extended this opportunity. The mark of Destiny was upon her, and she knew she wouldn't disappoint, but the accomplishments under her belt were nothing compared to being an ex-Councilor.

    I raise my cup with a smile and take a swig of coffee, yet some part of me is stuck wondering what she meant by 'at least in some regards'. Was it that typical Obrimos attitude towards us Mastigos, the belief that we're somehow untrustworthy or underhanded, just waiting for a chance to show the world that we were the same as the Demons that inhabited Pandemonium? Or was I just overreacting to a simple remark because I know that there is a grain of truth in what she's said and thus my ego is reacting unfairly to a legitimate blow? Well I manage a decent smile at least. "I wasn't drunk. If I was drunk I would have begun stating my theory that both Miley Cyrus and Hilary Duff were orphans bought by Disney in an experiment to develop the perfect child star." The joke makes the smile more genuine.

    Finishing the bagel and coffee, I look around at the place. We're isolated but not isolated enough to Talk with a capitol T. "We need to change location, probably either my place or yours, in order to be able to speak a bit more freely. If we're going to be working together, we'll need to talk business and to be honest, I'm sure we both have questions we want to ask and that need to be answered."

    "I agree completely," Lux said, wrapping her croissant in a napkin. She quickly finished the chai and stood up, portable pastry in hand. "Although I'm not sure who's place we should be going to. Mine is mostly just white walls and empty space, plus or minus a few boxes, and I don't quite know how thick the walls are. Either way is fine though," she shrugged. "Don't want to start this all off by imposing on you."

    I don't like doing things half way. Either I can trust Lux with my life, and the location of my place, or I can't trust her with anything. It's the one thing I learned from my old Cabal back in Toronto, you're either in all the way or not in at all. There are certain things that you need to keep quiet on, certain secrets every Mage keeps to themselves such as a True Name, but if we're going to be Cabalmates, she's going to see my apartment at some point. "My place then, for the talk at least." My voice drops. "I would still like to see your place, just to keep things even and see if there is anything I can assist you with. Besides if trouble happens there, the more familiar I am with it, the easier I can lend a hand."

    I stand up, throw my bag over my shoulder and lead the way out of the coffee pub. "Last chance to take the Blue Pill and walk away Lux."

    Lux laughed and joined him outside. "Tempting, but then I'd miss the chance to hear what dial up sounds like, again. The Internet's just not the same without that chorus of techno sounds. It was almost like a theme song," she joked, taking a bite of her kidnapped pastry. "Why don't we swing by my apartment first? As I said, I don't mind if where we're headed, I was just letting you know the state of my place so you wouldn't be surprised. Besides, if you know where I'm staying I might be able to start bumming rides off of you." She paused, chewing, and then shrugged. "I guess that's assuming you have a car. The bus is my chosen chariot for the moment. You want to just hop on the 78, stop by, and then take it back here?"

    I give her a look. "Dial up? What's this talk about dial up? We don't need no stinking dial up." I hold "the look" for as long as I can, about 3 seconds, before bursting out in laughter. "Your place works. Come on, you've got shotgun." I lead her about half a block away and hit the clicker on my keychain to unlock the doors of my dark blue 2008 Chevy Malibu. Still on the gentleman's kick I hold the passenger side door for Lux. "Much better than the bus I think."

    Lux cocked an eyebrow at the held door but shrugged and climbed inside the car. "Thanks for the ride. You mind if I finish this?" she asked, gesturing with the wrapped croissant. Regardless of the answer she thought better of getting crumbs all over his car and instead offered small talk amidst the directions she provided. Her apartment was only ten minutes away, the building itself was a three leveled block like affair, made out of brick, that surrounded a verdant courtyard. There was a graffiti tag on the back of the building, and the echo of music blasted from somewhere deeper in the neighborhood. Lux lead the way to the third floor and unlocked the door to apartment 38, devouring the pastry all the while.

    She shoved the door open, the hinges squeaking their protests, and moved in, gesturing extravagantly at the bare interior of the dwelling. "Behold, my wonderful abode." She beckoned for Pulp to follow her and strolled further into her home, pointing out the different rooms to her guest. Labeled boxes sat next to half assembled Ikea furniture, two suit cases sat beside a made up air-mattress-bed, and bare white walls loomed over it all. Nevertheless, despite the havok of the home being constructed inside the apartment, a mellow, peaceful cast filled the nearly empty rooms. She closed the living room windows, which eased shut with more squeaking, and closed the curtains before looking back at her companion.

    The place kind of reminds me of my own, that type of average sized apartment prized by young quote unquote professionals that's located in a decent area. The only difference is I've got my stuff unpacked and had the chance to throw a bunch of posters up on the walls. Still I feel a fit of a kinship with Lux as shows off her place, smiling at the pride and excitement present in her voice as each little part of her apartment is introduced. Along the way I begin to form the image of plastic in my head but I lose my concentration and it drifts away, a few seconds later I breath deeply and focus on a cone of silence like it those old episodes of Get Smart, only this one is larger and murkier, disrupting both Arcane sight and sound as it wraps itself around the apartment.

    Ward 3 suxx

    "Alright so I've put up a Ward in case anyone tries to play mystical spy vs. spy while we're talking."
    I look around the apartment once more. "Nice place." I mean it too.

    "First things first, back at the coffee shop you said that I was a "stand up person, at least in some regards". If this is going to have a shot of working, we're going to need to be honest with each other, so I'd like to eliminate that "at least in some regards". A lot of stuff happened back in Toronto and the only things crazier than the truth were all of the rumors flying around. I want you to be able to trust me Lux and I know you've got questions, so feel free to ask them."

    Lux tensed when the motes of supernal energies flared around Pulp, but she relaxed when he explained the purpose of the spell. "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that," she interposed, apologizing before he continued. She looked away once he was done talking and crossed her arms, her brow furrowing. No matter what words had been exchanged in the coffee shop, the true trials of trust had just began. She slowly she drew in a breath and then brought her gaze to bear on the Mastigos.

    "Pulp," she began, "your right. We can't have that type of thinking lying between us. I wish that I could brush those words off as a thoughtless comment, but there's a grain of truth in them. Now, the reason why I said that wasn't because I think you're a bad person, but because we don't really know each other." She held up a hand, forestalling any comment and continued."Now, I'm not saying that I can't or won't trust you, but that trust will only truly come when we both know each other better. I think that once we've spent time working together, we'll heave that knowledge and that trust.

    "I enjoyed our debates back in Toronto, and from what little I know about the coup, I think you were standing up for what you believed was right, and I respect that. I don't care what my Order had to say about you, I wouldn't trust many of them enough to watch my purse. Any judgments that I make are based off of my own opinions, and I like to keep an open mind. Every one of us that's seen through the Lie is fighting to End it, and no matter what we might think, we're all working together. It just that most of us just aren't very organized in our efforts. I want to help guide the Awakened in this city, but I need help along the way. If your willing to help me with that, than I'm willing stand by your side and lend you whatever knowledge or strength I have."

    Lux turns her gaze on me and oh boy do I meet it, not hostile just standing my ground. I don't give an inch even as she digs up old memories that cut my insides up like glass but from the way she's speaking I realize that she was just a bystander during that whole mess. "A month before the assassination my Cabal pulled an off the record job for Whiskeyjack." There is a more than a bit of venom in my voice as I speak the name of the Acanthus Councilor of the Toronto Consilium, "respected" senior member of the Silver Ladder and one of the two leaders of the Coup. "Ten people, including two members of my Cabal, died during that mission." My voice almost breaks and while my eyes don't waver, I can only imagine the emotions reflected in them right now.

    "Less than a month later the Moros Councilor invited the three of us who survived to his bar to talk, only five minutes after we got there my best friend, under the influence of an outside party, used some crazy mojo to drop everyone's magical defenses and blew the Councilor's brains out not three feet away from me." I focus my thoughts on making sure that the memories are correct in order to keep from losing my train of thought and letting the pain, frustration and rage take over. "From there you know the story, Inferior's article got things pretty accurate. Yeah I did all that stuff leading up to the trial and as for the trial itself, well you were there I remember seeing you when all us Libertines walked in as a group." I smile to kill some of tension in the room, relaxing slightly. "If I remember correctly you were staring at my killer pinstripe suit." And I really do remember seeing her there, in fact all those faces are forever frozen in my memory.

    "Now it's the reactions to everything that happened which always gets me, how I got turned into some sort of great hero or villain, some mythical figure symbolizing whatever the storyteller loved or hated about Mage society." I'm more relaxed now but I'm not turning away from her, she needs to see that I'm being honest and genuine here. "I disliked both sides. The old Consilium were a bunch of Conservative fools afraid of their own shadows and existing on the memory of faded glory, the new bunch were a group of amoral political opportunists who whored their ideals for power." Meet the new boss ... "I stood up because the only Councilor worth a damn, a man with real integrity, was killed because some asshole wanted more power. I stood up because the patsy they Mind fucked into killing him was a good guy who loved math and his girlfriend, just wanted to keep out of politics and was my best friend." I don't think I've told this to anyone ... I don't know why I'm saying so much right now.

    "I always believed that the Pentacle was like a hand, each order a finger, the Free Council the thumb of course, but like a hand, all those digits came together to form a fist when needed." I hold up my own right hand and make the proper movements. "Turns out I was blinded by my ideals. I wanted the Followers of the Lie to be behind it all, to be the big bad villain. At that special Consilium meeting after the not guilty verdict I knew that we were all going to rally as one, put aside old hatreds and strike back ... and then something inside of me broke when the Coup took place. It was so anti climatic, so petty, so childish." I look away for the first time. "They threw away every ideal they claimed to represent, tore the Consilium apart, all for political power. For a bunch of useless titles."

    I turn my gaze to Lux again. "I'm not a perfect person, I've done more than my fair share of stupid and selfish things, but holding that Seat ... I just couldn't do it. It was stay there and watch everything good in me die, killed off by political compromises and all that crap or leave and live by my beliefs and ideals. I chose the latter." I shrug and wonder how she'll react. "You wanted the truth, the whole Unplugged in New York version, well Lux there it is."

    Lux stared at Pulp while he explained the circumstances of the coup, her mouth opening occasionally to comment, but she held her peace. The coup in Toronto hadn't upset Lux overmuch, not when her Order had initiated it, but she had never sought to find out the truth behind it, and that was something she now regretted. Nevertheless, that was in the past, her fate lay elsewhere, and she wasn't in Toronto anymore. She couldn't help every Mage who chose to cleave before the Lie, not yet anyways. Wordlessly the young Obrimos disappeared into the dining room, reappearing with two chairs a moment later.

    "Well, you're wrong Pulp," she said, folding onto one of the chairs. "I didn't want the truth. We both wanted the truth. I don't think anyone knew why you left, at least not anyone that I knew; and honestly, I'm honored that you told me that; it sounds like you've been needing to say it for quite sometime. I...really don't know what to say, though. All that comes to mind is that you did what was best; you didn't compromise, you didn't lie to yourself, and you didn't begin a pointless struggle against those who have been fooled by the Lie. You know where you're coming from, and all that's left is to move forward, right?"

  2. #2
    Pulp Noir's Avatar


    Most guys my age would love to be in my position right now, being comforted by a beautiful young woman after revealing something highly emotional about themselves. They'd probably accept the seat and proceed to break down and cry like some fool on Oprah or Dr. Phil. I don't sit down and I certainly don't cast my eyes to the ground in some vain attempt to get in touch with my (insert trendy pop psych word here). First off she's just verbally patted me on the back, as if I was some kid in the first grade who'd just spilled his juicebox at lunch and secondly I am slightly disappointed by her reaction. Yeah while most Mages could get away with that attitude and I wouldn't even bat an eyelash, with Lux I find myself holding her to a higher standard similar to the one I hold myself to. Uh oh.

    "Well if I didn't wish to move forward, I wouldn't be here, I'd be back in Toronto stealing from the rich and giving to the poor or tilting windmills." I pause for half a second. "However I want to know how it makes you feel. You know the truth, that the leadership you trusted walked all over the ideals you believe in and that the Mages who seemed so high, mighty and wise can be just as bad as the sleepers only without the excuse of the Lie. What does it make you feel? Do you still believe in all those ideas that meant everything to you?"

    Lux stared at Pulp, her eyes searching him for some undefined sign or tell, and she shifted in her seat. Perhaps the last thing she expected after trying to give solace was a rebuke, but it was a deserved one she reflected. For Pulp, this was an important part of his personal history, one that had affected them both, and to have all of it brushed aside with soft, comforting words wasn't something that he was looking for. Nevertheless, the fact that he was questioning whether she believed in what she professed filled her with anger, and now she wasn't sure how to respond. She leaned back in her chair and fixed her gaze upon the Libertine. Pulp had told her the truth, or what he believed to be true, and he deserved to get the same in return. Truth feared no questions, after all.

    "Very well, then," Lux began flatly. "I'll tell you how I feel, Pulp. Part of me is deeply upset. I'm upset that my Mentor lied to me about what he believed in and what the Silver Ladder of Toronto believed in. I feel like I should have seen to the heart of the coup, and recognized it for what it was, but even deeper down, I realize that I don't care. Toronto was my home while I grew into what I am and realized what the World is. It fostered me, and I do care about it, but it's not my proving ground. Selfishly, I feel almost glad that the coup was unjust, because that only reinforces my decision to leave and come here. Because, like you said, all one could do in a Consilium that corrupt would be to revolt, and waste their time and their knowledge fighting others who are too blind to see the Truth. I feel guilty that I wouldn't try to resolve that, but honestly, what could one young, headstrong Mage do? No, I'm glad I left that city, even if I didn't know all of this when I did leave it, and I'm glad that I met you again and had the chance to learn the truth.

    "But you know what else?" She asked, rising form her chair to her full 5'3" height, her eyes turning into chips of ice coated steel. "I'm also fucking pissed. I'm pissed that you think I'm someone who's too stupid to form their own beliefs. I didn't become a Thearch because my mentor was one, I became one because I do believe in the Ladder's mission. Even if the Thearchs in Toronto are corrupt, that doesn't mean our entire Order is. That just means that there are Thearchs who pay lip service to the beliefs that I Still. Hold. Dear.

    "I believe that a society of Willworkers has to be governed, so that crimes like forcing an innocent man into murder can be brought to justice. I believe that one day, no one should sleep, that Awakening is everyone's birthright, and that one day Humanity can topple the Exarchs and rule over both gods and demons. I believe that, like a hand, the Orders should work as one to defeat the Lie and safeguard Justice and Knowledge. I believe all of those things, Pulp, just as you believe in the cause of the Libertines, and nothing is going to change that."
    She stared at the Mastigos and unclenched her hands, realizing that she had unconsciously made fists.

    I'm not going to lie, I'm seriously turned on right now. The passion of her beliefs, the fire in her eyes as she defended those ideals, the utter defiance to those who would corrupt what she believed in so intensely ... wow. I had pushed for a reaction, challenged her to see how she would react but this was beyond my wildest dreams. "Lux I think you have a beautiful soul." I smile. It's not a grin or coy smile or smooth grin, no I smile as warmly and as genuinely as I am able. "I never thought that you were too stupid to form your own beliefs. If I had thought that we would not be here right now, hell we would probably have never had our first coffee debate back in Toronto on a snowy January afternoon at a Second Cup a block from Robarts Library." Of course I remember it, it wasn't everyday that a Thearch in Toronto gave the time of day to a Libertine.

    "I might not completely agree with everyone of your beliefs but I respect them and more importantly I respect the faith you have in them. They're not a way to gain power or something you'll toss aside when they become awkward, they're the fire that keeps you going and I honestly believe that if every single member of the Silver Ladder lost their way, you'd still be there standing on the highest mountain like a beacon." Still our own believes aren't too different, the Ladder and the Free Council were the Orders of Vision, the Orders that looked to the future, dared to dream and believed that victory was possible. While we might disagree over the method, the real believers in each Order were like the Winston Churchill of the Truth, promising to fight the Lie on the beaches, on the streets and wherever it showed itself.

    "You're a pretty girl with a beautiful soul Lux and someone I am proud to call a friend and ally." And I realize that I would be proud to call her a lot of things.

    Lux froze, the anger and determination sliding away under a mask of confusion. She opened her mouth, about to interpose, but closed it not even a second later. She saw his warm, harmless smile, and heard the reminiscent quality underlining his voice, and thought that it wasn't time to start worrying yet. A polite smile began to form over her confused look, but it crumbled again under his last compliment. A touch of color flooding her face, but she frowned, cursing her light complexion, and fixed her gaze unflinching on the Libertine, her eyes searching.

    "Um, Pulp. I" She broke off and licked her lips nervously. "I would also be proud to call you a friend and an ally, but where did that come from? It's just that only a moment ago you asked if my beliefs were damaged by the truth, and now you're...calling me pretty. I'm just not sure how to take that."

    I can sometimes cause what TV Tropes refer to as 'Mood Whiplash'. It's not my fault, I've just had a really weird life and being able to quickly accept and deal with new truths has been the main thing which has allowed me to keep my sanity and not end up crazier than a character from Call of Cthulhu. How many people do you know who've had their assumptions about their pre-Awakened life shattered by their dead Grandfather? Been there, done that, didn't get the t-shirt because it was over priced and poor quality.

    I was more than satisfied by Lux's reply to my little challenge. Wait, no strike that, I was fucking enraptured by her passion and the way she stuck to her guns, that will to stand fast in the face of frustration and the corruption of others. "Well I hope you would take it as an honest compliment, which is how I meant it." I smile again, the genuine nice guy smile that always comes naturally in moments like this.

    "Well you've always been pretty, but the beautiful soul part, well that came from your reaction. You've seen that the world is not always a great place and that sometimes the society you believe in will use and abuse the ideals that mean everything to you, I learned that the hard way and I had to know how you would react to that, after all I'm trusting you with my life and some ideals of my own that mean more than that life." I breath deeply, trying to get my own emotions under control. "You've seen the use and abuse of your ideals and it only caused you to hold them closer to yourself, to believe even more strongly in what they mean to you." Genuinely excited and impressed nice guy smile. "You should have seen yourself Lux, your passion, your fire, your will ... it was beautiful."

    "Uh. Thanks," the Obrimos murmured, brushing hair out of her face while her cheeks steadily grew more scarlet. She shifted awkwardly, and nodded, her face turning into a mask. She didn't want to blush or act like she was back in high school, and the more embarrassed she was by her burning cheeks, the more they flamed. It was a terribly awkward and juvenile cycle, and she started laughing at how stupid it was. Her very soul had launched itself into the Supernal Realm of the Aether, catapulting her onto the path of Enlightenment, Knowledge, and Power, and here she was blushing like a girl on her first date.

    "Well," she sniggered, "I guess that means we've agreed about that possibility of working together?"

    She sobered, and licked her lips again, the blush fading. She like Pulp, and he seemed innocent, but she didn't want to give the wrong idea. It was bad enough moving thousands of miles into a strange, dangerous city, with no clear path ahead, and she didn't want to try and fit a relationship into that; not yet, at least. "It'll be good to have a friend and ally. We still have things we need to work out, but for now lets agree to a pledge of mutual aid. Seems like a good start to me," she shrugged, watching Pulp closely.

    "I think that is a good starting point." I'm rather internally confused right now. My mind is telling me I've ducked a bullet, while my gut feels weird and I'm taken far away from this time and place and back to a high school dance. I'm sixteen and trying to gather up the courage to ask a cute girl if she wanted to dance to Maestro's 'Stick To Your Vision' and I'm afraid, not only of failure, but also of success. I stood in the corner then, a prisoner of my own fear, a weak kid asking "why". This feeling ... I had long thought that kid dead, overcome by my Will and left behind ... I'm not sure how to react.

    Just keep moving forward for now. If you desire something enough, you've just got to put the effort into gaining it and a voice tells me she's worth it. Stick to your vision indeed.

    "So details, we'll need a name and a list of potential members. Also do you have access to a Hallow?" I'm back to business now ... well mostly. "I do. If you need to, you can perform an oblation there."

    "Thats, wow, that's quite the resource. I'm surprised you were able to find one so quickly, but I guess there's not as many of us here, either. Wait here a second, will you?" Lux asked, an idea implanting itself firmly behind her eyes. She disappeared into her bedroom and the sound of rummaging drifts out to where Pulp waits. A moment later the Thearch appeared, holding a ring in her hand. The small adornment consisted of a stainless steel band with a flat, obsessively polished disk mounted on it. When Pulp peers down at the ring he sees a perfect, if miniature, reflection of himself and realizes that the disk is a mirror.

    "Now, I know this is very archaic for your tastes, but I think that we should swear the pledge before we go any further, and that we should swear the pledge over our Magical Tools. This is mine. It's name is Reflexio; and no, it's nothing beyond a magical tool, despite the name."

    Wait a second, she named her Magic Tool? And they say we Libertines are weird. I mean I've never named a computer, well unless Fucko counts, and the only other person I know who likes to name their tools was that one girl I dated who had her entire toy drawer labeled. Still I take out my own Magical Tool and hold it in my hand. "It's name is Blackberry and it does lots of things besides helping me focus. It also keeps me up to date on the score of the Leafs and Jays games." I smile like Dennis the Menace to let her know I'm just being me.

    "Alright. Lux, Thearch of the Watchtower of the Golden Key, I, Pulp Noir, Libertine of the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet, make this pledge to you of my Free Will." Yeah capitol letters, I'm a Mastigos, offering a pledge is a big fucking deal. "To assist you in any way that I am able, to protect you with my life, to share my resources for our mutual benefit. I pledge to respect your beliefs and to unite your goals and ambitions with my own and work towards them to the best of my ability and then some." My voice is completely genuine and serious.

    Lux grinned, the light of amusement dancing in her eyes while Pulp talked about 'Blackberry'. When he was done speaking the Obrimos nodded and held up her open palm, Reflexio resting in its center. "Pulp Noir, Libertine of the Watchtower of the Iron Gauntlet, I, Lux, Thearch of the Watchtower of the Golden Key, make this pledge of my Free Will and with Pure Intent: I Pledge to lend you all of my knowledge and strength, support and advice, resources and time, whenever they are needed and I pledge to unite your goals and ambitions with my own and strive to further them in the best way possible." She closed her hand over the ring and nodded once more, looking satisfied. She didn't speak for several seconds, letting time stretch on after the Pledge was given.

    "So, you talked about other possible members? Doesn't this mean we should figure out the angle of our Cabal first? Or should we just try and find someone willing to join that we both like before we worry about that?"

    Of course I made another, silent, pledge to myself. A promise that Lux would not end up like Eliza or Moloch, that I would not fail to protect her as I had failed to protect others in the past. I say a silent prayer to myself that I've learned from my mistakes and that this Cabal will be my chance to prove it, to be the Mage I am capable of being. The pledge might have sounded silly at first, but I'll admit it was a damn good idea.

    "Well I think our angle and goal right now should be to get ourselves established in the City and in the Consilium. Right now we barely know anyone and practically nobody knows us. We're both from visionary Orders that wish to help guide Awakened society, work against the Lie and bring the Truth to the Sleepers ... and right now our Orders are apparently political minnows in this town, which gives us even more common cause. We can argue over the course a Consilium will take later, when we actually have the ability to influence it." It was the truth, our goals were similar. "First off we're going to need to make connections, once we know who's who we can start talking about if they'll be a fit with us but right now we've got to meet them before we can evaluate them."

    "I agree, actually, on every account but one, and it's this: The Silver Ladder isn't just small in Sacramento, it doesn't exist in Sacramento," Lux expounded, her tone serious. "That's one of the primary reasons why I chose to come here, the fact that there weren't any members of my Order here. It'll be a struggle to create a Presence in this city, for both of us, and that's why I would also like to emphasize the need to prove ourselves to the Consilium. I don't want to drag you into unnecessarily dangerous situations, and we can't afford to look rash, but I think we're going to have to be especially daring. Well, it's either that or we just have to continuously strive to make a good impression, but that will take time; how much I don't know." She blew a long breath out through her nose and shrugged, looking resigned. "I think that's probably the best choice, though. This is a daunting task and I'm pretty sure I'm trying to rush this. You're right. First things first: we need to get connected."

    I consider her words and the plight of the Ladder in this new city, nodding in agreement as she speaks. What's odd about that? I don't hate Orders, they're just organizations made up of people and in the end, it's the people who can be lying, backstabbing scumbags. Change the people, change the Order. Besides if things really are that bad for the Thearchs here, then the more success Lux has, the more influence she'll gain in the Silver Ladder of this Consilium. A good person with honest beliefs in a position to do some good and who doesn't hate the Free Council. Goals are already merging.

    "We'll have to be daring and willing to help out wherever it's needed, but we're going to have to be smart about it. Don't worry about dangerous situations, I pledged to watch your ass and I plan on keeping the pledge, so that means if you're in danger I should be right there beside you. I'm a big boy and I know from first hand experience how deadly things can get, I've had two chances to walk away from this commitment and I didn't." My tone is plain but friendly. "Making contacts means learning about problems the Consilium is concerned about and dealing with them. Doing that will take care of those issues, strike a blow against the Followers of the Lie and be a step towards making a good name for our Orders, our Cabal and ourselves."

    Lux nodded, considering Pulps words. "Well, at least one of us has their head screwed on straight," she laughed. "It sounds like we have a plan then. The only other thing we need to discuss is what system of symbols do we want to use for the cabal, or do we want to use one at all? There's a few that I have in mind, but I'd rather hear your opinion before I start blabbing about them."

    I smile like a kid on a snow day. "Well off the top of my head I would say the Bat symbol or the Spiderman logo, don't laugh, I can be a bit of a geek at times and you're a cool redhead." The look on my face signal's that I am just joking and hence that I feel comfortable enough around her to be myself. "However we might get sued." Another smile. "Honestly Lux don't be afraid to blab about them, it's obvious that this is something you've thought about for awhile now, so come on, let's hear your ideas."

    "Oh, ick,"
    Lux said, pulling a face. "Do you really think that the batman symbol is one of the Supernal truths that's filtered down to us through the dreams of the Sleepers?" She raised her eyebrows, glaring at Pulp for several seconds, as if they were both being serious, but she quickly dropped the charade. "I mean, it could be, but that is not a symbol that I would ever use, cool red-head or no. I was thinking more along the lines of something more classic. I like the idea of each member taking on a symbolic role. According to the Lex Magicus, a cabal should police itself, and that means that we'll be, in a sense, our own microcosm. I think that we should all agree on the symbolic theme, but I find myself liking the idea that we would each choose one of the Tarot courts to 'rule'. That's rather common though. Honestly, though, I think this is something we'll have to decide on when there's more than just us two," Lux shrugged. "Just wanted to mention it so we could begin brainstorming. You have any ideas? Besides super heroes?"

    "Tarot face cards are an idea and a solid one." Always remind me of Fate though, might be a bit of an odd choice for us. "The most important thing about a Cabal's symbols is the meaning they hold for the members, back in Toronto my old Cabal leaned pretty heavy on the imagery of learning and knowledge but it was to be expected since our area of influence centered on part of the U of T campus, areas that were student heavy and we all had connections to the school. The symbols we used had meaning to us." I think for a second about the old Cabal, wondering what Pretty Bird and Binary Pi were up to before refocusing in order to keep the nasty memories at bay.

    "For us, I would look at symbols of Fortitude and Will or ideas about the modern application of tradition philosophies. I mean a Cabal begun by a Libertine Warlock and a Mighty Threarch, that's pretty unique and a joining of beliefs and ideals for the common good. Nothing really jumps out at me right now, but it's something I would like to really think on." I think for a second. "In the end the symbols we use will need to reflect how we feel about ourselves, each other and our goals." I have an idea. "I will propose that we hold off on personal titles and symbols until we have other members, then we'll decide those things for each other. It's a way to show faith in your Cabal Mates and will set a foundation of being accountable and loyal to one another."

    Lux's eyes went wide and her lips pursed in thought. "J'aime bien cette idee," she murmured, beginning to pace. "We're using that idea. I don't care what anyone else says, we are going to use that idea. That's a great way to see how everyone views the cabal, in addition to the points you made earlier, to have the others pick the symbol. That does mean we'll need to have, well, hopefully two other members, but I agree. " She paused, a brilliant grin lighting up her features. "Monsieur Noir, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. We have the foundation of the Cabal laid. The only thing we need to do now is find the rest of it."

    I grin at Lux for a second, more than a bit pleased that I caused her to break out the French language. "See I'm not just another pretty face." But I feel similar emotions as for the first time in months I'm actually feeling really and truly excited about something. "Yes indeed, let us round up the usual suspects." Well if she was going to use the Bogart lines, I guess I'd have to use one of the french guy's.

    Foundation in place, now let's make this happen.

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