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(2303) Off to the side

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Mar 20, 2023 : (2303)Spring Coronation
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  1. #11
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    2 days left folks!

  2. #12
    Seraphina's Avatar
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    Mantle (Spring)
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    Treasured Nix

    On the topic of armor, “I actually have some designs I’d like to show you when you have the time. Armor isn’t something I’ve ever attempted to make, and you are truly a master of that craft. So lets get together soon. I’ll bring the coffee.” A wink about the coffee. “Or something stronger if you want.” Holding up her glass. “But a high heel that can break steel? Count me in!” she’d totally rock that.

    “To be honest, I’m not completely sure. When Rhodes and I were getting to know each other, he mentioned soaring through the Hedge on a contraption. I tried pushing it a few times, but nothing came out of it, so I believe you can. I mean, why not? Made in the Hedge, with Hedge materials, almost anything is possible.” At least in her mind it was. “Well, we saw what happens with trucks from our side in there, so lets not try that again.” Laughing, “But that was so much fun! We need to go in again just to see what we can find.” She enjoyed going into the Hedge with the Summer, she was not only fun, but good for protection.

    Sapphires then narrow as she watches yet another new face just approach the Wyrdstone.

    That was weird, and a look was given to Circe and Sonnie.

    Not only that, but social graces did not seem to be a thing for him. At all.

    That voice, the one gaining in volume each day spoke up about how rude he was. Best not be a Spring.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  3. #13
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
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    (Sonja Wu)



    Sonnie was only half paying attention to the conversation before her.

    Another half was looking at the food tables wistfully. What wonderful tastes they had assembled there. She should know, she sampled quite a few while setting up for the Coronation.

    And another half was watching the stranger Leonard Kingsley walk in and Wyrdstone himself.

    "Who dat?" she asked the others, as clueless as Sera. Social mores sometimes went over her head, but not introducing yourself to the Queen at her own Coronation seemed... what was it? Wrong? Weird? Rude? Rude.

    Hard to tell what Court he was with. Mantles weren't always neon signs flashing the Court name.
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

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  5. #14
    Circe's Avatar
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    "Ya had me at master," she tells Seraphina, "And netted me with the offer of coffee. Though I mostly do function over form fer first drafts. I'll let ya know if any designs are bad fer keeping ya safe. Good hedgespun will, as allways, need hunting. Though," Circe nods, "I can see bone metal boot heels that do more kick ouch or cushion falls."

    "Oh ho ho ho, crashing no sells that idea," she agrees, "The cutie cuddling was worth the cost of the truck," is her counter argument to Seraphina and motioning to her left with the food. "But money," she motions to her right. Then motions lefts, "Steal car. Either of ya know an asshole ya dont' like? Someone take yer favorite parking spot often?"

    Then another noob shows up to swear in. Who was he? Well, Circe had to snark of course, "Looks like a new guy."
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  6. #15
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    1 Day Left! Get your last posts in!

  7. #16
    Seraphina's Avatar
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    Mantle (Spring)
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    Treasured Nix

    There was a shrug to Sonnie, “I’ve never seen them before. And clearly, they think they are too important to introduce themselves to the Spring Monarch.” Was that a hint of…distaste…in her voice?

    Was she on edge? Yes. Her husband was not at the biggest night for her and her Court. She was tense, she was pissed and she just wanted to get home, or at least to her cell, to find out what the hell was going on. Sonnie would tell Sera was tense, her hand kept touching her wedding ring, twisting it and looking around.

    And yet, the Nix remained in place, standing tall and regal, not abandoning her post as Queen. Laughing at Circe, “Then we’ll get something set up soon! I cannot wait to show you what I have.” A nod of understanding, “Oh, of course, I do the same. But for a different reason, I let others know if their design or idea would look good on them and how to enhance natural qualities. And even some not so natural.” Her designs were more about aesthetics and increasing abilities. “If you settle on a design for those heels, consider me your first customer and I'm willing to pay quite well.” Fashion AND kicking ass?! Yes please!

    Frowning, “At least the new arrivals of your Court saw fit to introduce themselves.” She praises the Summer, “Sounds like they’ll both be a good fit for the Freehold.” yeah, she was tense.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

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