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  1. #21
    Puck's Avatar

    Striking Looks


    Winds blow around the mage, varying in intensity depending on the spell and parting abruptly after.


    A wizard is neither late nor early. Unless his name is Puck, then he's probably late.

    The Acanthus takes a deep breathe as he enters concilium. The libertine something walks in with rather casual dress. Was flannel in? Scratch that, did Puck even care anymore? Long gone are the days of the conscientious libertine, and Puck found the practicality of jeans and boots far more appealing now. Not to mention comfortable? He can thank his new buddies for showing him that.

    "Afternoon everyone." Puck smiled to the crowd, four layers of golden glyphs dancing around his pattern as he walks up. Eyes flick around the group. One face he's happy to see, two he didn't know, and one he decides not to make eye contact with.

    "Nice to see some familiar faces still about."
    The smile widens for Winter and Aurora before Puck turns his attention to Chambers and Phillip. "I go by Puck. Former Acanthus Councilor of the River City Concilium and First Talon of the Ungula Draconis."

    Yeah, might as well get that out of the way now.

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  3. #22
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    Corn raises his eyebrows with surprise after Aurora 's rebuttal. "Eh... it is just that we were in quite good terms when I left. We were semi-regularly meeting with Phoenyx and some of the others for drinks or arcades and all and we didn't have any disagreements while we were on the council together. I simply thought you would be happier to see an acquaintance and co-worker after a year and half, that's all. "
    I would react with greater enthusiasm if I met Chambers or Phillip after a year and half, and I know them for 5 minutes, Corn thought to himself. But I was always more excitable than she was.

    Then Aurora asks about the exciting developments and Corn starts talking. The more he talks, the more he overcomes his discomfort from Aurora's chilly reception of his return. "Eh, well, perhaps you won't find them as exciting as I thought, but they are pretty exciting for me.
    They have to do with the reasons I am back to Sacramento, at least for the time being. We did have a son with Maria after all! He is six months right now. If you are interested, I would show you pictures." he says as his thoughts return to his son. "We have picked a name but ... well... you know. Not so confident sharing names around mages, especially of my son. It is much more of a habit than an issue of trust, of course. I do trust you. Maria and I are thinking on trying for a second child. I think it is a bit too early, but studies show that siblings bond better if they are close together and both my parents and my parents in law advise us that it is better to have them close together. We will take opinions from doctors. I have to get my wife to the gynecologist after this meeting. The baby is with my parents - thus I could sneak away and come to the consilium.
    Anyway... I would love to catch up and hear everyone's news and tell you more about my news in a bit more detail, the town we lived and all. I would love to catch up with Phoenyx, and others too, if they are still around.

    I assume Corn doesn't know who left and who is here.

    Corn then returns to Chambers (and Phillip ) and his acknowledgement "Sorry about that. I promise, the family situation you have heard about, does come into the equation and is relevant for my acknowledgement.
    To answer you question: Yes, I am willing to fight for the consilium, the circle and its members. And I am very glad that this has been added to the acknowledgements.
    That said, another valid question would have been: "Why did you come to Sacramento, especially since you left?" The answer to that, my hopefully friend, is: Family reasons.
    I am married with a sleeper. I have a son that is - so far - a sleeper and a 6 months old baby. My wife works in a travel agency and has to travel a lot.
    Nowdays, I mostly work remotely. With her maternity leave up and now her company sending her to trips, that can last from a couple of days to nearly a week, we agreed that I will look after the baby. And I suggested that we spend some of our time in Sacramento, since we both have relatives here to help me with the baby.
    What my wife does not know is my secret life. In the small town nearby that we worked for, I was the only mage. I was living mostly as a sleeper. The occasional Mystagogue may come to discuss things that fall in my specialties and knowledge, and I may have done a bit of willworking when alone, but when your baby is 1-2 months old, you are never really alone.
    Simply put, I missed being a mage. And since the situation was such that would allow me a plausible reason to return... here I am!

    But I would like to note, officially, as part of my acknowledgement that as a father that may have to take care the baby for days, I may not always be present. I will try to, but I have other obligations. Furthermore, I may need to leave again, if God blesses us with another baby and we decide to raise her - or him - in a smaller town.
    I really want to be part of a cookout. This consilium was planning one when I left. Do you recall, Aurora? Apollo had even mentioned an inflatable castle. I honestly do. And if I manage, I will bring...
    " checks the corkboard " ... the coal, I guess. And sausages and salad. I get the boring staff, I guess. Anyone allergic to anything? " He notices Aurora's beer "Ohhh... I remember that beer. Do you still make that smoky winter beer, Aurora? The one with the rich aftertaste? We all liked it a lot." He turns back to Chambers and Philip "A really talented woman, she is. "

    And then, lo and behold, Puck comes in. Corn sighs.
    "Greetings, Puck. Long time no see" Corn says. No smile or warmth this time. His expression doesn't show whether he considers this long time without meeting Puck was a good or bad thing.
    Then, Puck drops the bomb...
    "You are an arrow now? I did not see that coming, to be honest Puck. And first arrow? What happened to Phoenyx? Is she OK? "
    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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  5. #23
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Paradox base: 2


    Thinking on Philip's offer for a moment, while keeping one ear on the ongoing conversation to see if his code phrase provoked a response, Chambers gets his answer in while Corn is addressing Aurora. 'There's plenty we could still use if your able; Burgers, lamb, chips, dips, Aurora has beer covered but alternatives cider for example, or something none alcoholic. If it's on the table the punch you brought to the January Consilium meeting was great.' Plenty still to do. 'Bread, buns, or something in that vein also remain unclaimed.' I could go on but I think that should give him some ideas.

    Aurora gets a nod and smile to regarding the pin, grill and expression of trust. It might be over something small but I'll need to make my mind up about that sooner rather then later. 'Difficult or not it sounds like that grill is going to put through its paces.' With new additions and some planning falling into place this is going to be bigger then the Consilium meeting.

    Speaking of new additions. The next new face to appear sent the icy cold running down his spine as unseen senses alerted him to the presence of active magic. What stops Chambers from casting his own mage sight is that, as each new arrival seems to have recently, this mage was apparently known from times prior. Now that's a formal introduction. A gentle smile is offered. 'Welcome, or welcome back Puck.' Chambers indicates himself by placing a hand over his sternum. 'Chambers, I walk the path of Doom. If your looking for Acknowledgement.' Chambers Indicates Philip. 'Philip is the one you'll want to speak to.' A second that falls to you.

    The series of reactions between the returning mages does not go unnoticed either. Corn knows Aurora but seems to think there relationship was more cordial then it appears to be. Yet he also knows Puck to whom he is colder. Puck knows them both but is not making eye contact with one of them. A moment to ponder the potential of Monkey paw wishes. Why do I feel a not insignificant amount of drama is right around the corner. And what does he mean an arrow now?

    As for the ear on Corn's rather extensive response. Still sifting through for code words but there was so much else to take note of, that raised just as many questions. On the council together? so that makes three returning councillors in two months will that be beneficial? 'Just a heads up for returning mages. The Consilium does not currently have councillors.' Best get that out there as I'm sure people are going to ask.

    Chambers eyes don't glaze as Corn expounds in great detail about his family but he is a little shocked by how ready he is to share. He can't not keep a secret can he? 'Maria is your wife?' The no names rule did not last long. 'It's great your excited to raise your child and grow your family. But, I do struggle to see how your wife's medical appointments bare relevance to your acknowledgement.' Trying to keep the conversation on some kind of track. He could have just said I have business later in the day.

    But hearing Corn's answer Chambers does nod. 'Oh I would have asked casually, but it is not currently a requirement of acknowledgement. A mage is entitled to their secrets after all.' Something to learn perhaps. Regardless he has done all we ask for. 'Corn you are acknowledged in the Consilium of Sacramento.'

    Corn You can set your Status to 1 . While I'm doing this Aurora You also need to set status to 1 and would no longer have the councillor role

    The condensed version is that you prioritise family life over awakened matters, understood. 'Well with all of that in mind, Welcome back. At the moment we are in something of a quiet period.' Chambers goes to ask about stories and knowledge of the city but stops himself. I feel he might go overboard and under right exchange to ask would be taking advantage of him.

    And then. Ah finally. Coal, a state of earth, above the Arche. Sausage, typically pork, pig lesser used alternative to bird to symbolise the Mysterium. Now was that a message or am I reading into things again? With so many other options to go from one to the next I think it must have been. It was certainly enough to crack what otherwise had been solid doubt about Corn's order affiliation. 'I think we had decided to hold it here in the Circle so the bouncy castle might be out, but please bring whatever you feel comfortable contributing.'

    And now with Puck directed to Philip, and his own job complete Chambers takes a look at the newly pinned message, assuming it to be additions to Philips cook out offer, only to be surprised. I'm right here he could have just asked. However when the opportunity to chip in without interrupting presents itself he voices his response. 'Philip, yeah I'm happy to go for drinks sometime soon.' Not a bad idea at all.

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  7. #24
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Back to the Lounge):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 1/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 1/2 (Fortunes Protection)
    Stats 2

    (all other scenes):
    Spells: (in Fallen Power: The Community Center (FP:TCC)): 1/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 1/2 (Fortunes Protectionl)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort


    Aurora`s comment get`s an appreciative smirk.
    At least she seems to appreciate how much work I put into my fake-apology.
    "I guess we`ll never know, won`t we."

    He then turned his attention to the newcomer. As Acanthus, he knew it fell to him to acknowledge him. Meanwhile, Philip had nothing to add to Chambers` acknowledgement of Corn, that having been taken care of well enough by Chambers. So he spoke solemnly to Puck, emphasizing the gravity of his words, but maintaining a neutral-slash-pleasant expression outwardly:
    "Yeah, as Chambers said, it falls to me to acknowledge you per our new acknowledgement procedures, because we share a Path. Philip Crosen, delighted to meet you." he said, while offering Puck his hand to shake and briefly glancing over to Corn as if to say:
    There, that`s a bit more about me. Guess you didn`t have to wait long after all.
    After a beat, he continued his questions, most of them having already been answered by Puck`s introduction, though a few remained:
    "So, are you planning on staying in Sacramento for the foreseeable future? And, while I take it being an Arrow makes this is par for the course, but still I have to ask: So, would you be willing to do everything to defend the Circle and its` members? And on that note, do you bring any trouble with you that you know of? Such as of the type that could endanger the Circle, its` members or the secrecy that is vital to this Consilium?"

    Philip didn`t really care too much about the long rambling answer about non-awakened `obligations` Corn gave, basically tuning out and summarizing it under:
    What you`re saying is yes you want to defend and stuff, but you also have a conflict of interest once your family comes in between. Not very reliable.
    Corn`s attempts to start conversation with Aurora, only to be rebuffed hinted at some deeper dynamic between them.
    Unrequited love, perhaps? Philip mused.
    "Allergies? None I know of, what about you guys?" he asked, echoing Corn.
    Meanwhile Corn seemed much less interested in Puck, only offering the obligatory. Philip was also surprised when Corn voluntarily offered the free info that the new old? -comer Puck apparently had changed order affiliations and was now an Adamantine Arrow and apparently some hotshot with them, not that the order affiliation itself hadn`t been obvious to Philip too. Philip didn`d know much about Arrows, so he found this new info fascinating. Corn also revealed there had been a former mage called `Apollo` and another called `Phoenix`. And he has a wife called Maria?

    Hahaha, giving me the name of your wife, Corn? Are you asking me to research a full dossier about you? Speaking of, I wouldn`t get in trouble if I did that with mundane means, would I?he thought, slightly guilty but also excited about another research project with arcane significance to do.He sure is chatty, for a Mystagogue. But I like it, he seems to have no care whatsoever for Right Exchange, handing out info left and right, nice. Perhaps I can even get him to tell me what a `Daduchos`, or whatchamacallit, is or does.
    he thought, pleasantly surprised at the breath of fresh air Corn represented for his perception of Mystagogues although he admittedly only just met him.

    He then turned his attention to Chambers again to answer his question and acknowledging Chambers` acceptance of his invitation to dinner. That last statement was easily misunderstandeable as applying for the cookout.
    "Drinks and chocolate chip cookies like last time it is then. And that sounds awesome, we`ll have a great time."
    (in DYLF: Taking stock and making plans)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 0

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  9. #25
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Now Corn was a surprise, one she was still not sure about. But the appearance of Puck? That blew her fucking mind. Talk about a face she never thought…or wanted…to see again. Their last exchange was still fresh in her mind and she felt her heart speed up, some of the anger still lingering.

    She can do this…she can be…nice. Can’t be that hard.

    Wait…he was an Arrow now?! Damn…she would have never in a million years called that one. But it does spark her interest a bit, wondering what caused the change. Her own change of Orders had been a driven by change. Had Puck changed?

    Maybe an eye twitches slightly, “Puck.” Her voice, once again, devoid of emotion, but there was something there, curiosity. Why was he smiling at her...she didn't trust it, or him.

    Back to Corn, “We were acquaintances, shared an Order, and the Council was constantly shifting and changing.” They weren’t close. “There was a disagreement, one I don’t think you want to get into here.” But it changed her view of him, maybe not right away, but long ass plane rides leave time to think about things. “We weren’t close.” Like, come on. She’d be ecstatic to see Phoenyx walk in from the Arrow wing. Her and Phoenyx had bled together, risked their lives together. She listens, because what else was she going to do. A shake of her head at the offer of pictures, “You’re Sleeper life is yours and not one I want to get involved in.” it was already a risk.

    To Chambers, “I can try and bring whatever else we need. Depending on who brings what, fill in the gaps and all.” Buns and rolls were cheap.

    Laughing, “Oh, it’s been put through a lot already. I pretty much grill whenever the mood strikes me. Only thing I can really cook.” So it had seen a lot of use.

    Grey eyes then turn to Philip as he takes over the Acknowledgement thing. It was certainly a fucked-up way to do it, but, with small numbers, maybe it was easier? Whatever, she wasn’t here to judge. Setting her plate down, she picks up her travel mug and takes a sip, having nothing to add to what was said currently.

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  11. #26
    Puck's Avatar

    Striking Looks


    Winds blow around the mage, varying in intensity depending on the spell and parting abruptly after.


    Puck can't help but roll his eyes as Corn proceeds to correct people on what they meant to ask him before he even got recognized. He'd keep his mouth shut though if it weren't for Corn's next screw up.

    "First Talon." Puck corrected as he finally looked at Corn. "If you want to try and act interested, you can at least get the title I just said in front of you correct."

    Seriously, First Talon. It's three syllables and Puck just said it. How do you mess that up?

    As Chambers introduced himself Puck did his best to continue to smile. "A pleasure to meet you Chambers." When the Moros directs Puck to Phillip, he can't help but raise his eyebrows and press his lips together. So they don't have councilors? They just have individuals of each Path who are required to vet new mages but totally aren't councilors *Wink*. It was inane enough to make the Arrow want to say something but he errs on the side of caution and doesn't. As Phillip speaks Puck listens attentively, pondering his response.

    "Nice to meet you Phil, and yes, I plan to stay for the foreseeable future." He smiles, but pauses for a moment before continuing. Phillip's rather extreme wording for recognition meant he had to consider things. Especially about the Circle of Creation. Word and soul must align after all, and the idea of wasting an awakened life defending the circle when the people can just move somewhere else just felt beyond ignorantly wasteful. "I'm willing to fight for the recognized members of the concilium, and don't have the familial inhibitions Corn does. I don't bring any trouble that endangers any of those things that I'm aware of, though it does segway into why I left in the first place."

    He pauses once again as he finds the words to express his concerns.

    "At the time I left Sacramento a friend of mine was investigating a string of missing persons after one turned up mutilated in a dumpster by the UC Davis med school*. She had my address and contact info when she disappeared too, so I handed what I knew to Phoenix and the others. By my understanding they failed to find what happened, and only Moira and Witch returned from the investigation. With the First Talon disappearing, my Libertine ass wasn't prepared for what might have come next and I bounced. I used divinations to plan an escape route and postcognition to check out my old place before returning. This was well over a year ago though, and whatever was doing that is long gone as far as I can tell."

    He shrugs, wanting to be transparent but not wanting to cause a panic by making it sound ongoing.

    Then Aurora spoke his name, and he did his best to smile to her. "Nice to see you Aurora." Was it a bit forced? Yes, but this guy is at least trying. They say Time heals all wounds, and while that may not be true it does help tempers to simmer and hindsight to look back with. And then she turned her attention to Corn. Eyes widen, eyebrows arched up as he presses his lips together. It's all he can muster not to shout BURN! Oh man, 10 out of 10. Worth returning just to see that. Aurora the ice queen verses the Corn the eugenics enthusiast. The two worst people Puck had met in Sacramento after Councilor Spicey Chicken going toe to toe? Get this guy tickets please.

    Also? Why are people still talking about Apollo? Dude bounced over a year ago. Don't ask how Puck knows.

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  13. #27
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    To Chambers and Phillip Corn said, "I am honestly exceedingly glad that we have an actual agenda. I am certainly impressed by the questions now-required for acknowledgement but, while it may seem trivial and common-sense to you, a board to direct what would be up in the next official meeting is an impressive change of the previous affairs. I just have a couple of questions about this:
    1. How do we decide what goes into the agenda? If I want to add something, what is the process to do it?
    2. Ten slots? That is very ambitious for the short time these meetings have. I would be surprised if we get past 4. So, what is "the order" of which we discuss them? The order they are written in? We decide during the council?

    As for the lack of councilors, I have to say that I am not against it. Sacramento concilium is a bit small to have five councilors presiding over three to five non-councilors. I think we do need some form of leadership though. Something to think about and perhaps discuss on the next official meeting.
    " His eyes went to Aurora . He has been suggesting Phoenyx for Hierarch for a good time of his time in Sacramento, but it was not a secret that Aurora was his second choice for the position. But she has been reluctant to get any such position in the past.

    Then Aurora addresses him and their past collaboration... and something they disagreed on.
    So there has been something! Corn thought, trying and failing to figure out what it was, but I will take her advice and leave it at that for the time. We can work things out if she wants at another time. He was still pondering what it could be; after all outside the council, there have been some disagreements although nothing too hea... His stomach sunk and his heart felt heavy. She can't mean that, can she? I did respect her decision and she realizes what was at stake for me to ask for her help... no, it can't be that. Well, I might find out at another time.
    So, Corn tells Aurora, not aware that she had left the city too, "Do you know if the others from the order are still here? Or Moira or Apollo? Last time I saw you guys was at a hallowing party."

    Puck seems insulted that Corn referred to him by Order name and not title... peculiar but not that bad. And this was Puck so it was actually very civilized from the Liber Arrow First Talon.
    "Apologies, First Talon. I didn't mean any disrespect, I was referring to your change of order, so it was not intentional. I assure you, I am interested for what prompted that change." Corn said.
    And then, Puck keeps dropping bombs. The fact that their now-arrow left the city when things were bad was mostly lost to him. He felt anxiety over a particular name mentioned.
    "Wait, wait... Phoenix, the previous First Talon, went after a macabre killer and ... disappeared during the investigation? " That was absolutely not good. Puck said that whatever that was, has moved away by now and Chambers was clear this was a nice, uneventful time. So they were not in danger. But what about those not here, people that Corn cared for and that he have assumed they just relocated as so many do over the years?

    Corn looked around. Now all those absences were seen in a much different light.
    "First Talon, Do you know through your powers with time and fate, what happened to our friends and fellow mages? There have been many... missing faces. I have assumed most of them moved on and some couldn't make it to the meeting. "

    At the very back of his mind Corn realized that Puck has not said how him leaving the city to avoid ... whatever it was, made him to change orders. At the time, he didn't care. There was a long list of names he realized he would miss.
    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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  15. #28
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Paradox base: 2


    With his answer given and what he has read as a response from Philip, Chambers will take the pinned the drinks invite and pocket it. With more people using the board keeping it free from resolved notes will become more important. A smile and nod to the enchanter. 'Fantastic I'm looking forward to it, you have my number so just drop me and time and place.' he taps his number which has been pinned to the board for months, just in case the enchanter hadn't picked it up yet. It has been a minute since we caught up properly, it will be good.

    The fact that there was history, unpleasant history, between the three returning mages could not be clearer if was painted on the walls, never mind the sudden chill that seemed to pervade the room. Maybe Philip and I should give a lecture on how to resolve personal conflict? The thought remains unvoiced however as Chambers has no wish to step into the middle of whatever this is.

    Choosing instead to focus on matters like the cookout. 'That's very kind of you Aurora and I had planned to do likewise. Anything that stands out to me as being over looked I'm quite happy to cover.' A shared good time might do everyone wonders. And that was something he was quite happy to facilitate.

    With the present tension, a little laughter seemed like a good thing, and he returns it wit ha chuckle of his own. 'If your skilled with a grill, well then maybe we can take turns, make a friendly competition out of it? all in good fun.' He is light hearted about the idea, definitely attempting to off set the prevalent mood in the room.

    He does catch Puck's acknowledgment, what he is willing to promise and what he is not, awakened words have to mean something after all. But whether its's by accident or intention it seems fairly inconsequential because to the Moros mind the arrow has missed something important. Swearing to fight for the awakened mages, so if they are in the circle, then the circle by default if not by promise. Time will tell if it was an oversight, unspoken objection, or f he is trying to be crafty and undermine our rules from his first action. Either way that was Philip's call to make.

    A smile, the warmest he has given his feel Moros yet. 'Thank you. It's only small things but moving in the right direction I think.' Now as for Corn's questions. Chambers waves a hand to bookcase which has a number of pens, pins, and stationary to write on. 'If you want to add something by all means just write it on. At the moment it's a first come first served system in regard to what we deal with. If something needs urgently addressing or is of high importance it can be moved up.' That's what you get when it's just two mages with no authority to do otherwise trying to balance all of the competing view points on how this should be done. 'Official meetings only started running again in January, that was the first since I've been here pushed by myself and another, October, she doesn't seem to be around today.' But Philip should be on that. 'So there is definitely some refinement to be done regarding the process.' And it seems you have suggestions. 'What we have on there at the moment is a continuation from January. We spent most of the meeting settling on formalising an a acknowledgment process and discussing.' Pause. While he had reason to think Corn might in fact be of the order he claimed, doubt did still persist. 'A matter of security.' That was weak it will almost certainly invite questions. He shrugs, a move that has the advantage of inconspicuously placing both open palms on a perpendicular plane. 'So no I doubt we will get through it all, but having it on there keeps it in peoples mind and gives them a chance to form thoughts ahead of time.' Which does speed things up a little.

    He maintains a friendly disposition. That's a conversation that could take some working through. 'If you have a proposition for how to resolve that, please feel free to add it to the agenda.' But I haven't even dared go there yet. 'I am curious however, how you plan to address such an issue? Should we vote free council style?' That would be opposed. 'Should it be the most powerful? and if so how do we measure such?' That would be opposed regardless. 'Should it be the longest standing?' Who does that even constitute Philip after all has the longest active acknowledgment in the room as stands. But all of you have history. 'If one or more members object to the chosen method at what point do their views get over looked in favour of appointing leadership?' Because that would be necessary with every method facing opposition. None of the question are framed or said in a way to diminish Corn's suggestion only intended to get him thinking about the hornets nest he wanted to shake.

    Chambers could answer the question about other Mystagogues but it is not addressed to him and get Aurora and Corn talking about something else seemed like a good idea so he stays quite for the moment.

    Now that, that is the kind of thing me and Philip have been asking about. That seems very important to know. The killer aside, and that Puck was a member of the free council noted. Tough luck Philip. This seems important enough to step in on. 'When I arrived Witch made mention that of the various problems and investigations she was part of. Each had reached a point of self resolution, and were no longer problems. She made no mention of casualties and didn't seem distressed or worried about any of them.' But would she show such if she was? The young mage was prone to long and unreadable silences. And now absences it would seem, which is on me to check up on.

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  17. #29
    Philip Crosen's Avatar
    Gear and Stats

    (In DYLF: Back to the Lounge):
    Gear: backpack with: 1 L plastic water bottle, lighter, cigarette pack, can of hairspray, hair comb, order-tool-slash-phone, first aid kit, wallet
    Total spells: 1/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 1/2 (Fortunes Protection)
    Stats 2

    (all other scenes):
    Spells: (in Fallen Power: The Community Center (FP:TCC)): 1/6 Spells,
    Spells on person: 1/2 (Fortunes Protectionl)
    0/6 Spells and 0/2 Spells on person in all other scenes except FP and DYLF
    Armor: 0 Defense: 3 (+4 in scenes with FP on), Speed 10
    Nimbus: Green objects within 10 yards of him become sharper, more focused, and brighter.
    On vulgar casting, the accentuated green objects become even brighter and glow in the dark.
    Philip Crosen Scenes
     Probable Cause, Paradox Mitigation
      Shifting Sands attempt
      Exceptional Luck, mundane effort


    Geez, he sure is nitpicky. Making such a big deal out of his title which means absolutely nothing to anyone except him since he`s not bothering to explain what it means! And what about the others? They`re keeping their mouths shut on the significance of their titles too. Come on! Why should I care about an Acquisitor, Daduchos or First Talon if I don`t know what it means anyway? Then again, they`re at least not being nitpicky about it. He did decide to keep that particular opinion to himself, just like he did with the fact that he was incensed about Puck apparently being a traitor to the Free Council, too. That last part did further convince him to keep his order affiliation hidden from Corn and Puck for the time being, though.
    Coward! You run to the army when things get tough! he thought, comparing the Adamantine Arrows to the order`s internal police-slash-army in his internal calculus.

    But he did not let these thoughts distract him from his review of Puck`s answer to his question, although it certainly didn`t paint Puck in a very flattering light in his eyes. He`d answered part of his question, but a lie by omission was still a lie in his book. And while Corn`s reliability issues were Chambers` problem, he wasn`t going to let this one slide, especially not after all the other things Puck revealed about himself. He made sure to adress him directly and not mention his title, completely ignoring the discussion about etiquette Puck and Corn were having, finding it childish and besides the point.
    " That`s good to hear. Especially because, as Chambers said, we recently had another mage return, only to break off contact again a month later. Hopefully we`ll see her again soon."
    he said with some genuine hope to see October again, though it whas a fleeting thought for him, and exchanging a knowing glance with Chambers before continuing.

    "Your little segue seems to have several unknowns attached to it. I mean, while we haven`t seen any problems here for a while..."

    nodding to Chambers` explanation of the details they got from Witch about the past, but also giving him an eyebrow. After all, he was volunteering this information and it seemed to Philip that even Chambers was slightly pulling back from his conservative `Right Exchange` stance, just like it looked like Corn was doing.
    He just keeps on giving. Moira was another mage, and Phoenyx was First Talon. he thought, before continuing:

    "...What you said could still come back to bite us later. But you`ve said enough to convince me that you`ve done at least some due diligence and it isn`t an immediate concern. Although we should definitely keep it in mind going forward,"
    And not assume all of Witch`s explanations are valid, especially when confronted with potentially contradictory statements. he thought, annoyed, before continuing.
    "Which brings me to my next question. So its` members, but not the organisation itself? And why is that?"
    he asked Puck, speaking about the elephant in the way of Puck`s acknowledgement with a brief raised eyebrow. He did not comment on his personal distaste for Puck though, staying professional and not letting it show outwardly. Puck had after all, made up for it by revealing a treasure trove of information, with some of it being quite unsettling. And he felt it wasn`t his job to judge him based on his personal affections.

    Aurora`s comment gets a shrug. It wasn`t his problem. But that didn`t prevent his curiosity from wanting to research more about it in private.
    Not gonna get anything out of you on this `disagreement`, eh? But what`s to prevent me from digging for it in my spare time though? And Corn seems happy enough to share.

    Corn`s comment on leadership again slightly annoyed Philip, turning to face him and raising an eyebrow at him.
    He may be a master and a returner, but right after acknowledgement straight out of the gate demanding a change of leadership is very presumptuous.
    "I mean, I was just getting settled in with the new systems we put in place. As for the agenda, Chambers put it pretty nicely. Just whatever gets done, gets done. And yeah, how exactly would we determine if someone is worthy to lead?" nodding to Chambers in agreement with his words and echoing them. His bit about Free Council style voting gets an internal chuckle, not least of which because of Puck`s decision to leave them although he managed to keep it hidden again. His words about the proposed invitation on the other hand get a grateful smile, but also a look that tried to tell Chambers he`d see to the adress later.

    "I mean with you guys coming this Consilium`s bigger than it has been in quite some time." he said, deliberately still leaving Puck`s acknowledgement vague, looking to see how he`d answer his follow-up question.
    (in DYLF: Taking stock and making plans)Mana: Willpower: Health:
    ( Library of Time) Speed: 10, Defense 3, Armor 0

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  19. #30
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    See…Aurora wasn’t even trying to act interested. She just wasn’t.

    And she saw the look from Corn, she just doesn’t acknowledge it. This Shaman was content to let the others do things as they saw fit. They didn’t want Councilors? Ok. No leadership? Sure. Did it go against her time as a Ladder? It did, but right now, she just didn’t care.

    As to the question, a shrug, “I wasn’t keeping tabs on them.” Not her circus, not her monkeys.

    Attention focuses to Chambers, and she relaxes, “How about we agree to split it? That way someone isn’t taking on too much.” An idea.

    Laughing, “Now that sounds like it could be fun! Count me in.” her skills weren’t anything to be noted, but it might be a good time.

    Back to her pepper, which was almost finished, and that was a bit sad. But she just takes another bite and watches. Not getting her involved in the drama loving bullshit.

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