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  1. #1
    Xander's Avatar


    Witch makes her way back to the library, new laptop and information in tow. What she finds upon her return is a clearly more tired Moira. She was still on her computer, though it looks like she had been here for days from how tired she was starting to look.

    For her part, Moira was happily engrossed in Whispered Invocation. Still convinced that anything she needed to know was simply a few investigations away, she hunkered down to continue playing. It had only been a few minutes since she had first opened the game, but hours prior in front of the screen hacking were making her eyes start to strain as she continued. It was definitely all that hacking though. A game couldn't be leeching her energy away. Especially one so fun!

    Notes on the timeline and such.
    Moira is still addicted to the game, but with Witch's return she can roll Resolve+Stamina to try and break her addiction. On a success, she can freely do whatever she wants and her addiction is broken for the time being. She still doesn't suspect anything nefarious other then the obvious veil breach, but is otherwise back to her normal senses. On a failure she feels the need to play as Witch does whatever Witch does in scene.

    This scene will occur immediately after the conclusion of Game On!, but before the extended rolls at the end of the thread occur. Those are being saved for my reference if you fail the Resolve+ Stamina check or decide to play the game again after you succeed. This scene should be considered a continuation of all previous scenes and all spent mana/WP is still spent in this scene.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

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  3. #2
    Moira's Avatar
    Public Effects
    Alt Identity
    (Allegra Cole)
    Striking Looks


    From the ground mists rise, billowing thickly, and a thousand ethereal voices chorus eerily, sounding far away, the seasons spring to life going through time rapidly from verdant spring, to scorching summer, and the first leaves of Autumn, and the deep silent cold of winter.



    Even with Witch's return Moira couldn't seem to pull herself out of the game. Her gaze was lidded as the Enchantress just kept grinding on this awesome sauce of game design. All those little perks and things that made grinding fun were present. Sure it was a veil breach, but damn, it was sooo fun! Her back ached and her eyes burned, but she just knew she had to get this thing licked! If she just kept playing....

    Yup.. totally failed that roll. Fuuuuuuuuuu! Can I try again when Witch arrives with a -1 for reroll? LOL

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  5. #3
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    "So ... definitely discovered some stuff." Witch chimed as she rejoined Moira. "Unfortunately, one was that Apollo definitely got the skivvies at dead stuff and bolted. So that sucked but ..."

    Sitting down, Witch settled the bag with the laptop on the table and actually looked at Moira for the first time. And noticed the fact that Moira was not looking at her. She hadn't even said hello.

    Which was a bit weird for her.

    Well. Fudge-cicle.

    Cookie had mentioned it but Witch had hoped that Moira would be made of more resistant stuff. Guess that had been a bit of a naive hope. Reaching across the table, Witch made to pull the laptop away from Moira, her hand moving to push the screen down and close the set up.

    Wasn't sure if due to the addiction, Moira would snap to resisting Witch's efforts to quick close the laptop. If so let me know if there needs to be rolls involved.

  6. #4
    Xander's Avatar


    The roll was meant to be for Witch's return, but since Witch is trying to snatch the laptop I'll allow another reroll. Note, the addiction isn't strong enough for Moira to feel the need to attack Witch for trying to snag the laptop if she normally wouldn't do so. It's more an rp consideration (For now) then a mandate for violence/initiative. Rolls aren't necessary unless Moira wants to contest Witch trying to take the laptop. If you do, both of you need to roll init and we can go from there.

    Side note, if you have questions or comments please limit them to the Scene talk discord channel or the mage OOC thread. I like to keep ooc chatter in the ooc spaces when possible.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  7. #5
    Xander's Avatar


    Witch manages to yank the laptop away from Moira. The enchantress wasn't thrilled, and while she didn't attack Witch she was also completely unresponsive to what the Moros had learned. Whispered Invocation was just a game after all, and she insisted that she was learning about the investigation by playing. It was a circular argument that always came back to letting the Enchantress play some more to learn more, and what little Moira said didn't leave Witch with the impression anything new was being gleaned beyond what Cookie could have told her.

    The argument remains a stalemate, as Moira simply refuses to see what Witch was saying about brainwashing and cults. If the Moros gave Moira back her laptop it's clear that she would go back to playing. With a cult out there waiting and a game that might summon an abyssal intruder, it seemed the most prudent action to take the Enchantress's laptop with her as she left and keep it as far away from her as possible.

    Almost two weeks without a response from Moira. Ending this scene here. deltadream , if you would like to continue let me know in the discord or the mage ooc and we can start a new scene from there.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

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