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An evening stroll

61 - 67
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  1. #61
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall

    Criminals 2
    Finance 1
    City Hall 1

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    Shaking his head 'Me. No not really. Used do the church thing but not any more.' It never felt right, and even less so these days. 'Ah. Although having been ... caught out ... by what's out there before. I'm more open to the possibility than I used to be of it having a grain of truth.' Because if the Gentry can exist why not gods right? 'And the crowds that come with them tend to rub me the wrong way. But yeah If they aren't hurting anyone and keeping to themselves, got no issue with them.'

    Kray chortles at that. 'Hah. A passion project is one way to put it. I really like the model, even if tis a bit tight inside, and its hard to find one these days. It's a Ford Vedette.' Not to many of those still around. 'And its passionate about draining my wallet. The repairs keep me from being able to fully fix it up. But I do keep it running.' If she was looking for a hint to my time period of origin that couldn't be a bigger clue, if she knows when it's from of course. 'Even fully running its a city car, wouldn't last five minutes off roading. How was that by the way?' Because why ask Mary when Sarah was right here.

    All perfectly fine activities to be sure but something struck the ogre as a little odd there. 'Sounds pretty relaxing. Uh. Would these activities be with or without others around?' She seemed to care so much for others the list of solitary endeavours had caught him a little off guard, but not in a bad way.

    He cocks an eyebrow trying to remember a map he had seen when looking about where to move to. 'Hm. I can't say I've seen to many beaches round these parts, where would the nearest be?' Not that beaches had been a factor or consideration in my choice.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

  2. #62
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    There was some logic to his words, she could give him that. So she just nods.

    Was her look blank after the name? A bit. She then looked a bit sheepish, “I know nothing about cars, sorry. But it sounds like it’s something you really enjoy, something that brings you a bit of happiness.” Pausing, “Even if it does drain your wallet. Glad you’ve been able to keep up with it!” she’d heard customers talk about cars, about how expensive they were. Then a laugh, “We didn’t take into account how hard the forest would be on truck, and it ate right through it. Had to leave it where it died and walk back. Not the safest place to be, but with Mary by your side, you’ve got some mean backup. I can go into more detail at the party if you want.” She just hoped he got what she was talking about. If not, then there was later.

    “A few are dependent on what I’m doing. If I’m making a dress, or a jacket or something along those lines for someone, I like to have them there, when I sketch it out. That way it is exactly how they want it. Reading and researching? That can go either way and depends on the person. But I do like those days when I can just enjoy some time to myself, a chance to recharge so to speak.” Everyone liked a little time to themselves every now and then.

    “Technically, Sacramento has something that is similar to a beach. Meaning it has sandy like shores, but that’s about it. No where near as nice as actually driving to the coast. Closet would be San Francisco about an hour and a half away if you wanted to go.” Shrugging, “I tend to get, lets say, get lost in my dreams and love imagining various beaches in my head.” Not the best way to put it, some would have worded it more eloquently, but not her.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  3. Likes liked this post
  4. #63
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall

    Criminals 2
    Finance 1
    City Hall 1

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    'Ah. Nothing to be sorry for it’s not for everyone. And yeah brings me just about more happiness than stress, most days anyway.' Remembering something off the cuff. ‘You ever had your engine overheat in morning rush hour, that, was not a good day.’ Although saying it he’s as light hearted as he’s been at any point in their talk, so clearly if the event had bothered him at time of happening, it hadn’t lasted.

    Now it seems it was the Ogre’s turn to have missed something in the conversation, fortunately Sarah was pretty good at weaving things in it seemed. The topic being labelled party talk helping him to actually cotton on. A flash of surprise as he twigs where exactly they had trashed a car. ‘Oh. I’ve never thought to … wouldn’t have thought to … yeah later.’ We can add story time to the list of events then, I want to hear that one.

    'That sounds like a good mix, some people, some of your own company.' This is a topic that normally doesn't interest him, being rather limited to the big and tall shops of the world but listening to her talk about things she enjoyed was a little infectious. 'You mentioned you make clothes, any pieces your really proud of?'

    'Uh. That's not so bad I guess, for a journey time, set of early enough.' He's musing politely, but its fairly clear beaches hold no real interest to him. 'More of a spelunker myself, when I can fit that is.' The earth was not always kind about his weight. The idea makes him chuckle a little.

    Skilled with dreaming is she? a respectful bob of the head, its a difficult skill. 'Using the imagination can be fun, takes you out of the moment. To where you want to go. My imaginations fine but its defiantly something I need to work on using more.' Not an area I've overly developed myself.

    He stretches out a long arm to point at the distant gate. ‘Looks like their moving to lock up for the night, we better be making a move.’
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

  5. #64
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    She had to laugh, “No, I haven’t, I’ve only owned one vehicle in my life. And thus far, there haven’t been any issues with it. But I’m guessing that has to be stressful and upsetting. Least I know I’d be quite upset.” And annoyed.

    A bit of a smirk and chuckle, “Hey, have to try everything at least once. And now Mary and I can say we tried it and have stories to tell.” Everyone loved a good story.

    “Oh, I have a few I’m quite proud of. I made a jacket for Anatole and I’m quite pleased with my work on that. I think most of the pieces I’m most proud of, I’ve made for others if I’m being honest. I do make dresses for myself to wear to parties, but I don’t think they’re as impressive.” Probably just the way she saw it, most loved her Hedgespun, least, she thinks they do. And just like, self-doubt was forming.

    A thoughtful look, “That’s to do with caves right?” making sure her memory was right. “I’ve heard there are caves around Sacramento, but never been to any myself.”

    “It certainly can be! My interest in it picked up the past couple years and I think I’ve honed my skills quite nicely. I also had a good teacher, so if you wanted to work on it, let me know and I’d be happy to help.”
    In her mind, every Lost should learn how to navigate the Skein and defend themselves if need be.

    Following where he pointed, “Wow, it got late fast, time has just flown by!” the talk had just flowed really well.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  6. Likes liked this post
  7. #65
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall

    Criminals 2
    Finance 1
    City Hall 1

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    Shaking his head back and forth, uming and arhing on how bad it had been. 'Uh. It wasn't great. But worse for others I suspect. There was this one guy, the look on his face. Torn between wanting to scream about it, and not wanting to go near the scary giant. That definitely helped.' He never did yell so I guess I won that one.

    He casts a flinty look over to the summer queen. Everything huh. 'Hm. I'm not opposed to new things, but not everything.' He knows that's not what she means. But sometimes you need to be careful with your words. 'But that, that does sound like a good time.'

    Squinting to recall, it had been dark after all. 'Huh. Reckon it was the one he wore when I met him? The really dark one? if so it was very good.' The way it supplemented the dwarfs mantle had been notable and very effective.

    Slowly nodding 'Yeah. That's all it is going into caves. As hobbies go I can only get into some of them.' Some tunnels are meant for smaller folk is all. 'Are there, haven't been yet I'll have to go have a look.' Now that had some potential.

    A teacher is something he hadn't had, or considered really. He mulls the idea over but not for long. 'Actually. That'd be really decent of you.' Hm. Wonder how you teach that?

    He will start walking towards the gate in long strides but not fast enough to leave someone behind.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

  8. #66
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    The Nix laughed, “Sounds like it was a bit entertaining for you.” Though she couldn’t blame the other guy.

    Nodding, “I get that, sometimes there has to be a line.” But not really for her, maybe that was the Spring part of her, or the Fairest. Maybe both?

    “That sounds like the jacket, and thank you! It was fun to make for him, he certainly deserved it after all he’s done for the community.” The dwarf might not be the most social, but Sera knew the Freehold could count on him when needed.

    “Great! I can get something setup after the party.”
    When, hopefully, the stone had accepted him. No way she was bringing him into her Dreams without that.

    Now, Sera wasn’t short, being almost six feet, she had fairly long legs. But she couldn’t match the strides of a giant. Thankfully, he was considerate, and she offers a thankful smile.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  9. Likes liked this post
  10. #67
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall

    Criminals 2
    Finance 1
    City Hall 1

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    With the sun now well set and the night's cold setting in. Kray will turn to the summer queen as they pass through the gate. 'Well it was very nice meeting you.' Finger and thumb go the rim of the hedgespun hat. A simple mark of respect that generally passes in the public eye. 'Thank you for the talk, look forward to seeing you around.' How many of the things we've said will come to fruition? who knows but they sound like a good time. Turning he will walk off passing in and out of the electric pools of light until he turns a corner.

    Thank you very much for another really fun scene
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

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