It was one of his more ambitious projects.

Reaching through the Dream, an unknown distance, an unknown time. The Dreamer he looked for could be anywhere, and even with the Oneiroscope it was a challenging journey across the Skein. But he had to. It was important. He would do anything to make it happen, so see her smile. But this was no ordinary dreamer. Without the history he knew, the possessions he had, he doubted the oneiroscope would have succeeded at all.

He had moved through over a dozen dreams, powerful staff of knurled wood, crystal and Autumn leaves in hand, drawing Glamour from the nightmares he moved through and slipping his way back onto the path. A besuited spectre, powerful branches in bloom.

It had been hours, moving along the paths, when he finally found her.

She was watching the dreamer, a mortal, fingers like living night teasing the dream ever so lightly, silver shining from them and falling to the ground like mercury.

He had known several things about her. He expected power, even Fear from her. Indeed, even from behind her countenance was one so steeped in Arcadian magic it was as if she was a Gentry herself. But it wasn't just that.

Being here he felt something rise he should have expected, but in his arrogance had dismissed entirely.


Something about her, everything about her, made him feel more like a fraud than he already knew he was. Replacing intellect and knowledge with vocabulary, hyperbolae and misdirection. And what she had, he wanted, with a burning fire he had not felt in many months, a symbol of Autumn power that eclipsed his own. He had to have it, needed it.

Take it. It is mine by right....

His jaw locked in a grimace, he forced this down. He had time. What she had, he would have too. Without a competitor he was becoming complacent, but no longer. There was much power to be sought, and here was living proof.

MY power....

The Dread Lord of Sacramento inhaled slowly. She had what he wanted. But he could, and would, bide his time. Patience would be rewarded.

Besides, he was not here for himself. This time. This was about the one person he valued more than his own ambition.

He stepped forwards, setting the staff down with a sharp knock to announce his presence to the other Changeling.

"Mhari Ankaa." His voice rang with a powerful tremor.

"My name is Rhodes. We have a mutual dear friend. Lady Seraphina, of Sacramento."

He spread his hand and staff gently, smiling a dark, mirthless smile. Setting an Autumn on edge was no easy feat, but it was always about the image. He would be ashamed if he didn't at least make a show.

"We need to talk."