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Meeting in the Gardens

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  1. #31
    Skye's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Flawless movement)

    A flowering of wildflowers accompanied by their scent and the sounds of a calm wind dancing over the sea. The more vulgar the spells, the meaner the magic the stronger the winds, the flowers blooming only to quickly decay and spread the scent of death with them.

    Standing 152.4cm tall, her hair color changing on a regular basis, usually braided but not always.

    Her body seemingly quite petite and small but upon closer inspection so is it unexpectedly sturdy, her left arm well trained with more defining muscles than her right arm.

    Rarely seen without an armguard and archer glove on her left hand.

    Each and every movement always precise, rarely if ever wasting any more effort than needed to achieve her desired result.

    Rituals September:

    Combo Organic Resilience and pulse of the living world (pot 6, armor 4)
    Body Mastery +2 (pot 8)
    Honing the form dex +4 (pot 8)


    Letting Corn speak his words without adding anything, fully understanding being full of words herself.
    ”I see your point, but using you as the means to find him is the strongest, hence something to do the moment we are ready to act then sever it. Until we act you should not leave your cover here, they will know no matter which path we take hence we should preserve the strongest to break through any potential defenses right?”

    Nodding at him.
    ”They will either hate you or mourn you, if they mourn you your life is forfeited, your job, your resume, your chance to walk these streets everything is gone. If they hate you so can you still walk freely, the choice is ultimately yours.” Placing a hand upon his shoulder. ”It is harsh, but this cannot be to sugar coated, you need to see the truth in full then decide how to move forward, this if you survive of course.” Giving him a gentle nod in response to the rest of his words, glad that she was away with people that could be emotionally there for her. Then feeling a bit off, biting down but hiding her feelings, did that align with the date he had told her or was she just having to much to think of?

    Turning her head toward Phoenyx.
    ”I think I saw Salem once, and have seen Eidolon once, but that is about the extent of it so cannot give you any insight into them at all more than their appearance.” A light nod. ”Likely, and likely more of us, if they know who he is in full so is it likely a trap for as many of us as possible for some aim or goal, hence why we cannot act brazingly.”

    Back to Corn.
    ”Light and durable yes, if I could slither it around my arm and quickly throw it out so would it be ideal, slither around my waist might work as well, else as foldable as possible to conceal as long as it can be drawn and quickly assembled. The ultimate would be a sleeve it could be slithered around or into, but the main part is to be able to carry it concealed and quickly get in my hand in working order.”

    Turning as she saw the third arrow enter herself casually dressed, speaking in a calm and collected voice with a serious look upon her lacking the usual playfulness she tends to have.
    ”Hi Knight, let me save Rosy here the emotional heartache. He has a wife and a very young son cannot walk yet old, he recently left his son at his in laws and his wife΄s younger brother. Nothing was off, all seemed normal. When he returned a few hours later his in laws had been killed by his wives brother with a knife, at least from the looks of things, the younger brother dead as well, his son taken. Taken in such a manner that there wasn΄t even a trace of him even having been there to begin with, everything was gone, diapers, items, nothing to prove he was ever there.” Waiting a moment. ”Rosy or Corn suspects Seers but we have absolutely no clue of who is truly behind it. His wife is with her remaining family at the moment, we have urged him not to leave the wards of the circle, he has some items that might have a sympathetic connection to his son whom I have taken to call Cloud. His life with his family is over no matter what happens, we are currently in talks of severing and using sympathetic connection to find him, and if he is alive but not until we are ready, not until we have a clear plan.” Tapping her lips for a second. ”We do need to decide on how to act, and move onward as quickly as possible, our consideration is to talk with Eidolon or Salem but neither me or Phoenyx knows them, or anything about them, more than that I have seen them once. And I think that should be the most important parts, other than Corn having left clues for his potential death to be explained to his family and sleepers, but if he plans on faking it even if he does live through this is not fully clear.” Looking over at Corn and Phoenyx. ”Did I miss something?”

    152.4cm tall

  2. #32
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    "Asclepius!" A clearly distraught Corn says when Asclepius enters. "Thank you for coming."
    After Skye gives the synopsis he says "These are the important parts. Yes, my son has been taken, vanished without any trace and both my inlaws and brother in law are dead. I have sought the assistance of the Arrows.
    We suspect mages, and we believe the supernatural is involved. Since the Enemy, whomever it is, has Cloud - that's the name I use around mages for my son, his shadow name,
    " and perhaps his only name as he may not survive to be Baptised ... no! no such thoughts, "the sympathetic connection with me is strong. I have not taken any action yet, I have not tried to scry on Cloud for fear of triggering any wards. We suspect this is a trap."

    He takes a moment to keep his composure. "At this point, I don't care what happens to me after we deal with this. Talks about how I would disappear from the lives of my loved ones should take place in the future. I suggested steps to make it seem I am dead because this may take weeks and they will look for me. But this discussion can wait. "
    He turns to Skye and Phoenyx "I plan to tell the Consilium what happened next month. I expect them to take the news ... not well. Someone may try to kill me because, frankly, that's the easier way to eliminate me as a threat to everyone.
    However, eliminating me will not make the enemy go away. The enemy probably first figured I was a mage and then targeted my family because I have been reckless with how open I am about them. But I may well not be the first of us that the enemy found, I am just the easier to bait into a trap. If the Consilium decides that killing me is the quick way to remove the 'tagged' mage from their ranks, they will be ignoring the realities that someone or something was going around looking for mages. I am not more exposed than any of us that have a presence in the Sleeping world. If you go out for a beer, there may be the same group there, covertly figuring out your true nature and then shifting through your connections. It is just that my connections were very easy to find.
    " he says with a sigh.

    "The current plan of action seems to be me waiting here in the circle, for as long as it takes - and then looking for mages able to scry, using my connection with Cloud to locate him. As of that, I expect Cloud to be warded, so we may need numbers to pierce whatever Ward Cloud is in.
    However, I would need advice on that - Enemies of the Pentacle, Seers, Banishers etc cannot scry in the Circle, cannot see the Circle. But we do not know if they can act through a Scrying window. If we scry Cloud from here we may invite retribution on the mage scrying.
    What do you all think? I can scry, so I could lead a ritual and if they attack me... well, as long as Cloud is saved so be it.

    I can also...
    apport. Create a window where I can draw a small living creature through. Cloud is just over a years old.
    Considering how easy it is to apport, I am sure the enemy has taken steps to prevent it so I haven't tried it. I am tempted but I think it would be bad ... what do you think?

    And then, it is the fact that we, as a consilium, simply cannot let the enemy get away with it. Saving Cloud is a goal for me, but as Phoenyx said, the Arrows protect mages, not their families. But to protect the Sacramento Consilium, those enemies should be dealt with and I am more than willing to put an end to them.

    Corn seems eager to move past explanations or how to deal with his family and towards plans on how to deal with those that kidnapped his son.
    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

  3. #33
    Asclepius's Avatar
    Status: (Emergency Services)
    Status: (Adamantine Arrow)
    Skill: Medicine

    Height: 5'9
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Wears gold band on wedding finger
    Speaks with English accent

    Hears the sounds of a heartbeat monitor (ECG Machine)
    Combat Stats:

    Melted Reflecations:

    Health: 7
    Mana: 7
    Defense: 2
    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Willpower: 3/3 (usable)
    Armor: 4 / 5 Kevlar vest thin (1 /2) Organice resilience (life 3)
    Spell tolerance: 2/2
    Active spells: 1/4
    Paradox spells cast: 0


    Welp, that would do it.... now that explains the presence of Phoenyx and two more arrows. “Okay so.....” He breaths in deep taking in all the information that has been spoken too him, and trying to piece it all together into coherent sentences. “First of all my condolences to the loss of family, I imagine the scenario is hard upon your wife even if you are suffering even more given the information you possess, and thus my condolences for you as well. Moving towards the problem at hand, you suspect mages are at work with this instance of murder for the goal of stealing your son? Okay so if we go down this line of thinking we must ask ourselves, assuming you haven't done this already, when do you think the 'Enemy' learned of the child's existence and its connection to you? And if they are seeking to get one up upon a mage how would they know you were one from the scenario in question?” Letting his work mentality take over a little, he does not refer to cloud by name as to keep himself distance and rational when it comes to discussing him. He opts to keep himself cold to the subject as to make it easier to deal with the situation and not be clouded by the emotion of the scenario.

    “In regards to your summery of the plan you have crafted, it is a sensible one. While I recognise the fear of someone killing you to secure safety of the Consilium I will say that such worries are for once the child is secure. This leads to my next point, while I understand that this is certainly a world shattering event to have happen to you, I fear your judgements and rationalisation might be effected by the connection of the scenario and preface that if my words seem cold it is because I am trying to secure the best outcome.” He looks down for a moment to give some breathing room for his last statement before composing himself and continuing. “I also recognise that you desire to secure your child back from whoever dared to take them, haste is key here while also being a hindrance, we need information before going guns and knives blazing into a fight. Other then what I have asked you, what information do you have on the events? You would have access to the in-laws, should you ask I am assuming? Maybe there might be some resonance left on them to confirm the suspicion that mages are involved... hell might even be a link to the person that has done it.”

    “As far as your suggestion about Scrying, I am afraid I am out of my depth. I know little about the abilities outside my own pool of arcane knowledge so whatever information you have on the spell is what I would rely on. I imagine that if they are a mage that they do not care for their hostage and are looking to secure a wider goal so maybe he might not be protected as to lure you in.” Any possibility is a plausible one without more information. Lord knows we need the hope of anything now, for the child's sake let alone Corn's, god working around the subject of kids is always hard.

    “As far as dealing with the future of your family, however this turns out, will be a simple solution should you chose it, living with it is the problem... But we will burn that bridge when we come to it.” He know not everyone could stomach pushing away close people in your life for their sake but this might be a second awakening for Corn should he want it.

    “So apart from possibly getting you to repeat conversations already had... where do you need me? And where can I chip in to help? Because you have called for my aid and my word is true, you shall have it.” He looks the the three other mages, waiting for their responses and plans.

    Thinking / Speaking

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