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  1. #1
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    The inside of the Reeve's office has the dark decor that her predecessor put into the office. So far, Helen hasn't changed a lot, either due to time constraints or because she hasn't seen the need to. A small table and a number of chairs is in front of the desk, one wall holds what looks like a cross between a bulletin board and a whiteboard and somebody has plastered most walls with maps of Sacramento and the greater city area. Some of those maps have needles with heads in different colours sticking in them, some of those connected by coloured threads or pencil markings, some pinning pictures or photos to locations. On the desk are a phone, a neat small pile of exercise books as well as a typewriter, a rolodex and a metal coffee tin with the butts of several pencils sticking out of it.

    Helen sits behind her desk and is leafing through one of the exercise books, adding a few notes and scribbles here and there.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  2. #2
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    (Blush !)Vitae 1 Spent


    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  3. #3
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The door to the Reeve's office was darkened by two women. The first was dressed in a chocolate brown business suit, her entire demeanor one of melting into the background. This woman knocked quietly on the door, a single knock.

    "Madame Rebecca McIntyre, of the Clan Ventrue, member of the First Estate, to see the Reeve Kingsley."

    The ghoul waits by the doorway where she stands.

    The Kindred who stepped into the office wore an expensive looking violet business suit, with jacket and skirt. The blouse was snow white, cut from fine material. Madame McIntyre was striking in appearance, with shoulder length dark hair styled in loose waves.
    Her beast was cloaked.

    "Good evening to you, Reeve Kingsley.” She greets with courtesy. Dark eyes take in the office. She waits a moment, calm.
    "Is Ms. Rowland going to be joining us tonight?"

    OOC SL 4: beautiful

  4. #4
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Come in !"

    So that's what some Hostewick looks like... Helen gives the ghoul a thorough once-over. Just for later reference, if necessary. She gets up as her guest for the night arrives. The most shiny ones are often also the most dangerous, which means that McIntyre looks pretty dangerous. Helen can acknowledge that, it leaves an impression to be noticed and remarked on, even if she doesn't swing that particular way.

    "Good evening as well, please, have a seat."

    As is, she offers her visitor a chair and sits back down.

    "That was the plan. Some recent developments changed the plan, though. So she won't be with us tonight, no, but I can make a meeting happen, if I feel that's a good idea. Whether it is a good idea or not ? We'll decide that together tonight. I have invited another person to the meeting, but it looks like he's late. Anyways, I thought maybe we can see if we can resolve things tonight, so everybody gets what they want if practical."

    She takes one of the exercise books from the pile and opens it.

    "Now, I've heard several versions of the whole mess. I got Tressillian and Ruby Rowland saying they've been framed. I got Tiff Healey saying these guys are guilty as sin. I got some people saying Camp is dead, other claim that ain't so. Maybe still in treatment, maybe gone to ground. Point is, there's a lot of he said she said going on and a lot of hearsay going around. The way I figure, best case is everyone gets out of this with what they want, worst case, I'll have to nail somebody or somebodies to that wall over there-" Helen indicates the wall to the left hand side of her desk "-and I'll get to decide is whether I'll use the pointy nails or the dull ones for that.

    So we got two things we should talk about. One, the Tressilians and whether they did what they've been accused of. Two, Nikko Camp. There's a third topic I have to deal with, but it really comes up as a part of the other two. Going by what I've heard, you're investigating here for the Sheriff in what's-its-face, so I think we could see if we can help each other."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  5. #5
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    At 'Sheriff in whats -its -face -', Madame McIntyre pressed her lips together.
    Madame McIntyre took a moment to look over the office, taking in the decor. Then the calculating look was turned to Helen. Those dark brown eyes look over Helen's clothing and demeanor carefully. The visitor to the Domain walked into the office and accepted the offered seat. There was a moment of silence as the Kindred looked to Helen. The ghoul entered the office and remained standing by the door. Her eyes downcast, her movements still. As the Kindred converse, she remains still and shows a discipline to suppress all movement.

    "Some developments have changed the plan. How unfortunate. I have traveled some way and was looking forward to questioning the source. This is stretching on far longer than it needs to.
    I am not surprised that others have put their own version of the truth to the events. I have been told that Campan relocated themselves and is currently undergoing rehabilitation.

    What precisely has Ms. Rowland told you?"

  6. #6
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "She got a temporary acknowledgement, I assumed she'd go renew it, she didn't, so she left. I wasn#t happy about that, but it is what it is."

    Helen shrugs. Not that much that can be done there, makes her look a little stupid, but that's what you get when not thinking about stuff like that. Too late now anyway, she can live with that.

    "Far too long, I agree on that." She makes a small note in the book with one of the pencils. "Hence the meeting, I want that stuff resolved about as quick as you do. Ruby backs her Sire's version up. She mentioned specifically to have told you that there were three attackers. She also said, as long as it happens in Elysium and you don't put her brain through the mangler, she'd be willing to meet and answer your questions."

    Helen looks straight at McIntyre.

    "So that's what I'm offering to you. We resolve questions both of us have as well as we can, I get what I want and you get your interview. How's that ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  7. #7
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "I am glad that you agree. This entire situation should come to an end.

    She has accused three other Kindred- has she shared names? I could have these questioned by Deputies in the Domain where they reside.
    I would meet with Ms. Rowland in a meeting that you describe.

    What sort of stipulations should I expect?

    Shall I find any doubts of her honesty, what shall be done? I would like leave to escort her to where the crime was committed."

  8. #8
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "I've been led to believe she's referring to a group of girls that don't particularly like her, Tressilian or Priscus Baker. Hamleigh, I think was the name. She also claims she's seen some of those in town a while ago. I planned to go to the place she named and whack the bush to see what falls out, but it'd make things easier. If they're really here, they're here unannounced and unacknowledged. But seeing if any of them are still at home, so to speak might get us somewhere."

    Helen knows well enough she doesn't have to tell McIntyre why hanging around town unannounced and unacknowledged can be an unhealthy combination.

    "Stipulations ? Her or mine ?" Just to clarify. "I could see if I can find somone skilled with Auspex to see if there are any lies, if you like. If you take her to location, I'd like to be present as well."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  9. #9
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "She did not clearly identify the assailants?" Madame McInytre looks surprised.
    "When did you visit the place where she saw the potential assailants? Or have you not visited the place to find them yet?
    Any stipulations, Reeve. I need to know how to conduct myself. I would like this meeting to occur as soon as possible. Tomorrow would suit me.

    I am prioritizing the resolution of this assault on Camp. Contact me with the date and time, and I shall be there."

  10. #10
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Not directly, no." Maybe Helen didn't press the issue enough, but whats done is done. "Looking at how the only other three that came up was those Hamleigh sisters, some of which seem to allegedly be sneaking around in town from what I heard, they're on the list of folks I'd like to talk to on that matter, though."

    No idea how that'd turn out, but it might lead places...

    "I haven't yet, I'm still assembling people. Turnover's a bitch. Again. Ruby said she's followed one of those trespassers to a bar in the Kimpton Sawyer Hotel some time ago.
    Stipulations... Mostly what we've already mentioned. No involuntary discipline uses on the woman, I'll get a third party for verification, meeting happens in Elysium. I might bring a person, so you're free to bring one too. I'll let you know once I get everything arranged.

    Camp,s case is curious, though. She's the real witness, or would be if she hadn't gone to ground. That testimony would bring us further pretty quick, been looking for that one too ?What can you tell me about that person ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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