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Fallen power: Unlucky injuries

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  1. #21
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Breaking Rocks):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 3/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 3/2 (Fortunes Protection, Library of Time, Sibyls Sight)
    Stats 2

    Spells: (in Fallen Power: Unlucky Injuries (FP:UI)): 2/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 2/2 (Fortunes Protection, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on, getting replaced as scenes end by 1e mechanics), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation, breaking the code
      Exceptional Luck fail and re-roll
     Gain Skill, non-ruling casting, 
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort, getting out of situation


    After a few tries, some of the members of the crowd managed to finally get some hits on Philip, much to his annoyance. He`d hoped to get over to the entrance of the hospital smoothly. But he still refused them the satisfaction of a verbal response to their hits or ganging up on him. It was clear to him at that point though, that they could all be charged either with assault or aiding and abetting it. Prosecuting it without exposing me would be another matter, though. he thought, disappointed, knowing that that particular threat wouldn`t work.

    So, his fight-or-flight response kicked into overgear, as he saw no reason to attack the crowd, physically or metaphysically. But he did know he`d need some metaphysical luck to get sufficient distance from them. He simply refused to become their punching bag. So he picked up the pace significantly, from a normal walk to a near-sprint, trying to reach the hospital entrance before he`d need to be admitted horizontally, as he wished for aid from Arcadia in escape.
    2 successes

    He still held out the hope that they might come to blows over tripping over and hitting each other so he could get away for free, but he knew that was a pipe dream at best.

    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Breaking Rocks)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time, Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight) Speed: 10, Defense 3 +4 (because FP), Armor 0

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  3. #22
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, Daeva Vice: 0/3, 

    Not being restrained or hemmed in particularly Philips sprint is more then enough to cover the remaining distance. Most of the guards barrel past him however the last in the group stops and calls. ''Hey. Stop right there.'' Clearly in the sudden and brief out burst of violence the security had yet to get the facts of the matter sorted and knew only that their internecion was needed, not who was on which side of this.

    he is however saved from the crowd by a handful of other security force now carolling and dispersing them, even while a few try futilely to resist.

    Reuban Brigh

  4. #23
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Breaking Rocks):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 3/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 3/2 (Fortunes Protection, Library of Time, Sibyls Sight)
    Stats 2

    Spells: (in Fallen Power: Unlucky Injuries (FP:UI)): 2/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 2/2 (Fortunes Protection, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on, getting replaced as scenes end by 1e mechanics), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation, breaking the code
      Exceptional Luck fail and re-roll
     Gain Skill, non-ruling casting, 
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort, getting out of situation


    Perfect Moment
    affects social situations beneficially

    Reaching the door unmolested and quite quickly with his sprint, he stopped and turned when the security guard told him to, while ending Exceptional Luck and casting Perfect Moment instead. He did this silently and unobtrusively in the chaos.
    1 success

    he said crisply. There was no reason not to be polite with one of the guys who were keeping that crowd off his back. But he knew Fate had merely traded the immediate threat of the crowd with the equally serious, but less deadly threat of the security guards. So he continued to be on his guard, although his fight-or-flight response had been replaced by thoughts, racing thoughts, of how to persuade the guards to let him in and buy his side of the story. Well, and eventually, how to get to see Mr. Cartwright, and in the even more distant future, to the next encounter with the protesters. And he was assuming there would be a next time, after all. But more than anything, he was hoping that Fate would grant him the luck he wished for in order to talk his way past the guards and into the hospital. Well, if Fate obliged him, as Fate had proven unusually fickle in this whole Mr. Cartwright affair so far.

    As for the crowd that the guards were rapidly dispersing, while he still saw no reason to attack them, especially as he enjoyed relative cover for the moment, he did take a brief moment to internally congratulate himself for shaking the group by running over to the guards. His apprehension at the current situation remained, however, and Winter during all of this had abandoned him and gone who knows where. Some help he turned out to be. he thought, annoyed, despite his success at the beginning of an escape from the unruly crowd. He was at least somewhat hopeful that Arcadia had not abandoned him completely, despite the situation.

    And so, both because and in spite of it all, a bit of malice remained within him. After all, both his ego and his body had been slightly bruised by the encounter. And so, he still held out the hope that whoever of the protesters were left might still come to blows over failing to get him, so far at least. Fate had after all exacted a price from him for getting away, and he was still not quite out of the woods.

    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Breaking Rocks)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time, Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight) Speed: 10, Defense 3 +4 (because FP), Armor 0

  5. #24
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, Daeva Vice: 0/3, 

    Seeing Philips relative compliance and lack of aggression the guard gestures into the hospital. ''Come with me. Need a statement.'' So Philip was trading physical assault for an interview and paper work regarding his involvement even and is seems likely he was found to be innocent that did pose its own risks and delays.

    Reuban Brigh

  6. #25
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Breaking Rocks):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 3/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 3/2 (Fortunes Protection, Library of Time, Sibyls Sight)
    Stats 2

    Spells: (in Fallen Power: Unlucky Injuries (FP:UI)): 2/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 2/2 (Fortunes Protection, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on, getting replaced as scenes end by 1e mechanics), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation, breaking the code
      Exceptional Luck fail and re-roll
     Gain Skill, non-ruling casting, 
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort, getting out of situation


    Perfect Moment
    affects social situations beneficially

    Following the guard in a normal walking speed, he went with the flow. At a seemingly opportune moment he responded to the guard`s request to take Philip`s statement.
    he asked, giving him an incredulous look. Philip was questioning the need for the statement while also implying that the situation wasn`t worth his trouble and that it was open-and-shut. And Philip truly believed the situation was in fact open-and-shut, because while he`d lied to the protesters, he believed that this didn`t justify being ganged up on like that.
    2 successes

    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Breaking Rocks)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time, Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight) Speed: 10, Defense 3 +4 (because FP), Armor 0

  7. #26
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, Daeva Vice: 0/3, 

    resist coercion 2 successes

    Philip knows it would be a hard sell, this guy has a job to do and is not a paper pushing clerk but someone hired to intervene when things got out of hand and keep the peace in an environment where emotions can run high. And it seems that fate has either left him high and dry or is guiding him down an unforeseen path.

    ''Yeah, really. Need to sort this out.'' He gestures into with the foyer with a thumb and looks at Philip expectantly.

    Reuban Brigh

  8. #27
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Breaking Rocks):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 3/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 3/2 (Fortunes Protection, Library of Time, Sibyls Sight)
    Stats 2

    Spells: (in Fallen Power: Unlucky Injuries (FP:UI)): 2/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 2/2 (Fortunes Protection, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on, getting replaced as scenes end by 1e mechanics), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation, breaking the code
      Exceptional Luck fail and re-roll
     Gain Skill, non-ruling casting, 
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort, getting out of situation


    Sure, he knew it had been a difficult sell for the guard that was likely trained to take statements ahd had no doubt heard any number of excuses already to get out of it. But he believed he`d been genuine enough with his reason. So, with the guy refusing his wish to get out of having to give a statement, he went where the guard and Fate beckoned him at a normal walking pace, shrugging.
    he said, while ending Perfect Moment, for the little good it had seemingly done him. After all, Philip would not identify himself, even if gotten into a situation where he`d have to give some statement to get out of danger. He`d consider giving his statement, but he knew it would have to fit his narrative, after all. And he`d already internally stick to the lies he`d crafted for the group of protesters.

    And, needless to say, he`d also already decided that any statement would have to be later destroyed, as this was evidence and potential sympathetic connections pointing to him, as far as Philip was concerned. So, as he walked to the designated place he took another good look around, taking in the ever-changing situation around him in the hospital. After all, there were many things and people around, including patients, clerks, the guards, protesters and whatever else besides, such as cameras, that happened, existed and moved around him.
    2 successes

    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Breaking Rocks)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time, Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight) Speed: 10, Defense 3 +4 (because FP), Armor 0

  9. #28
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, Daeva Vice: 0/3, 

    Combat ends

    Philip accepting of his fate passively goes with the guard yet careful to keep aware of his surroundings. He is taken to a security office and directed to a seat, if he stands or sits is his choice.

    The guard moves through them release of debris across several desks which primarily support a bank of monitors no doubt hooked up to camera if Philip could just get a look without it seeing very sus pious.

    Pulling out a clipboard and a notepad the guard clicks a pen.

    ''Alrighty.'' Settling himself.

    ''So who are you?''

    ''Are you associated with the protestors?''

    ''And why did they attack you?''

    The questions quite calm now he has Philip facing him one to one and the due process has begun.

    Reuban Brigh

  10. #29
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Breaking Rocks):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 3/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 3/2 (Fortunes Protection, Library of Time, Sibyls Sight)
    Stats 2

    Spells: (in Fallen Power: Unlucky Injuries (FP:UI)): 2/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 2/2 (Fortunes Protection, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on, getting replaced as scenes end by 1e mechanics), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation, breaking the code
      Exceptional Luck fail and re-roll
     Gain Skill, non-ruling casting, 
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort, getting out of situation

    (getting out of situation)Willpower 1 Spent

    Remaining standing, only somewhat as a power-move, he answered the guard, trying to get out of the situation looking as good as possible:
    "Look, man. I just decided to talk to `em because I wanted to know what they were doing. But I`m not associated with them! Why would I wanna associate myself with a group that ganged up on me? Seriously, man. Would you?"
    he asked, turning the question around for the guard to answer, before continuing with some anger and righteous fury in his voice in his voice.
    "And I`m not gonna speculate what such a strange bunch would want to attack or gang up on me for. What matters is, they did. And they can be lucky I`m not pressing charges for assault and aiding and abetting, regardless of why they attacked me."
    getting out of situation 6 suxx, E-Suxx, WP

    spells, effects and gear

    (in DYLF: Breaking Rocks)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time, Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight) Speed: 10, Defense 3 +4 (because FP), Armor 0

  11. #30
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, Daeva Vice: 0/3, 

    Resist cohesion 3 successes

    A trained and composed man he might be but against Philips masterful social manipulation he stands no chance. Taking the statement buying it, making the insinuations he is being lead to, believing the lies as truth.

    And in due order Philip is released from custody to go about his business.

    Reuban Brigh

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