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(1910)Patience and Ale

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  1. #1
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Blessed evening? Interesting choice of words.

    A nod of her head with a smile, “Good evening.” She returns. And then the pieces fall into place. She was a Lance, which explained the greeting. Would this be a competent Lance? Time would tell.

    “It’s nice to meet you Deputy Patience.” Seemed she was quickly collecting titles, which wasn’t always a bad thing. “I would ask how the Domain has been treating you, but it sounds like you are doing quite well for yourself.” She praises.

    “So what brought you to Sacramento?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  2. #2
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    Derek remains in the Prince's company in response to Alessandra's welcoming demeanor and the interest in his Deputy. He does not interrupt her question to Patience and simply remains with a curious expression.

  3. #3
    Patience's Avatar


    Nosferatu Curse
    Something is...off about Patience’s face. Or is it her body as a whole, the way she carries herself? Something’s not quite right in any event, though you can never seem to say exactly what that may be. A subtle asymmetry of her features, an odd cock of the eye or twist of the lips? A barely detectable wrongness in the set of her limbs, in the rhythm of her walk? An unlocatable strangeness: it’s all the more disquieting because that ‘something’ can’t be named, tracked down, and assigned a place. In fact, it seems to change moment to moment, depending on where she is in the room and where you are in relation to her.


    Given the proximity of the Prince, Patience's Beast is like a thousand biting insects inside her head. Silently, the Haunt implores the Lord for strength.

    "Your Grace, I am made to serve. Be it Your domain, the Dark Faith, or my Blood. I do what must be done. My clan required a leader, as did my covenant. I assumed those positions. The domain faces security challenges, so I accepted Reeve Mitnick's request to help in that regard." She glances at the silent Shadow, then back to the Prince, her head seems to wobble on her neck. "If there is a task to be done, I do it. If a necessary role is empty, I fill it. The titles are secondary to these facts." Her voice is strident, but not proud. As she speaks, she stares at a spot on Alessandra's forehead. Her left eyes bulges and her right seems to sink, ever so slightly, into her skull.

    "Like many of the Church, I come as a pilgrim and a proselytizer. Looking for a place to spread the Faith of Longinus. To show the Damned their true purpose. It seems the Lord requires that I do my work here, in Sacramento."

    Patience falls silent for the moment, the Beast's fear still pulsing inside her. Humming in her skull.

    Sorry for the delay!

  4. #4
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Ale clasps her hands behind her, listening. Cain, for his part, sat, but was ever on guard, watching, eagerly waiting. “Made to serve?” she asks, “I have to say, that’s a first for me, I haven’t heard anyone say something like that.” Watching the Haunt, Ale was reminded just how fucked up some of them were. Alice’s movements she was used to. This one? Not so much. But her face remained impassive, no emotion. “I’m sure the Domain will benefit from your dedication.” Comments the Italian. “Have you had a chance to meet Ms Hart? She’s recently returned, and had helped build the Necropolis into quite a place. I actually have art work hanging in here done by Ms Weiss, a Cousin of yours who left the Domain. But her art, and the way she was able to capture the baths were quite remarkable.” She missed Cynthia, she had been quite pleasant and fun to talk with. Plus talented.

    “Do you have interests outside serving and doing what needs to be done?” always good to know what others did outside Kindred business.

    A slow nod, “Well, I do hope you have better luck then those before you in that regard. The Church hasn’t had the best of luck here in Sacramento, the past two quickly making fools of themselves. One more spectacularly then the other.” That was a mess. “But their problems were self-induced, I actually have no issues with the Church.” Her words honest. She didn’t care for the Church, but didn’t have any issues with them being in the Domain and practicing.

    “Did you have any questions I could answer for you?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #5
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    There isn't anything new to Derek's ears as Patience explains her intentions and motivations to the Prince. It is her sense of duty and combat capability that makes her so well suited for the role of Deputy. Though he does not say this, not wishing to repeat what is already obvious or known.

    He is curious as to how Patience will choose to answer her next question.

    Meanwhile, Derek glances back to Lenora and Twist as they seem to continue their conversation, a respectful dance of words. Edward and Aiden began to also begin an introduction, just while Seth makes his appearance at Court.

  6. #6
    Patience's Avatar


    Nosferatu Curse
    Something is...off about Patience’s face. Or is it her body as a whole, the way she carries herself? Something’s not quite right in any event, though you can never seem to say exactly what that may be. A subtle asymmetry of her features, an odd cock of the eye or twist of the lips? A barely detectable wrongness in the set of her limbs, in the rhythm of her walk? An unlocatable strangeness: it’s all the more disquieting because that ‘something’ can’t be named, tracked down, and assigned a place. In fact, it seems to change moment to moment, depending on where she is in the room and where you are in relation to her.


    Perhaps you have never met a Monster like me, Patience thinks. She offers Alessandra a smile. It conveys no joy, only tightens the skin of her face, revealing the contours of a slightly misshapen skull.

    "It is one of the lessons taught by my faith: the Damned are made to serve a higher purpose. We are the instruments of the Lord. If any members of the Lancea Sanctum you've encountered failed to impress this fact upon you..." she shrugs, "they were not worth much." That smile becomes even more strained, more predatory. "And from what I've heard about my predecessors, that appears to be the case. More concerned with serving themselves than anything else." Patience does not hide her disgust. If she had saliva to spit, she would.

    "I hope to set a better example. To that end, please know that I am always available to you, Your Grace. To offer spiritual, or more practical, advice. The Church has always sought to assist the leaders of the Damned in all things." And perhaps, in time, to convert them.

    "I have met Ms. Hart. At the last court. I am glad of her return." Though her Heretical Beliefs are another matter. "We have plans to meet and discuss the state of the Necropolis." Such as it is. As for the artwork of Ms. Weiss, Patience does not have much to add on that score.

    "Unfortunately, I am what the kine would call boring. Between my Faith and my duties, I have little time for hobbies, Your Grace." She does not appear too distraught over this state of affairs. "When my nights are quiet, I pray." Looking at the blood under her fingernails, one might surmise that she also tortures for fun.

    Questions? Only one. "I would like to inquire after the Moore House, Your Grace. I know that one of my predecessors was obsessed with the building. To his own detriment." She sneers, her lip curling to reveal grey teeth. "I do not share his sinful covetousness. Eventually, however, I would like to gain access. If only to hold Mass in a place that would prove comfortable to the Damned of Your domain."

    Patience would happily praise God in the sewers. But somehow she can't imagine Twist joining her.

  7. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Yeah, not right.

    “I’ll confess, I don’t know a whole lot about your faith. The Domain hasn’t had a large or ever-present presence of the Lance.”
    She could confer that the other two weren’t worth much. A brief nod, “That did seem to be the case, though making threats to my Domain are not a good way to gain any favor.” Though she seemed different than the others.

    “I hope you are able to as well. I don’t hold the sins of the others against the Covenant as a whole. So to me, this is a clean slate so to speak.” Her offer now, “I’ve never really been a spiritual person, before or after death. But I do enjoy learning about the other Covenants, so I would like to sit down and talk with one sometime.” It was always interesting to hear what others believed. Well, so long as it wasn’t shoved down her throat.

    “I’ll offer the same thing I offered to Ms. Hart, should the Haunts need aide in rebuilding it, I am willing to provide it. Though I do respect that it is a more personal space for your Clan, but the offer is there.” She had a great deal of respect for Alice, and Alice had shared the Necropolis with her.

    Shrugging, “Not sure I would call that boring. You are doing what you seem to enjoy and what brings you comfort and peace of mind. That’s all anyone can ask for in the evenings.” Hell, she was usually in her office.

    Ah yes. The Moore House.

    “Obsessed is wording it lightly. He was a fanatic about it, even going so far as to threaten my Domain with the Inquisition if he didn’t get his way.” there was a laugh, as the thought amused her. She should of ashed him on the spot. “I have no issue granting you access to the building. I don’t know the state of it, though I’ve been told it’s seen better days. That being said, if you decide you wish to invest in the building, we would need to discuss the right of Tenancy in that area of the Domain. Which I am more than happy to do once you’ve seen it and have decided what you wish to do.” It would not be handed out, it would be earned.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  8. #8
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    It seems strange to Derek that this Prince of the First Estate knew little of the Second and its traditional role among the Kindred. Not knowing the history of the Domain very well, having only been there a year and with many residents newcomers themselves, he takes the information in stride. Though it is only punctuated by the admission of Alessandra's lack of faith in general.

    It is also interesting that an offer is made to help rebuild the Necropolis, a matter that has been floating around since the mysterious Alice's arrival.

    "It is most unfortunate about my late cousin, both his very public threats and shameful behavior. One has to wonder about what sort of pressures pushed him to that state after arriving from San Francisco," remarks Derek, feeling awkward for remaining quiet up to now. "But seeing as no follow-up has been made by the Lance from San Francisco, the threats appear to have been quite hollow."

  9. #9
    Patience's Avatar


    Nosferatu Curse
    Something is...off about Patience’s face. Or is it her body as a whole, the way she carries herself? Something’s not quite right in any event, though you can never seem to say exactly what that may be. A subtle asymmetry of her features, an odd cock of the eye or twist of the lips? A barely detectable wrongness in the set of her limbs, in the rhythm of her walk? An unlocatable strangeness: it’s all the more disquieting because that ‘something’ can’t be named, tracked down, and assigned a place. In fact, it seems to change moment to moment, depending on where she is in the room and where you are in relation to her.


    That her predecessors had failed to impart even a passing knowledge of the Dark Faith to the Prince of this domain speaks volumes about their ineptitude.

    Worthless! If Patience could, she would dismember them herself.

    ”If you know nothing of the Dark Faith, it is not your fault, Your Grace. It is theirs. One of our primary mandates is instruction. They were too busy with their own schemes to see to their duty. The price of their sins will be exacted upon them. Sooner or later.” Her voice is dead, cold. Save for a rattle deep in her chest, as if forcing the air from her lungs has knocked something loose.

    ”As I said, it is my duty to provide you, or any of our brethren, with a deeper understanding of the Testament of Longinus and the mystery of the Lord’s purpose for the Damned,” Patience says, bowing her head. “But it would also be a pleasure and an honor to guide you in particular.” She raises her head with a series of sharp cracks, fixing Alessandra with those unblinking eyes again. “Simply call for me and I will come.”

    The Prince’s offer of help is duly noted by the Nosferatu Priscus. “Thank you, Your Grace. When I meet with my cousin and visit the Necropolis, I will know more of its condition. For now, I can only offer my gratitude.”

    Patience scoffs openly at the idea of an inquisition. How and why would the Church muster such resources to secure a building in a domain devoid of believers? It makes no sense. The Haunt looks to Derek and back to the Prince as they comment on this supposed believer’s actions.

    ”A fool. But San Francisco is full of fools who are in turn full of themselves. Likely, he was put up to his errand by another more foolish than himself. A matter of politics. You will find I am not interested in politics, Your Grace.” No, Patience is a fanatic. Whether that makes her more or less dangerous is another question entirely. ”The Reeve is correct: this supposed inquisition will never appear. And if it should? I will be happy to help turn it from your door.” Her tone suggests that she doubts this will ever happen.

    ”And thank you, Your Grace. I am more concerned with the Necropolis at present, and my duty to Your domain as deputy. When the time is right, I will contact you concerning this building.” Too much to do—and the population of the Damned in the city is so small. Bringing the Faith among them can be done on a one-by-one basis for the present. Eventually, though, the tradition of Midnight Mass must be brought to Sacramento.

  10. #10
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Unfortunate? She wasn’t sure she’d say that. “How foolish he was caught up with him. As it usually does.” She wouldn’t miss him, it was one less idiot to keep an eye on. “Had I taken his threats seriously, he would have been ashed that night and his previous Domain contacted. He was a child throwing a tantrum and attempting to use whatever he could think of to get his way.” He quickly backtracked on his threats.

    “I’m always eager to learn of the other Covenants, so I’ll be taking you up on that. I spent a majority of my Danse Unaligned and avoiding Covenants as a whole. I’ll make some time in my schedule and give you a call.”
    It might be worthwhile. Maybe she’d learn something.

    She simply nods. The offer was made and heard, that was all there was to that.

    The Savage always found it a bit unrealistic when someone said they weren’t interested in politics. Every Kindred had goals, had things they wanted. And most required some sort of political maneuvering to achieve. “Had I found merit to his hollow words, it would have been handled very differently. Like I advised him, if his inquisition showed up in my Domain, they would be handled swiftly. I thank you for your words, and will keep them in mind should this phantom inquisition appear.” His threat that night held little weight. But a threat was still a threat. “But perhaps you could humor me in a question, the past Lance that came through were less then appealing for your Covenant. Is it simply a matter of how they were taught and what they learned that led them down such a path? You seem to have a better grasp on yourself and being of assistance to those around you. I just find the obvious differences curious.” There was no judgement in her voice, she was just curious.

    “That’s fine. I have the keys, and will be happy to turn them over to you when you are ready.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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