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Two Springs and a Picnic

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  1. #1
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    Yami had mention wanting to talk more privately. And unfortunately, time had gotten away from the Nix. Between the engagement, and then the Briarwolves and Iron Meg, she hadn’t been herself.

    But she promised her fellow Spring, and she never broke a promise. So she sent Yami a text, asking her to meet her at the coffee shop.

    When there, she would see Sera waiting in a SUV, there to pick her up. Seemed they were going on a road trip of sorts!

    After Yami gets into the vehicle, she would notice in the backseat there was a few picnic baskets and blankets. Oh, and of course some pillows. All very soft and comfortable looking. The Nix was casual in jeans, knee high boots and an oversized sweater. Her long hair was up in a messy bun, she was sipping from a travel mug, and in the cup holder, was one of Yami’s aloe waters.
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  2. #2
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Arriving in a Uber, not wanting to make her Queen wait. Stepping out of the car dressed in one of her many new outfits along with a black leather jacket hanging over her shoulders, damn her clothes seemed to be quite dark lately not that it mattered much as she never knew what it looked like in the eyes of others anyway. A package tucked in under her arm along with an umbrella. Taking a couple of deep breathes and fixing her hair, standing outside the coffee shop for a little bit and gathering herself before noticing the SUV.

    Slowly walking over to double check that she had seen right, remembering that the Queen had talked about buying a car a while back. Opening the passenger door seat and getting in.
    "Is this your new car?" Looking around a bit, having started to use more and more Uber's recently so was it not as hard to be in cars anymore but still not what she were used to. "It's very roomy and feels quite good." Her knowledge of cars being basically limited to amount of seats and how comfortable they were but at least her small stature made every car quite roomy. The scents of vanilla, cinnamon and roses swirling from her mantle.

    Handing over the package or rather 2lb chocolate box to her Queen.
    "I do hope you like chocolate." She never really knew what to bring each time but to appear empty handed for private meetings would be rude. "I love your outfit it suites you really well."

    A quick look at the baskets and blankets, looking a bit surprised.
    "We going on a picnic?"
    Succubus/Romancer Base mien

  3. #3
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    Spotting Yami and watching her get in, “Nope. Just renting it to try it out. Haven’t decided on a SUV like this one, or something smaller.” She kept going back and forth on it. “Think so?” glancing around, “I do rather like the seats, and they heat up!” showing Yami where the button was, “It might be a selling point for me.” Nodding. Cause who doesn’t like seat warmers?!

    Catching the new smell, before her own Mantle over took it, “Why Yamiyo, are those new smells?” sounding exciting, “They smell wonderful!” she knew how exciting it was when your Mantle grew.

    Accepting the box, “Oh wow! And I love chocolate! Thank you so much, that is so thoughtful of you!” leaning over the arm rest, she will give the Succubus a small hug if she’ll let her.

    “Thanks! Though your dress is stunning! We need to go shopping sometime, you always show up in the most wonderful dresses.” But why the black? She wondered, and decides to maybe ask later.

    Handing over an aloe water, “Thought it might be fun and different. And I made sure to pack lots of healthy food choices. Remembering things, I’ve heard you say about what you prefer, so I got lots! And extra aloe waters, have a whole cooler of them.” Putting the car into drive, “But I read about this really nice spot near a lake that was a bit secluded, but had beautiful views and thought it’d be nice.”
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  4. #4
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Quickly pushing the seat warmer, it was something she hadn't experienced in a long time.
    "It's a big decision, you normally don't change cars for 3-6 years so take your time." Nodding a bit. "For me at least yes but then again I am quite petite so most things are big to me." An advantage when sneaking and hiding but a nightmare when needing to reach high shelves.

    Smiling a bit and looking happily towards her Queen.
    "Yes they seem to have taken a shine to me lately." Softly giggling a little. "Although it does feel a bit of that they keep going to libido enhancing and aphrodisiac scents." Then again they did suit her in a way. "Thank you, they feel quite good to wake up to and to cheer me up."

    A bit taken a back for a moment, she had not expected a hug that wasn't their norm still not one to say no to it. Cleansing her mind, trying to hold her mind clear on school books and studies as to not let her mind wander until the hug ends, exhaling in relief.
    "That's good wasn't sure what to bring you." It was always hard to know and to find the right Christmas gifts had proved to be a nightmare. "I would love that, especially if it means seeing you and any other girls who comes along trying on various outfits." Smiling a coy smile. "I promise to hide the camera." Whistling a little whilst making a clear X with her fingers to indicate the lie before chuckling.

    Looking happy as she takes the aloe water.
    "For me?" Blinking a couple of times in surprise wait she had put her things to memory? That was odd, she were used to please others not being taken care of or thought about. Looking away for a moment and wiping away a tear from her cheek. "You really are amazing."
    Succubus/Romancer Base mien

  5. #5
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    A nod, “That’s a good point. I want to make sure it’s big enough to help transport donations and whatnot. And also large enough if the girls want to get together and go out.” And while Yami was petite, Sera was tall.

    “I particularly like the cinnamon. Not a smell I’m used to coming across all that often, so it’s quite nice. Well, Mantles are funny like that. Personal to each.” For her it was the smell of fresh cut grass.

    “But you do know that you don’t have to get me gifts. There is no requirement for it, nor would I want there to be. Though I do appreciate how thoughtful you are.” Because it was thoughtful to her. Laughing, “We’ll have to see who we can get together then for an afternoon of shopping.” But she didn’t see Rhodes liking the idea of a camera while they were trying on clothes.

    Looking a little surprised, “Of course it’s for you.” Was Yami not used to someone getting her something? Even as simple as water? “No, I’m not that amazing. I just care about you. I want to make sure that everyone in our Court is happy and taking care of. I’m not just your Queen, but your friend as well. At least, I hope so.” She tried at least. “Seeing you guys smile, makes me happy. So I remember everything I can about each of you. Who likes what, what shows, that whole thing.” She drives them into the highway. “Why does that surprise you? And upset you?” concern in her voice, she saw the tear.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  6. #6
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    "Then you will definitely need a roomier type of car and one with ample storage perhaps one that easily can bend the backseat down to expand it's storage capacity." That was really all she could say on the matter.

    Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply with her nose.
    "Yes it's a nice one, especially when you can feel the vanilla swirling along with it." Looking over the Queen a bit. "So you have met others with cinnamon in theirs? Have they been in the freehold?" It would be interesting to know if the complete aphrodisiac thing were just from her essence or if it could come for other reasons.

    Quickly shaking her head.
    "If you get invited for a private meeting or to visit someone one on one so should you always bring something, it's not your position that urges it but rather just manners." At least it was to her. "It would be a really nice afternoon or maybe make a full day out of it and stop to eat as well." Wondering if she would actually be allowed to take any pictures in all the tried outfits, naturally she herself would avoid the camera though but that was nothing new she looked so damn yusch in them.

    Keeping her head away, doing her best to hold back another tear. Slowly opening her water and taking a healthy sway of it.
    "Sorry I am just not used to it." Sighing a bit. "I am more used to be great for a night of sex, to show to brag and then be left." Great you instantly ruin the mood. "Whilst people here have been really kind so did I just not think that anyone actually took everything I said in, it's just a new experience for me." Being far to used to being discarded by potential families, friends and lovers alike then again she had left many lovers as well. Looking towards the Queen with glittering happy eyes and a warm smile. "Nothing would make me happier than to truly be called your friend." Or well a girlfriend from the community but wrong time to mention that. "And know that I am always here if you need someone as well."
    Succubus/Romancer Base mien

  7. #7
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    A nod of agreement, “So maybe something like this one. I swear you could sleep comfortably in the back of this with the seats down.” Least it looked that way. Would definitely need lots of soft blankets though.

    “I think I have, but it was years and years ago. Sometime during my travels. But nothing in the Freehold.” No, she’d remember that more.

    “Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. I’ll have to remember that for future meetings with people.” Now she worried she had been offending others all these years. “Of course! No girls day shopping is complete without stopping for something yummy! The real challenge is finding a place everyone agrees on.” A solemn nod. It was the bane of girls days.

    Reaching a hand out and squeezing Yami’s, while keeping an eye on the road, “Well, get used to it.” She says with a smile. “And in some way, I can understand. My childhood was spent being groomed for a life as a trophy wife. My only worth to my parents was winning crowns and sashes, and getting them social status. So learning that you are worth so much more than what others have used your for can be difficult to understand.” Not exactly the same, but she was trying. “I know I always listen to what you say, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.” The smile returned, “Then consider yourself my friend, a dear one at that.” Turning the car into an entrance that said, Bassi Falls.

    “I hope you know I feel the same, I’m always here if you need someone. I don’t sleep really well, so never worry about how late it is.” Pulling into a parking spot.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  8. #8
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Looking back for a second.
    "If the seats do that yeah and hmm I probably could yes, no idea about you and Titania though." They were both so damn tall, still her own wings were not ideal for places like these even if she could wrap them around herself.

    "Hmm ok, just interesting to see how each of them develops and comes to us." Not really having been around freeholds much before this so were her experience with other Lost mostly fleeting experiences or things that were hard to remember clearly thanks to all the new inputs of both escaping and being back.

    Looking confused at the Queen, wait what?
    "I think your position might excuse you as long as it's within the community but otherwise so did I think that was a common courtesy." Isn't it? Giggling a little "That can be a nightmare yes especially with annoying ones like me whom only want's healthy stuff and no ice cream or chocolate things." Damn she was really boring in that department.

    Gladly and willingly accepting the hand, it was nice and she did love physical contact as a whole.
    "Thank you." Not really knowing how to reply to it. "Yeah I remember your stories, parents can really be awful things sometimes." Looking out the window for a short moment. "Their supposed to guide and protect us but far to often so do they only look to themselves." Wondering for a moment what had even happened to her own parents, she would most likely never get to know that though. "That still feels a bit surreal, I am far more used to just being half deep as people tend to forget the majority of what I say anyways." Neither being a brainiac whom were sought out for wisdom and more or less tailor made to be an object of desire did leave her more open to just be for the night more often than not.

    Trying to keep herself calm, kindness with no ulterior motive were still a bit hard to handle.
    "This world is lucky to have you." Frowning for a second "That is not good though, have you sought help for it? Is there anything we can do to help? Could we make something to help you sleep?" Or was there a contract that could be learned for it?
    Succubus/Romancer Base mien

  9. #9
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence


    Treasured Nix

    Glancing into the rearview mirror, “Oh I think I could. I don’t tend to stretch out when I sleep, so it’d be doable.” Totally.

    Nodding, “It really is! It’s rare, at least in my opinion, to come across two that are exactly the same. It’s our connection to our Court. An amazing thing really.”

    Shrugging, “Not sure. But I don’t want to come across as rude, so I think I’ll add it to what I do just in case.” Better safe than sorry. “A lot of restaurants are starting to carry more healthy things on their menus. So I don’t think it will be too hard to find some place everyone likes.” Maybe a buffet?

    She let Yami hold her hand as long as she needed to, “Generally, I think that some of us just get the short stick when comes to parents. But, I also think we learn and grow from what we experienced. Seeing how cruel some humans can be, lets us see how we don’t want be. At least, it did for me. It showed me how even the smallest kind gesture can make someone’s day so much brighter.” Hence why she was so giving. “That’s something you can use to your advantage. If people tend to overlook what you say, use it. There is a lot to be gained by simply observing those around us. You learn about human behavior. You just be you, there is nothing wrong with you.” Let people ignore what was said. They were the ones missing out.

    Laughing as she turned the SUV off and pushed a button to open the back hatch, “Oh, I don’t know about that. As kind as I am, I also have a dark side.” No one had seen it yet, but it was there. “Help with it? My sleep?” and nods, “Rhodes helps with it when he can and when I let him. But I’ve been working on handling the problems on my own, facing them so to speak. So no need to worry.” A warm smile as she hops out of the car and heads to the back.

    There is two coolers on wheels, as well as a backpack that she puts on, “This just has the blankets in it.” Pointing to the bag. Then attaches another bag to the cooler, “That one has pillows! Cause comfort is very important! It’s just a few minutes down this trail to a picnic area! You’re going to love it! Or, well, I hope you do.” Cause if not, that would suck. The trail is paved, and the parking lot fairly empty as the weather was growing colder.

    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  10. #10
    Yamiyo Lillich's Avatar
    Yamiyo Lillich
    Striking looks
    (Unknowing temptress)
    Narcissus’s Blessing
    (Romancer Kith)
    (Perfect grace and klutziness)
    Mantle (spring)
    (Fresh scent of roses, vanilla and cinnamon.)
    Yamiyo Lillich

    See picture link in signature, make slight adjustments for what your character find appeasing.

    150cm, 41kg/90lbs, small petite woman with an appearance slightly changing for each viewer to always be found appeasing.
    Long well managed hair, agile and dextrous but also slightly klutzy.

    A fresh air of newly blossomed roses with hints of vanilla and cinnamon. Small rose petals dancing behind her, around her ankles and occasionally around her hair.
    Hedgespun equipment

    Hedgespun equipment:

    Hedgespun AnkleBracelet (●)
    + 1 Defense
    Mask: Sturdy glistering silver chain with a pagan knot emblem on it.
    Mien: As if woven by the wind itself.

    Hedgespun level 0:

    Hedgespun Choker (0)
    Mask: Choker.
    Mien: Woven threads of glistering amber with the the sun, moon and star woven from the light they belong to lightly glistening when any form of light hits them.

    Small shield: +1 defense, +2 during dodge.
    Lockpicks: +3
    Smartphone - oneplus 7 256gb
    Sewing gear - (various, sheer's, thread's, needles, measuring tape, a couple of buttons, seam ripper)
    Hair/bobby pins
    Zippo lighter
    Ankle bracelet D+1
    A combined personal attack alarm/watch/flashlight - waterproof 160 decibel
    Pepper Spray
    Stun Gun (compact blue streetwise)
    Doggie treats

    Health: 7
    Base: 2,
    Total standard: 4/5
    Contract: 6/7
    Dodge: +2


    Succubus / Incubus Romancer

    Not stretching out?
    "But to stretch out is the best part of going to bed." She had even bought herself a large bed just to be able to really stretch out as she likes, didn't everyone prefer that?

    "It may be a connection there but from what I know so are there no clear sets on how it's form is decided." Were they just personal or was there more to it?

    Slowly shaking her head a bit.
    "No need to feel forced over it, people would have reacted long ago otherwise, It's just me trusting books and probably outdated material." Still it felt nice for her to bring a gift. "Now that is true, even if they often charge a lot for it." The grandest downside with aiming to be as healthy as possible, it drained your money rapidly.

    Keeping the hand for as long as possible, feeling quite sure her Queen would take it when she needed it to control the vehicle.
    "Of course some are good and some are bad and there is often a lot of hidden darkness." Giving her Queen another kind smile. "It's really good that you managed to take something like that and turn it into something good for the rest of your life, you really go above and beyond for people today." She was a far to kind Queen. "Trust me I lie so damn much already and am practically a living lie at all times so around the community so do I not lie with the exception of my appearance. That includes being someone I am not even if its true that carnal desires have a very strong grip on me."

    Giggling a little.
    "Of course you do, we all have one but you're still exuding more kindness than most people. The day you need to show your dark side so will I make sure to run." The kindest ones could be quite dangerous when they got in the wrong mode or were pushed to far. "We could get you white noise, weighted blankets/quilt, would that be worth a try?" She was worried and cared about her Queen and friend.

    Taking the coolers and doing her best to control them.
    "Lead the way, also if there is anything you wanna know so do not hesitate to ask, I am an open book for you today."
    Succubus/Romancer Base mien

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