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  1. #111
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    1. What level or arcana did you think this spell needed?

    2. The duration is lasting so it would be lasting not per 15 minutes as you put in the spell description-- this feels more like you just want a suspend button for a lasting effect -- the easy solution is just be careful what you make self repairing.

    3. Repair object or reassembly are undone just by damaging the object and are lasting so their is no potency to compare --- it simply gives a property so this would not work as you have described -- and this spell serves no function not already covered by the various spells that can damage or reshape objects in regard to repair object or reassembly the results of both of which can be damaged again.
    1. It is Unmaking, so it is matter 5.

    2. Yes, it is lasting, and so is Self-repairing machine (SRM); self-repairing machine repairs 1 structure per success every 15 minutes. This spell blocks repairs up to a successes repairs.
    So, if Mage A casts SRM on a car with 5 successes, the car repairs 5 structure every 15 minutes (for ever). If Mage B casts Stop-the-Machine and gets 2 successes, then that car would then be repairing just 3 structure every 15 minutes. If Mage B casts Stop the Machine and gets 5 or more successes, the car loses the self-repairing property.

    3. The ability to block the repairs simply makes what remains of the object much harder to repair magically. Casting reassembly on a broken vase of structure 2 and getting 2 successes = the vase is as good as new even if most of it is missing.
    Casting Reassembly on a broken vase that has been treated with Stop the machine needs to beat the Stop-the-machine property.
    Casting Repair with potency 4 on a truck that has received 4 structure damage, repairs 4 structure damage.
    Casting Repair with potency 4 on a truck that has received 4 structure damage that has been treated with Stop the machine (2 S), repairs just 2 structure damage.

    All in all, Stop the Machine gives a property to the item that makes it much harder to repair magically, whether through Self-Repairing-Machine or with other spells or powers.
    That doesn't stop the object from being damaged more or being damaged again; it just makes it much harder to be repaired with magic.
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  2. #112
    Vincent's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    The power to stop or mitigate magic is the purview of Prime (or death to a limited extent). As an added note, you can perform the same effect by just using death to decay the target.
    Anyway, this is basically Controlled Dispellation (http://nwod.org/wiki/index.php/Controlled_Dispellation) with the object specified as the dispelled target (and bypassing the stipulation that you need to exceed the potency of a spell in order to excide it).

  3. #113
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    1 + 2. A spell cause ongoing decaying damage like that is a death spell not a matter spell.

    3. That makes it considerably stronger then the spell you want to under having a lasting effect (which can't be dispelled) that makes something harder to repair is a curse, so fate would be required, and no other curses are lasting without means to end them---- also this would not remove the self repairing property so what you would have is an object constantly try to repair the damage it is constantly taking.

    To create a state of constant decay I can see a death 5 spell as a possibility, making it harder to repair as a lasting effect would require a significant fate conjunctional requirement
    Reuban Brigh

  4. #114
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    I am not sure there is clear what I mean.
    I do not want to add a "continuous decay" function. I don't want to cast a lasting spell that causes constant degradation as lasting. Now as transitory I can see that, to be honest, but that was not my intent.
    My intent was to put in a property that stops magic repair, from whatever source. Whether it is repair object, reassembly or Self-repairing machine.

    Vincent says that this would probably require prime, you are saying this would require fate (and be death). I would bring up that Matter has spells like "annihilate matter" and "annihilate extraordinary matter". Those spells are not death spells. There are more than one ways to damage objects.

    However, on the "could require Prime" or "should require fate" I guess, that's would be fine. I personally do not see it as a curse but a property. Prime requirement would be a more reasonable addition in my opinion (Thaumium that stops spells has prime requirement).
    What do you think?
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  5. #115
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    The spell you submitted had a lasting duration but you say you do not want it to be lasting?

    The spell as submitted to negate the points of repair of self repairing machine would need to give a continuously decaying property, this is the only way to overcome self repairing machine.


    Self repairing machine is a lasting effect it can't be dispelled there is no potency to overcome once it has been successful cast. There is nothing to negate.

    Making something magically harder to repair is absolutely a curse.

    This spell has not been approved.
    Reuban Brigh

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  7. #116
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Taking inspiration from Alter Conductivity the suggested matter 2 spell does less drastic changes to a different property: How flammable an object (or volume of liquid or gas) is. I am torn between matter 1 and matter 2 for this spell, but I decided on matter 2. I would welcome input.

    Alter Flammability (matter 2):
    This spell alters the flammability of an item, either increasing or decreasing it. It cannot make non-flammable objects (like water) flammable or reduce very flammable objects (like paper or gasoline) to the inertness of stone.

    Practice: Ruling
    Action: Instant
    Duration: Prolonged
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: None

    This spell adjusts the target's flammability. While it cannot make water flammable like gasoline or make paper as non-flammable as stone, it can make gasoline as flammable as alcohol, tequila as flammable as clear ethanol, or paper just as flammable as wood.
    At matter 2, the mage needs to touch the object affected. At matter 3, the spell can be cast at sensory range. With matter 4, the mage can actually make inert matter flammable as paper or very flammable materials (like gunpowder) as inflammable as rock.

    Mysterium Rote: Fireproof
    Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Matter

    The Mysterium frequently employs this rote to protect valuable tomes and manuscripts by making them fireproof, ensuring the preservation of knowledge and artifacts against accidental fires.
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  8. #117
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    conductivity is binary property something either is conductive or it is not, the first thing I would want to clear up here are what are your proposed mechanical effects for making something more or les flammable?
    Reuban Brigh

  9. #118
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    After a lot of thought and not-many good answers, I came up with this change. Let's go with binary 0/1 ... with a twist for in-between.

    Alter Flammability (matter 2):
    This spell alters the flammability of an item. It can make non-flammable objects flammable or make inflammable objects to flammable. This spell can make stone ignite as dry wood or gasoline as inert as water. It can also be used to speed up or delay how quickly an object burns.

    Practice: Ruling
    Action: Instant
    Duration: Prolonged
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: None

    This spell can make a flammable object inflammable and vice versa.
    At matter 2, the mage needs to touch the object affected. At matter 3, the spell can be cast at sensory range. Other properties are not affected; gasoline that evaporates instead of catching fire is still very unhealthy. Iron that is on fire is still conductive (and thus touching the other side would give one burns as it would grow hot).

    Alternatively, the mage can make the object take more or less damage once it is on fire. For each potency of the spell, the rate of structure damage the object would get from fire increases. I.e. if a house on fire would get 2 structure damage per 10 minutes, with one success to make it less flammable, it would get 2 structure damage per 20 minutes.

    Mysterium Rote: Fireproof
    Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Matter

    The Mysterium frequently employs this rote to protect valuable tomes and manuscripts by making them fireproof, ensuring the preservation of knowledge and artifacts against accidental fires.
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  10. #119
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Right So alter conductivity is matter one it makes something conductive/insulated but does not change the damage from the current flowing through it that requires forces.

    Steel windows makes an object transparent/opaque but it not not change the level of light or darkness present (light may people to reach a new place now or be cut off yes but the magic has not impacted those things directly) you need forces/ death for those effects.

    To change the way fire interacts with an object in the way you propose is not a binary option as alter conductivity and steel windows present such matter based spells.

    Neither steel windows or alter conductivity effect structure or durability that requires combined casting with other spells to do.

    The spell you propose does considerably more the any example of spell that does similar and overlaps with the purview of other arcana.
    Reuban Brigh

  11. #120
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    OK, so you prefer the 0/1 option.

    Alter Flammability (matter 2):
    This spell alters the flammability of an item. It can make non-flammable objects flammable or make inflammable objects to flammable. This spell can make stone ignite as dry wood or gasoline as inert as water.

    Practice: Ruling
    Action: Instant
    Duration: Prolonged
    Aspect: Covert
    Cost: None

    This spell can make a flammable object inflammable and vice versa.
    At matter 2, the mage needs to touch the object affected. At matter 3, the spell can be cast at sensory range. Other properties are not affected; gasoline that evaporates instead of catching fire is still very unhealthy. Iron that is on fire is still conductive (and thus touching the other side would give one burns as it would grow hot).

    Mysterium Rote: Fireproof
    Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Matter

    The Mysterium frequently employs this rote to protect valuable tomes and manuscripts by making them fireproof, ensuring the preservation of knowledge and artifacts against accidental fires.
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

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