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Ordo Dracul Meeting 2/29

11 - 17
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  1. #11
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "There is something that I want you two to decide tonight.
    I am going to be very occupied for some time. I will depart Sacramento for three weeks starting tomorrow night."

    His eyes look between Raul and Losh .

    "I want you to talk amongst yourselves and decide upon a new Leader, a new face for the covenant.
    I shall return to offer to mentor you when my experiment is completed."

  2. #12
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl listens to the older Dragon, watching and giving a small shake of his head. "I've seen her around but not spoken in length. I'd be happy to do so."

    He listens to the tale, having heard part of this before and nodding when the Lord states he's going to be going into seclusion for a time, likely to study. It's something to be expected of a Dragon. There is almost always a point that one of their kind sequesters themselves away to consider their unlife and how to surpass it.

    He blinks at the suggestion of picking a leader, a face, from the two of them. He looks towards Losh and then towards Royce and then back to the Shadow again. "I am happy to serve in whatever capacity that it is needed of me. I have only recently returned back to this city, but I feel that I could serve it well. Losh, I would like to know your thoughts though."
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  4. #13
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Lindsey Ravenwood)


    "My thoughts? If I spoke my thoughts we'd be here all night," He said half jokingly, "Axesworn aren't trained to lead, their trained to obey. My main concerns are if I took the title of Castellan, it would provide a conflict of interest. I can't very well leave the Chapterhouse unguarded to go and deal with a threat.'

    Losh mimicked a sigh, even though he hadn't required oxygen in nearly two hundreds years, the calming gesture still proved effective.

    "But since you're leaving Royce, and I don't know Raúl that well to make a fair judgement. I'm willing to assume the position of Castellan for the good of the Covenant, if none of you have any issues with that. My plan would be this, I will temporally assume the rank until a suitable replacement can be find, preferably a Dragon Sworn Of Mysteries. Raúl, you will become Kogaion and your task would be to locate Wyrm Nests and aid me in recovering lost artifacts."

    Loshwondered if he even had the authority to declare himself Castellan or give Raúl that title, they always seemed like such lofty unobtainable ranks. Although, he supposed they were just ceremony at the moment. They can play pretend and make believe all they want, but the truth was they were still just two Kindred operating out of a dilapidated manor.

    "But that's just a series of suggestions. Either way I think I'll be spending the next couple of nights here trying to discern what went wrong. Both within the manor itself and the former leadership, I think it was Winston Churchill who said something along the lines of knowing your history."

    The real reason why he was so interested in the Chapterhouse wasn't the politics or even the status, it was the basement. He'd heard rumors and stories that the Dragon who lived there prior had collapsed it to stop creatures coming from the tunnels. That had been where whatever investigation or inquiry he had into the matter stalled. Surely the collapse had killed them all, and he was very curious as to what these creatures looked like, he could learn by studying their corpses.

    Plus, he wasn't so sure how widespread the knowledge of that event was, he could frame it as simply another restoration project, act just as surprised and shocked if anyone finds anything down there. Being Castellan would be a pain, but it'd give him a valid excuse to have a vested focus on repairing the Chapterhouse. In that moment he wanted more than anything to leave the room and go down to the basement for a preliminary investigation into the scene.

    But he stayed in place like a good little Axesworn, and, he reasoned, those tunnels could be useful, he didn't know what they were used for originally, but losing them had been a blow to the former leadership from what he heard. There could have been lots of lost books and artifacts down there, and well, it was his duty to go and retrieve them.

    Losh looked around the room, waiting for a reply.

  5. #14
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The expression was serious as he looked between the two Covenant members. He inclined his head slightly towards Raul.
    "What is important to me is that the kindred who steps up made of sturdy stuff. We have had far too much change over."

    The serious gaze was fixed upon Losh.
    "There is no assurance that another shall arrive in Sacramento, much less a pick of your choice.
    I can bestow the authority to one of you,"
    Eyes move to Raul. "when you have the decision. Yet we have a few minutes before we depart for the dawn star.
    Can you come to the decision in the next few minutes, or shall we meet tomorrow evening?"

  6. #15
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl smirks ever so slightly at the Shadow's joke but then his face sobers slightly at the talk of the potential conflict of interest. "Trained to lead, no, but to some it is more of a calling then proper training. Not everyone can learn to fight and not everyone can learn to lead.."

    Raúl watches the older Dragons for a moment, thinking it over for a few moments. He hears Losh's suggestions of what positions he would take and assign to the Savage and it pleases him. He isn't sure that his young age would serve the Covenant well as a leader, but then, Dragons are ones to readily embrace change and the new.

    "I think those positions would suit as well. My skill set would lead me more towards the role of Kogaion as well," he says with a smile. "Though I would be willing to assist with the reconstruction of this place if you needed it."
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  7. #16
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "Then you shall be in charge of the Ordo Dracul, Losh. This belongs to you." Solemnly, a key on a metal chain was removed from Mr. Waldorf's neck. He held it out towards Losh and waited for Losh to indicate he was comfortable enough for Mr. Waldorf to place the key around his neck.
    "Raul shall be Kogaion.

    It is imperative to uphold the secrecy of this place. Perhaps the two of you will build on the Chapter House before my return. I will be at Formal Court if you have any pressing questions. I shall depart after Court concludes.

    "I do want to make you aware of someone who is arriving in town, Mark Kendall. I was sent a letter that he intends to be arriving at court. One could meet with him soon.
    Mark has been a resident of the Domain a few years ago and was acknowledged in the Ordo Dracul. He left town in pursuit of knowledge regarding Ghoul Bloodlines. He was very interested in being someone who could maintain the ghoul families for our Domain.
    Here is a paper with his contact information for the next Ordo Dracul meeting. If you can assist in his acknowledgement," A knowing look as Losh is handed a sheet with the words Mark Kendall -a phone number - and an address.

    "- and with that, our business is concluded. I wish you luck, gentlemen."

    Goodbyes were acknowledged and the man moved further off into the Chapterhouse, appearing lost in thought. The meeting was over.

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  9. #17
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Edit the Wiki and your Character Mini sheets with titles for ease of new Ordo Dracul members.

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