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Outside of 2307 Court

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  1. #1
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Outside of the gathering of kindred, Mr. Jake walks arm in arm with Ms. Clarke. Some valued the chance to nurture their Man with socializing in polite society. When the two were about two blocks from Elysium, Mr. Jake and Ms. Clarke were approached by a fast moving silver Accord.

    The car screeches to a stop directly in front of Clark and Jake. Someone wearing a black ski mask leaped from the car.

  2. #2
    Marilyn's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    Social Chameleon
    (party animal)


    Marilyn ventured forth, her steps resonating softly against the cobblestones, clad in a synthetic pile jacket of onyx hue that rested upon her shoulders with an air of nonchalant grace. A somber leather skirt and tight fishnets clung to her form, inviting curious gazes and thoughts that left little to imagination. As she trod closer to court, a symphony of boots complained, weaving an artificial tune of rubber squeaking against the stone beneath her.

    Within this choreography of sound, the scene unfurled before Marilyn's discerning eyes. Two kindred, Jake and Clarke – their true nature veiled from the perception of the Shadow and their acquaintance never made – found themselves entangled in an abrupt encounter with a swiftly moving car. A palpable surge of astonishment coursed through her veins, as her senses keenly attuned themselves to the unexpectedness that unfurled before her.

    In that suspended moment, as the countenance of the driver concealed beneath an inky mask, the tendrils of intrigue entwined themselves around Marilyn's consciousness. The revelation, like a seed planted deep within the soil of her mind, germinated and sprouted a profound realization that there existed more at stake. Its proximity to the grounds of Elysium suggested a possibility that needed to be followed through.

    Yet, the constraints imposed by the public nature of the affair proved to be a formidable barrier, restraining her from immediate interference. Thus, with a delicate nuance of decision, she chose the path of concealment, seeking the sheltered alcoves of her surroundings. There, she assumed the role of a silent observer, perched within the ethereal embrace of shadows that constituted her sanctuary.

    2 successes
    Vitae: | Willpower: | Health:

  3. #3
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    (Blush !)Vitae 1 Spent

    Helen is a bit later than usual or than she'd like tonight. It's stioll in the frame of what's acceptable or passes as such in her opinion. It still doesn't mean she's in a hurry or something. Not even when she spots Jake and Clarke on the other side of the road. However, when a car comes to a halt way too fast and way too close to a bunch of people she knows are kindred ? That reeks of something she has been informed about some time back and she's not too hot on a dress rehearsal !

    So, blue court dress or not, she breaks into a run right across the street and directly towards the vehicle in question.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #4
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Marilyn believed that she had evaded notice.
    As Helen raced towards the erratically behaving car and the masked individual, two things happened at the same time. The masked man grasped Ms. Clarke's arm and roughly pulled her towards the car. This action pulled her away from Mr. Jake.

    Mr. Jake ran around the front of the car. As he reached the open drivers side door, he reached in to the front seat.

  5. #5
    Marilyn's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    Social Chameleon
    (party animal)


    It wasn't immediately obvious if this was something Marilyn wanted to get herself involved in.
    The stakes were high, being so close to Elysium risked a Masquerade violation of huge proportions and she didn't know any of the people involved. But then, enter Helen. Rushing in her blue dress as the blond woman was being pulled towards the car in what seemed to be an unfolding kindrednapping.

    Fast thinking, the Shadow instinctively grabs the upper part of a broken bottle by her side and makes a beeline towards the car hoping to be able to shank one of the tires and derail any potential escape attempt.

    2 successes

    3 successes

    OOC: Marilyn has a speed 10, assuming the nearest tire of the car is within 20 yards for a charge maneuver. Let me know if an initiative roll is required or any penalties to be applied or further turns of running - just decided to move with the rolls for expediency, let me know also if I shouldn't.
    Vitae: | Willpower: | Health:

  6. #6
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    (Vigor)Vitae 1 Spent

    Would this be the perfect opportunity to make a scene with some sort of gun or so ? Absolutely ! One of the reasons Helen normally isn't bringing the thing along, just like today. But there's always alternatives, after all... As is, she's aiming for the front door of her side. The guy in the mask would also work, but the car is still in the way for now, so car it is. While still on the way, she concentrated to direct the blood to just the right places...

    As soon as Helen arrives, she'll attempt to open the front passenger door, by force if necessary.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  7. #7
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Ms. Clarke gives a terrified shriek and slaps at the neck of the masked individual pulling her towards the car. There are two masked individuals. One was outside of the car, holding onto Ms. Clarke's arm and pulling her towards the passenger seat. The second masked individual is sitting in the driver's seat.
    Mr. Jake had reached into the front seat. He was reaching for the keys in the ignition.
    Marilyn reached the car with her weapon of choice. Helen arrives at the vehicle as these events were playing out.

    Please roll initiative

  8. #8
    Marilyn's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    Social Chameleon
    (party animal)


    The scene starts unfolding before Marilyn, there was going to be a confrontation.

    12 Initiative
    Vitae: | Willpower: | Health:

  9. #9
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helens initiative is 11

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  10. #10
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Round is now Storyteller (13) Marilyn (12) Helen Kingsley (11)
    We are now in combat Posting

    If the ST informs you that for combat the 48 hour rule will be exchanged by "Combat Posting," Please be aware of the following:

    You must post within 24 hours of the turn before your own or be considered to have Held your action.
    Held = Dropped from initiative to return with missing actions
    Delayed = Initiative lowers to whatever the player decides or when they remember to post within the same turn
    The rules can be referred to here
    Additional Combat rules are here

    Information on the two masked NPCs for purpose of attacking: Defense is 2

    The person struggling with Ms. Clarke has broad, strong shoulders. They appear physically fit. They stand at 5'8''. The skin of thier hands and neck reveal that this person is Black. The person struggling with Ms. Clarke suceeds in pulling Ms. Clarke to the car. Ms. Clarke is now being forced against her will into the car.

    1 success

    Mr. Jake had reached into the driver's side a few moments before. Now he suceeds in turning the key in the ignition. The car is now no longer idling, and is turned off.
    1 success

    What do you do?

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