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(2405) Sanctuary

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  1. #31
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    The biggest shock was again from Corn, who revealed Winter`s Obrimos Path- much to Philip`s surprise, during the discussion about Acknowledgement. That earned Corn an eyebrow, and again got Philip looking between Corn and Winter to see what his reaction to this would be. After all, Winter and Aurora had voiced the greatest concerns about Corn`s handling of the situation, dousing Corn in flak for his poorly thought-through and somewhat tasteless acknowledgement.
    Oh, boy. If Winter can find so much impropriety in Corn`s acknowledgement of Witch, I could see him going through the roof over having his Path publicly revealed like this. Philip thought with no small amount of satisfaction, but again keeping it internalized and to himself out of respect for Winter.

    Chambers` words about the pre-approved messages were certainly interesting, and heated up the discussion in Philip`s view. But Aurora brought Winter`s concerns to the forefront. Clearly, Corn had been too fast with his questions and didn`t convey them the gravity they deserved, much like Philip had thought, too. Corn`s excuse that he just wanted to get Witch`s acknowledgement over quickly seemed like a bad one when compared with the pomp with which he first adressed Witch as `Magus Witch` all formal-like. But all those things notwithstanding, Philip had to prepare for his biggest challenge yet that day, acknowledging Eidolon. So he let his acknowledgement of Eidolon speak for his opinion on Corn`s beliefs on acknowledgement as a questionnaire, by itself. While he did not want to have a fight with him, he still hoped the other mages could read between the lines from his interactions with Eidolon and understand his position, rather than joining the discussion. So he merely nodded to Corn, Winter, Aurora and Chambers in turn as they presented their arguments and counter-arguments.But it seemed after the discussion had ended, Witch surprisingly gave her answers shortly and succinctly, giving Philip the free info of her Order affiliation, to his glee, as she did so. But nodding to her formally, as she did so as well, out of common courtesy and respect.

    Hoping the situation was now at least temporarily resolved, Philip hoped they wouldn`t have to re-visit that subject a third Consilium conference in a row. But it seemed the others were dead-set on making it a primary talking point once again. And that was too bad. After all, they were now substantially more mages than when Philip first joined, so he was at least thankful for the preliminary ruling in January on the subject. But that also made Philip slightly more annoyed that they couldn`t sort out the leadership discussion last Consilium with Winter`s sudden departure.

    But he was curious about Witch`s opinions on the matters they`d discussed during her absence, and what she felt about being acknowledged, mostly agreeing with Corn`s questions and earning her a questioning look, that passed between her and Corn in anticipation.

    So, waiting for a lull in the action, Philip finally introduced Eidolon. Or, however much he could gather from the texts. Walking up to and greeting him with a smile, but not giving him his hand to shake this time, he started:
    "Hi. Eidolon, was it? We texted earlier today, I believe. Anyway, I`m Philip Crosen and I`m pleased to meet you. I`m also a Libertine and Acanthus. And because of our earlier contact, and especially if any of those two also apply to you, it falls to me to Acknowledge you in this Consilium."
    After letting this fact sink in, while somewhat-expectantly looking towards him, giving him the chance for a reciprocal answer on his Path and Order affiliation but not pressing the subject, he continued.
    "Anyway, so.... What more can you tell us about yourself? And, I`m curious what brought you to Sacramento, of all places and if you know how long you plan to stay. Are you one of those mover-and-shaker-types?"
    he asked, a half-jest-smile briefly playing on his lips as he did so, before getting serious again, hoping he got the gist and questions asked even if he asked semi-casually, among other things. So he gave Eidolon a longer while to answer these questions before continuing slightly more gravely.
    "And more importantly, and this is again just to be clear from the start. But do you bring any trouble with you?"
    he asked, still conveying the gravity of the situation, while still giving him the chance to introduce himself somewhat- less formally than the stifling way Corn had done, holding off with the question about defense of the Circle until he`d answered the previous questions. After all, Eidolon seemed quite shy, given his erlier text, asking for permission to come inside, and now seemingly waiting on Philip to present him.
    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

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  3. #32
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    This meeting happenstance, that everyone was here, coincidence. Chambers had not got into the headspace for going back and forth points over mis remembered details. This is why we need to take better notes. But recognising what the moment calls for he takes the time as others respond and chip and actively contradict themselves to calm, and focus.

    Then when he gets his chance. Tone calm and focused. ''Apologies I've only added to the confusion.'' Starting by admitting fault in the self. ''Aurora you are quite correct the listed question are reference material and need not be strictly adhered to by anyone performing an acknowledgement.'' A sharp look is given to Corn as he just blatantly outs information Winter generally chose to quick private, at least as long as this Moros had known him. ''That is what I very poorly tried and seemingly failed to convey, by pre-approved, that some form of vetting in the form of questions would take place.'' That they had all agreed. ''By a member of the path or lacking that first contact.'' Which absolutely had been agreed in both meetings.

    ''When you Aurora, you Winter or anyone else performs the duty of acknowledgement you are free to adjust, deviate or go about it in which ever way you see fit.'' And there in lies the issue with her objection. ''As is Corn. If he we all have freedom to choose what questions we ask, he has the freedom to choose to use the reference material if he wants.'' Was this an issue because the very first acknowledgement was done using the material so people think its setting a precedent? ''The questions are drawn from a combination of Witch's agreed suggestions in January and those I was and have seen others asked since being here.'' I don't expect more of any new or returning mage then I went through myself.

    Nodding solemnly. ''Of course. Winter you, or anyone is free to voice concerns.'' As free as they are to ditch on official meetings part way through. ''But changes to conduct can only happen in official meetings. So concerns have been raised and heard and yes of course we will discussing them in the detail they seem to need.'' He takes a pause realising he is getting a little wound up by needing to hash things out again when they had bene previously agreed to. Two steps forward for one step back is still moving forward. ''In July.'' Until then. ''For now acknowledgements happen as agreed by us in the last meeting.'' At least give them a chance to be trial run first. The attention to his composure the necessary moments to refocus means he keeps level but firm.

    As for the lying or threat of it. ''Winter we have to readily accept that yes anyone might be lying. But even a small amount of due diligence on our part might be enough to prevent or minimise serious danger.'' Speaking of. ''On the matter do due diligence why did you not object when I was put to the question on arrival? or October? or Walker ?or Aurora or Corn or Puck?'' A bit of a break with tradition there from our most stoic resident. What you don't do says just as much as what you do.

    The thing that actually seems to have gotten to people is surprising. ''If the objection to Corn's method is the lack of social grace.'' To be fair he's earnt that reputation. ''Then so what. Not every one of us can be well spoken, or have conversational skills. We will handle that element a little differently just by default.'' He shrugs it really was a non issue for him. ''He did what was asked of him within the scope of what we agreed to.'' So unless we want one his robots to do the acknowledgements there is going to be different approaches, some more sociable then others.

    Philip proving exactly that, as once more he is seems to be called on for the role of acknowledgement. Eyes flick to the enchanter wisely staying out of the conversation and getting on with the duty at hand, given he knows a name without any being said it was safe to assume he knew something of the newest mage from outside the circle. I wonder if anyone will object to how he does it? It's more conversational certainty but no less expedient. The new guy gets a nod in greeting but Chambers is a little busy himself and has no desire to prolong the process by chipping in.

    He takes a reprieve to cast a nod and smile at Salem as his greeting is returned. ''Speaking of advise.'' Piggy backing off Corn's points for a hopeful distraction. ''What do you think? My Baking skills have seen a lot of improvement in recent months but I can still take them further.'' As the new mage was one of a very few to actually try the treats.

    Witch effectively neuters the conversation by answering Corn's questions. Well as far as she is concerned the process itself is still under scrutiny. And he Echo's Corn's Sentiments. ''Indeed welcome back.''

  4. #33
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Aurora had to nod in agreement with Winter. It was a barrage of questions. Important ones, yes. But there was a thing called tact.

    Catching the glance, she realizes she didn’t introduce herself, guess she should do that. “Aurora, Thyrsus.” Those were the most important things.

    Props to Witch for returning the sentiment to Corn with her answers, a smirk touching her lips.

    But wait, had Winter ever said what his Path was publicly? Her memory wasn’t what it used to, having the Abyss take a bit of your soul and humanity would do that. She honestly was sure, a glance to Winter.

    To Corn, “All I am going to say on this matter today, is that it can be discussed in the next Official Meeting. Everything will be sorted then. If you want to keep repeating yourself, have at it, but I’m done with the topic for now.” Did he like to hear himself talk? Was that why he repeated himself so often? Did his wife not let him talk at home, so this is where he gets to do it?

    Seemed like Philip understood the assignment, having more tact with how he worded the questions.

    “Oh, whenever I have to acknowledge someone, it certainly won’t be sterile and impersonal.”
    Taking a drink from her travel mug, but whatever.

    Finally, a hint of a smile, “Might have to get you a chefs hat Chambers.” He really seemed to have jumped all in on the baking thing.

    “And yes, welcome back Witch.”

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  6. #34
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    He shrugs, he had made his point clear, for now it was just a matter of acknowledging the new members. "Welcome back Witch", he said before turning his attention to the other newcomer.

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  8. #35
    Eidolon's Avatar
    Marcus Hawthorne
    High Speech
    Eidetic Memory
    (Free Council)
    New Identity
    (Marcus Hawthorne)




    When Eidolon uses Vulgar magic, his eyes glow purple and a faint, eerie mist surrounds him, tinged with shadows that seem to dance in a macabre waltz.


    Reinforce Long Jacket: WoD core p170


    Smartphone: HtV, p. 37
    Laptop: HtV, p. 37
    Zippo Lighter


    Energy Meter: HtV, p. 240
    Stun Gun: Armory, p. 36
    Dart Gun Pistol: Armory p.91
    Beretta M92: Armory, p.65
    Dagger: WoD Core, p.170


    Eidolon walked in and immediately was hit with what seemed more argument than discussion. Well, this is unexpected, he thought. He stood by and listened to the whole thing before being approached by Philip, who introduced himself briefly before beginning the acknowledgement.

    "The name is Eidolon, Libertine Warlock." Eidolon stated matter-of-factly. "Glad to be here, I was looking for a new place to call home, when a friend offered me a place to stay, in exchange for watching over his business."

    Eidolon is taken aback at the question of trouble, "Not sure what you mean by trouble, but I am pretty sure none followed me here. I am glad to be here, and I hope to be able to work alongside some of you in the future."

    Eidolon took in Corns introduction,"So are you always causing this much of an uproar or is it just a one time thing. I mean, I did not expect to walk into Sanctuary, and get hit with a full-blown argument happening. But if you excuse me, I need to talk to Philip real quick."

    Eidolon then left Corn, and walked over to Philip, "Sorry for the impromptu text, I was just given the number and told to contact you. As a fellow Libertine if you want to meet up in a more private setting to talk, I am all for it. In the meantime, is there anything I should know about our fellow mages."
    Speed: 9 | Defense: 2 | Armor: 1
    "Talking" | Thinking

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  10. #36
    Salem's Avatar
    Status (Academia)

    Reality seems to warp around him, distance and direction having little meaning anymore.
    Salem Scenes
      Forces Improvised, +3 on Spell, Improvised Forces + WP


    Salem lifts an eye brow as Witch openly admits her Order. He's not met a lot of Guardians that are that open about that. He'll pack that particular tidbit of information away.

    He nods to Corn as the man explains about his potential reactions outside of the Circle. "Not a problem. I'd likely do the same as well." The Moros isn't the only one who's got connections amongst the Sleepers, but he doesn't feel the need to announce that.

    He had noticed the mention of both Aurora's and Winter's Paths, though he didn't really think anything of it. It was something to be noted.

    He looks down at the treat still in his hands at Chamber's question and nods. "It's very good. I like the different textures you've got going in it. Your recipe?" he asks of the English Necromancer.

    He smiles to Aurora when she gives her introduction. "A pleasure to meet you. Salem, Mastigos." She didn't offer her order so he didn't offer his, though she had more than likely heard it already.

    He turns to Eidolon and lets a grin grow. "Salem, Warlock, Libertine. A pleasure."

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  12. #37
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 3/4
    Personal Spells: 2

    PRP: DYLF - Grim Sight
    PRP: DYLF - Alter Raiment
    PRP: DYLF - Shadow Sculpting


    Witch wasn't frowning, but Corn 's smile wasn't being returned either. To his granting of acknowledgment, she nodded and returned his welcoming comment with a simple "Thank you." The comment repeated with a small nod toward the rest of the room and the echoing sentiment from some of her now fellow Sacramento Mages.

    With his follow up question, she was quiet for a moment.

    "I appreciate the ... efficiency of your process. That being said it will not be how I conduct acknowledgments should I be given the opportunity in the future."

    Was that a tensing in her jaw as Corn continued? Hard to tell. Conversation was happening with many involved after all. Doubtless just a play of light as attention went from one talker to another. Especially as she didn't make a move to say anything.

    Eidolon and Salem. Both Mastigos. Both Free Council. Maybe another time she would have found the alignment worth a smile. As it was, she simply noted their names and settled back on heels.

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  14. #38
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    Chambers gives the lay of what needed to be said and Corn was nodding in agreement with what was told till... Chambers more or less calls him out for lacking conversational skills. "Hey!" He said slightly offended. "You could have put it as 'not very graceful socially' or 'a bit impersonal'. No need to claim that I have no conversational skills."
    Philip does an acknowledgement his way and that's all fine for Corn, he doesn't mind how anyone else do the acknowledgement as long as it fulfils its purpose. He doesn't lack conversational skills and social grace after all.

    To Aurora 's comment he nods. July sounds good enough for him although he doesn't think it needs to be addressed again.
    Eidolon says something a bit peculiar... "Uproar? Full blown argument? It was a minor difference of opinion between peers as far as I understand. " And I was not the one that started it, Corn thinks but doesn't say, @Winter did but I was called out for so-called lacking in social grace.
    Salem seems taken, like most of them, with Chamber's cooking. "Chambers put a lot of effort in anything he makes." Corn says with a nod, reaching for a bite for himself.

    To Witch 's comment he nods. Alas, nobody seems to like the efficiency of my delivery. I would do an interview next time. If they ever allow me to do another one.
    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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  16. #39
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Night Hawk Base):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 4/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 4/2 (Fortunes Protection, Sibyls Sight, Shifting the odds, Quantum Flux)
    Stats 2

    Base: Mana:
    Spells: (in FP:UL: Winter)): 3/6, on person: 3/2: (Fortunes Protection(FP), Perfect Moment, Exceptional Luck)
    (in Squeaky Choir (SQ): Nearest Building): 6/6 spells (on person 6/2): (FP, Sybils Sight, Gain Skill, Exceptional Luck, Pulse of the Living World, Quantum Flux)
    (in Ley Line/Hallows(LLHF40)): 3/6 spells, 3/2 on person: (FP, Sybils Sight, Exceptional Luck)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in Consilium
    Armor: 4 (FP, SQ, DYLF, LLHF40) Defense: 3 , Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.


    Chambers` question, and Salem`s and Aurora`s praises get Chambers another nod in agreement from Philip for his splendid cooking-slash-baking.
    "I`ll be honest, I couldn`t offer advice to you since your cooking is so much better than mine, as you`ll find out."
    he said, re-emphasizing his half-announcement of his acceptance of Chambers` semi-dare to have Philip cook something in the future.

    Winter`s lack of a response to having his Path revealed was surprising to Philip, who had expected a much greater outburst after the earlier interruption from him. And this was certainly duly noted, as he continued looking between Corn and Winter for a while, hoping everything was settled.

    On the subject of Corn`s social graces, Philip had to agree with Corn that Chambers hadn`t been very tactful either. But he did have a point, although his need to backtrack on some of his earlier statements was awkward for Philip. And if Corn`s gonna respond like a bratty child like that, then that`s too bad for him. Philip thought with no small amount of satisfaction that he kept internal out of respect for Corn.
    Nevertheless, Philip nodded to Chambers when he corrected himself, at least partially acknowledging his faults. But Chambers` question of due diligence, and by extension criticism of the seeming hypocrisy of Winter was certainly also interesting, so he gave Chambers and Winter a curious look at that exchange.

    Witch`s comment basically boiled down to agreeing with the majority that Corn had been tactless, even though she was surprisingly diplomatic about it. Then again, she did answer Corn`s questions and didn`t complain about it, and that`s to her credit. he thought, nodding to Aurora and Witch in turn.
    "Yeah, I agree. It`s great to have you back, Witch."
    he said, echoing the sentiment.
    And you can find out yourself what happened in the interim from the new records. he finished his sentence internally, hoping she didn`t ask for the full scoop of every detail of what happened since she left, despite already having gotten quite a lot from the others. He wasn`t annoyed, just taxxed with the acknowledgement of Eidolon.

    And, Eidolon had a point, too. And that was despite, like Chambers, lacking Witch`s tact, on top of coming across as at least somewhat presumptuous as a not-even-acknowledged Mage. After all, if this was gonna turn into a talking point in July as it looked like, then Corn was massively underselling the discussion around him that had started. And Eidolon was simply calling an elephant for what it was, something that caused Philip to accord the Mastigos no small amount of respect, at least in that sense. Really? Minor difference of opinion? I guess you`re entitled to your opinion, but you`re the minority. Philip thought, slightly surprised, but not letting it show outwardly. Philip merely continued his policy of not letting the discussion affect him, which he considered to have served him quite well so far.
    And so, he continued his acknowledgement of Eidolon. Acknowledging his Path and Order with a curt nod, as he`d already given his.
    "Just wanted to know what the text was about. And now I do. Makes sense to want to contact a fellow Libertine. No worries."
    he said, reassuringly, becoming somewhat-more serious, before smirking and again becoming more laid-back.
    "Anyway. Good. So, no trouble. And I`m glad you`re here to stay. As for knowledge of our fellow willworkers, we can discuss that in private some other time. I`m sure we`ll have a lot to discuss, regardless."
    Smiling, he took a breath and continued after a beat. He felt Eidolon was again being shy for not asking them, despite standing right next to `em. And Philip also didn`t want to overstep any boundaries. He`d learned that the hard way from his encounters with Chambers, Corn and Aurora, so declined to give any info the other mages didn`t volunteer themselves. Well, in the current setting. He just saw no point in needlessly flaunting his Free Council beliefs of free information exchange to destroy the trust he`d built with the Mystagogues. For the time being, he would play their game and bide his time. So, he changed the topic back to Eidolon`s new job again, as he briefly continued his small talk.
    "But, that sounds exciting. A new place to stay and taking over a business."
    Giving Eidolon a chance to answer and contribute to the small-talk, he took a longer beat. Well, before becoming serious again and asking the final acknowledgement question he believed was expected of him, somewhat out-of-the-blue.
    "Anyway, and I know this is out of the blue, but I just want to be clear from the start again, like with the trouble. But, would you be willing to defend the Circle and its` members with your life if necessary?"
    (in DYLF: Night Hawk Burrow)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    (Fortunes Protection, Sybils Sight, Shifting the Odds, Quantum Flux) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 4 (because of FP)

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  18. #40
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Spell tolerance: 2/3 +1/1
    Active spells: 1/6 + 1/1

    Paradox base: 2

    Monthly rituals:

    Fortunes protection + Quantum Flux (Improvised combined cast) (Both cloaked)
    Potency: 4/3

    Grim sight: (Rote) (Cloaked)
    Potency: 10


    The matter at hand seemingly to have been shelved till July was well and good. It gives us time and space to consider solutions to the issues raised. Allowing himself to relax a little. ''A chefs hat? I think that might give the wrong impression.'' Chuckling a little. ''No I've taken to it for more reasons then just it's fun.'' A moment to consider. ''Although I wouldn't be against buy the stuff need to have a proper kitchen around here.'' Only half joking now.

    Ah yes the other new guy. ''Apologies how rude of me. Welcome Eidolon.'' He had ignored him after all. ''Chambers, I walk the path of Doom.'' A pause. I've said it once today already. ''Mystagogue.'' Besides it sounds like Philip is going to be spilling the beans. A notion that did irk him a little, but he does not let it show. Just a careful reminder to be careful what I let out into the world.

    Responding to Salem's question. ''Thank you. Half and half I used a recipe book for the base idea, but modified it to get something more complex and I hope flavourful.'' Nodding Corn. ''I certainly do try. I don't see a point in doing it if your not going to strive to do it well, and test your own skill.'' You don't learn if you don't without engaging so might as well engage at the hardest level. Learn all there is to learn. Philip gets a small smile. ''Thank you. If it is something your worried about there is nothing wrong follows a recipe for the first you try making something.'' The advice was well meaning.

    A nod just to acknowledge Witch's courtesy. And he takes a moment to really view the room around it things were much busier the they had been since his arrival With the return of Witch and the Arrival of Salem and Eidolon the numbers had doubled since last July. A good sign I hope.

    Turning to Corn to now address his objection. ''How is saying your not very graceful socially different from saying you lack social grace?'' It's the same words just rearranged to mean to the same thing. ''Regardless your method did what was needed.'' It just is not popular which is fine.

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