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(2403)Spring Coronation!

1 - 10
Apr 21, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Sonnie Wu
Apr 21, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Apr 21, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Apr 21, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Apr 21, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Vincent Black
Apr 21, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Apr 24, 2024 - May 2, 2024
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  1. #1
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    If you asked the Nix, the Season flew by, bringing Spring front and center again.

    Not that she would complain, she was proud of her Season and what they had built within the Freehold and what they contributed. And this year would be no different.

    Power had been run to the Tavern yet again, because Sera couldn’t get enough of adding whimsical lights to the interior and exterior. Candles in hazy glass containers had been mixed in with the soft glow of the lights. The flickering of the flames looking like stars shining in a clear night sky. Flowers from the Hedge had been artfully, and tastefully arranged around the room.

    Once again, a table was setup near the entrance with various handcrafted packets of various native wildflowers, some specifically picked out because they survived droughts longer. Always good to make sure those were added. They were all colorful with notes about how easy they were to plant.

    An extravagant food buffet had been laid out. There was everything from colorful fruit platters to meats, cheeses and whatever else one may desire. Similar to last year, there was a desert table, but this year it held cakes that one could see their reflection in. They came in all flavors and colors! A wall of hanging ivy had been configured in such a way as to accommodate champagne flutes, hanging delicately with back lighting. A special table had four distinct wine glasses, one for each Season, each hand painted. Another table had various drinks and teas arranged, each with a hand written card saying what was in it. And of course, the bar was stocked if anyone wanted anything special.

    Outside had been turned into a gathering area. There were tables of various sizes placed around, some even made of repurposed wooden pallets with varying sized pillows placed around them. Gauzy material was draped over them. Here and there were tables that could be stood at, and some with chairs so you could sit and relax. Blankets of various sizes had been laid out with more pillows and tea lights. The open space was inviting, encouraging people to talk and be comfortable.

    But there was something new this year! The Spring Court had setup an art area for the Freehold! There were canvases setup, paint and brushes, but also drawing paper and various pencils in all colors! It was time for a Freehold art show, and Spring was providing everything for them! Time to let your creativity flow and have some fun! Another table held terracotta pots, smaller ones, with special paint, in case anyone wanted to paint a flower pot!

    All in all, a more laid back, but still glamorous Spring Coronation!

    Let’s party!
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

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  3. #2
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall

    Criminals 2
    Finance 1
    City Hall 1

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    After the more eclectic collection of outfits from Winter Kray had decided to be more himself for this coronation and not done himself up in a fancy outfit that basically broke his bank account. Rather Denim jeans, a plain black T-shirt with a mostly buttoned flannel shirt over the top and of course the two things he was never without, well polished business shoes and a hedgespun hat of autumnal leaves.

    Not having been to the spring's tavern before he is stopped dead by the extravagance of it, which parts where magic and which where mundane would take him a minute to figure as the array blended into one great sequence of colour and splendour in his vision. If he could whistle at all, he would have in appreciation.

    It seems like he might be the first one here, and that was a little uncomfortable being in another courts space like that so he busies himself reading the potting advice on the plants.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

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  5. #3
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    And there, nestled in the extravagance of Spring, sits the throbbing Wyrdstone ready and waiting, to aid in the Changing of the Seasons.

    If you haven't gotten your Ack/Status 1 Freehold this is the place for it! After Sera spends into the Wyrdstone you can spend 1 Glamour and gain Status Freehold 1.

    And a reminder that all Courtless Changelings need to spend 1 Glamour into the Wyrdstone to retain their Freehold Status.

    Seraphina when you spend into the Wyrdstone remember to @me so I can do the narration, and remember to describe your Crown!

  6. #4
    Anatole's Avatar
    Mantle (Autumn)
    (Shadows, heat and ringing metal)
    New Identity
    (Anatole Kolowksi)
    Strong Back

    A shorter, barrel chested man with a thick beard.

    A 'dwarf' with burned, scorched, and scarred skin.



    Anatole sweeps in, dressed in casual formal wear: a jacket, shirt, trousers and crisply polished shoes. His shadowy mantle drags along behind, tugging and snagging at the furniture and the dressings. Occasionally, the ringing of a hammer on anvil will punctuate the air - a sign his magical aura is slowly strengthening. The Crown does that.

    First, the Wizened takes stock. Sights Kray . Unable to locate the glowing form of Seraphina .

    So he wanders the Tavern, taking in all the various spaces. He stops by the champagne flutes and admires the reflective confectionary. He reaches out and feels the gauzy materiel of the cushions out in the gathering area. Finally, he makes his way to the bar and pours himself a drink.

    "Kray! I really like the hat! Can I get you something?"

    He calls out to his fellow Courtier. The airy space invited it... And with no one else there, why not?

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  8. #5
    Vincent Black's Avatar
    Beast: Wolf
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Vincent Black)
    (Bounty Hunter)
    Lethal Mien






    Wolf-like ears, bluish-silver fur-like hair. One glowing blue eye and one glowing red eye. Glowing bluish-silver tattoo-like marks on bare skin, depicting Hati and Skol chasing sun and moon. Clawed fingers, pointed teeth, and fangs.


    Tall, rugged male with bluish-silver hair, tanned skin, dark piercing eyes. Silver tattoos depict Hati and Skol pursuing sun and moon. His wild striking looks turn heads.


    Reinforced Hooded Trenchcoat 1/0
    Kevlar Vest 2/3 -1 Defence


    Beretta M92
    Recurve Bow


    Burner Phone
    Digital Camera
    Laptop Computer
    Digital Audio Recorder
    4 Mags of Ammo
    20 Arrow Quiver


    The wildness that infuses a Beast gives her a supernatural affinity with animals. A Beast gains the benefit of the 8 again rule when using the Animal Ken Skill, and receives a free Specialty for the one animal that most reflects the Beast’s seeming. That same wild nature gives a Beast a powerful personal magnetism. A Beast’s player can spend points of Glamour to add to dice pools involving Presence and Composure. Each point of Glamour spent adds one die to one dice pool.

    Tooth and Claw

    Can inflict lethal damage instead of bashing damage when fighting unarmed.

    Burning Hypnotism

    Once per scene, the player may spend one Glamour to surround the Flamesiren with a blazing flame-like aura. Anyone looking at the Flamesiren must make a successful Resolve + Composure roll or suffer a two-dice penalty to all actions until the character decides to douse the aura or the scene ends, thanks to the distraction.
    Vincent Black Scenes
      Beasts Keen Senses

    (Imbue Wyrdstone)Glamour 1 Spent

    Hunterheart Flamesiren

    Vincent enters dressed in his Solstice attire, the top of his hair pulled into a ponytail, and a bag slung across his shoulder. He approaches the Wyrdstone, touching it and imbuing it with the power of his Glamour and the power of the Court of Solstice.

    He notices the Springtime Queen, Anatole and Kray, and waves, “Hello my friends, glad to see you this Spring Solstice. Glad to be here a little early.

    Vincent puts his bag down and opens it up pulling out a Jug of Honey Mead. “I bring libations for all of us to enjoy.” As he places it on a table. He then proceeds to make himself a plate of food while he waits for others to join them.

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  10. #6
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    The Wyrdstone rebuffs Vincent, still attuned to the Winter passed, to continue his binding to the Freehold he'll have to wait until it's thrumming is beating in time with Sera's Springtime heart.

    Sorry if my note wasn't clear, but I think this makes more sense lore-wise to have Courtless and New Arrivals to only be able to Swear in/Spend the Glamour after the Monarch does it first.

    The Glamour has been spent, and when Sera arrives and spends in to Change the Seasons, you can spend another Glamour to the Wyrdstone

  11. #7
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    After all the setup with the help of Sonnie of course, she had gone upstairs to get her dress on.

    Each year she went all out in designing and spinning her gown, and each time, she told herself she was going to tone it down. But that never happened, she simply loved her Court and everything that it meant. So she kept overworking herself with sewing and combining materials.

    This year her dress was as vibrant as Spring itself! The materials a mixture of various silks and Hedgespun in such a way that it appeared she was wearing the Season. The colors popping and matching the wild flowers that grew out from where she stepped. Each flower that was on her dress was alive and swaying gently in an unseen spring breeze. The leaves that cascaded down the back of the dress moved ever so slightly to reveal more colors beneath. This was dress was very much alive, and was very much in-tune with the Nix, hugging her curves yet flowing effortlessly. If you paid enough attention, butterflies would be perched on a few of the petals.

    Walking down the stairs and into the room, it seemed to come alive once again. The wild flowers bursting out around wherever she stepped, her hair dancing down her back and dusting the floor with soft curls. She wore no makeup, not that she needed it, but tonight there was nothing, not even a lip gloss. The cracks in her face were evident, not hidden, a darkness swirling within them. No jewelry adorned her translucent hands.

    Approaching the group, she had a huge, friendly smile, “Good evening, everyone! I hope you are all well.”
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

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  13. #8
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    Circe enters, heels of her boots clicked as she lets out an impressed whistle at the sight. The blue Larcenist had a few options for how to try to match Seraphina tonight. She could have dolled up her breastplate and add some accessories. Hedegspun something slinky. Or sparkly. But too much to do, too little time. Circe had instead just gotten a few mortal things together, a quick little ensemble. She liked the jacket, thank you very much. The short skirt and long jacket meshed well with her knee-high boots.

    And Circe had jewelry on. Not any of her old stuff this night, nay. Her necklace is steel and red gemstones, the sparkling rocks standing out against her blue skin. Then there was the rings she made on her right hand was a pair of them. With one having a typically Summer image, though the second might be a nod to spring.

    The greater surprise would be what is in one of her pockets. Not the other pocketed items.

    And there were a few gathered already. "A most impressive spread Seraphina," her heels click as she stalks over to the group. "And the place is dolled up great too." This. This is why she stopped trying to compete with Spring. They are the court of desire and thus celebration for sure. The closest she could get would require much more Lost, alcohol, and an agreement for the brawl loser to pay the, wait? Circe points, "Reflective cakes? Wow."

    Circe laughs. Universe proves the point.

    "I think none shall be hungry tonight," her nose twitches at all the scents present. It is a lot. Though there are others present as well, "Hello boys," Circe gives them a salute but then Vincent was off already getting food, "No hunger tonight for sure, oh ho ho ho."

    "Anatole," she focuses upon him. The only one here she'd not spoken with for quite a while, "I haven't seen ya lately. How are things going with you?"
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  15. #9
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall

    Criminals 2
    Finance 1
    City Hall 1

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    Kray is aware of his sovereign's arrival and doffs his hat in a familiar show of respect but keeps reading the plant instructions until he is called out to. At which point he will make his way over and join him at the bar. ''Ah. Anatole good to see you, how you been?'' The compliment is always nice if a little confusing. It's the same one I wear everywhere? ''Uh. Thanks, and yeah I'll take a large glass of whatever's going thank you, a small keg even if they got one.'' A nod of appreciation to the harvest king.

    Then calling out a return greeting to the wild wolfman. ''Ha. Hey Vincent.'' Looking across he mouth splits in a wide toothy, always unsettling smile. ''What no hug today?'' Yes that was going to be something Kray was going to tease about for a while it seemed.

    Sarah's entrance of course grabs and holds attention unconditionally, magnificent as she is. ''Uh. Hi Sarah.'' She to gets a doffed hat in respect. ''Your place looks, is, incredible.'' As someone with a deep fascination of magic it could not go unnoticed or unappreciated. He does stop short of complimenting the director herself not entirely sure how to put that into words.

    And Circe was no slouch on the fashion front the fairest of the freehold clearly meant business today. 'Ah. Hey Circe.'' She gets a tip of the hat rather then a full doff. ''No indeed it seems an army could be fed and not go wanting.'' Agreeing with her assessment. And good thing to, makes me feel less bad once I start eating them out of house and home. ''Uh. Who's unlucky one you plan on using those on?'' Indicating her rings with a chuckle.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

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  17. #10
    Anatole's Avatar
    Mantle (Autumn)
    (Shadows, heat and ringing metal)
    New Identity
    (Anatole Kolowksi)
    Strong Back

    A shorter, barrel chested man with a thick beard.

    A 'dwarf' with burned, scorched, and scarred skin.



    "Ha! Keg, eh?"

    Anatole grins back at his fellow Ashen Courtier. Nodding, he turns his attention to the bar, a place has manned on several occasions before. He peers at the beverages behind the counter; finishes his drink in quick quaff before poking his head under the counter. Exclaims in delight and heads behind the bar.

    "You might be in luck there, my friend."

    There is indeed a small cask of something strong. The Harvest King nabs it and hustles back over to the Gristlegrinder, cask and a purloined tankard in tow.

    He misses the initial entry of Seraphina but manages a kind of half salute, half nod, half mumble as he passes... With the the cask... En route to Kray.

    "Here you go. Enjoy."

    He turns to Vincent once he places the cask and tankard within reach of the big Ogre.

    "I'll be over in a moment..."

    Cornered by Circe

    "Oh hi! I see you have gone very blue today. What is that? The new... ah... cyberpunk chic?"

    He knuckled at a moustache.

    "I have been well. Quiet. How about you?"

    One of his eyes was tracking magnetic Seraphina.

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