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  1. #71

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  2. #72

    The girl looks a bit shocked at what she just agreed to, but the social pressure is now overwhelming when Jacqui closes the door.

    "Well, I think you should kiss him, you know, and I'll kiss her, that'll get things started..."

    Jacqui moves over onto the bed next to the woman clutching the sheets while a grinning sweaty frat boy thinks he just hit the jackpot. She reaches an arm over to the quivering mess and says "Just relax..." while she reaches an arm over her, restricting her movement.

    Amelita wasn't that phased. It wasn't that different from how she'd often fed. They gave her their blood and she gave them affection. It seemed fair, although she didn't like the obvious connotNever with a partner though. She shrugs, sidling up to the frat boy and started kissing slowly and softly. Her eyes drift to Jacqui as though somewhere between taking notes and seeking approval.

    Jacqui's a lot less shy about this. With the girl stuck between sheets, bed, and herself, Jacqui presses the weight of her body overtop the woman overtop the woman, and while sliding up her body, bares fangs. She grips her neck with her jaws, while the girl's nervousness and shock of the situation fade to the pleasure that is being fed upon. Warmth, blood, and continuing unlife flow from her veins while Jacqui struggles to keep ahold of her sense beyond the ecstasy of feeding, looking out of the corner of her eye to see if Amelita follows the cue.

    Amelita does so, slowly breaking the kiss and drifting down to the neck. The frat boy collapses back as the sensation of the kiss takes hold. Amelita drinks deep next to Jacqui, feeling fuller and warmer as her hunger dwindled. She lets go of the frat boy's neck. He seems fine. She feels some of the blood go reflexively towards the blush. She breathes deeply and uselessly and smiles at Jacqui, watching her new friend closely.

    Jacqui takes her time trying to drain more slowly, enjoying both the victory of the hunt and of getting Amelita to feed, and sweet sweet blood. When she let's go of her clench, she licks the wound to seal and sits up a bit.

    "Hey Am, make sure you lick him, it's important and he'll like that."

    Jacqui twists and shifts her torso up, still pinning the woman, but watching Amelita for followthrough.

    "Right ... I know that," Amelita murmured. She swiftly licked the guy's neck and rolled over to Jacqui.

    Jacqui looks back at the couple laying in bed, and starts her exit speech:

    "Alright you two lovebirds. I hope his performance is as good for you as it was for us." Jacqui stifles a laugh at seeing what happens when a man at attention is drained of blood. "We've had a change of heart and are going to go play elsewhere. Besides, I think my friend here was a bit too much for him."

    Jacqui gets up to leave for the door and says "See, wasn't that fun Am?"

    She's ready to head for the car.

    "I wasn't really into him, but food is food, I guess. Thanks, Jacqui." She follows the Ventrue towards the car. "What do you want to do now?"

    "Well..." Jacqui stops to think for a moment apprehensively.

    "You know Sacramento. I need to go some place that's got flowers. I need to nab a couple of bulbs and hopefully some live plants. I'm hoping to bring flowers to someone, and it's always nicer when they're home grown."

    Amelita adjusted her outfit before getting into the car. Amelita looked perplexed. "Sure, but I... don't follow. Is that like code?"

    Jacqui checks the perimeter to make sure no-ones listening.

    "Oh? No. I garden. Keeps me in touch with the earth, keeps me grounded with all of this craziness, and it can be a handy skill if you keep a herd around the house. I wanted to bring Miss Villiers flowers for Elysium, I think she'd like that. She being Master of Elysium and all. There's a reason I've got dirt under my nails almost all the time. I think Chrysanthemum's will be nice for the Herald, and her being English she may appreciate the dual symbolism."

    Jacqui smiles, happy to share her passion. Amelita nodded, content to accompany Jacqui.

    "Gardens are nice. I always wanted one... She creeps me out, though. Martha, I mean."

    Jacqui makes the connection of Miss Villiers and Martha

    "What Martha creeps you out? Well, sure she's got the English little girl thing going on and she looks like she stepped out of a Harry Potter movie. Also, I swear I will find you if you ever repeat that I said tha, I will find you- but she seemed pretty nice to me. We talked a little bit, and for someone who looked so stuck in the past she seemed to have a definite appreciation of the modern. She gave me a couple of tips for when to put on, well, you know, my 'I am Ventrue!' face. I appreciate that."

    Amelita shrugged. "It's just that she's not a little girl, she's a grown woman who dresses like one, making out like she wants everyone to be her best friend. Just seems insincere to me. I don't trust her."

    Amelita wrestled the shoes off her feet.

    "I didn't know you were Ventrue."

    Jacqui seems a little shocked at that.

    "Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't pick that up. My sire instructed me on most things that go on in the cities like this, so I know a bit about how all of this works, but I spent most of my years turned out in Napa Valley, pretty isolated. I'm new to all this politicking. I'm not sure how serious I take all of this 'which blood are you?' yet. Anyways, what about you?

    "Sounds nice, being away from it all. I'm Mekhet. Had an inkling you could be a Lord, taking charge and all. I just didn't want to assume anything, you know?"

    Amelita smiled to Jacqui and wondered if she should've taken up her offer of a change of clothes. Gardening in her backless pantsuit seemed a little odd.

    "Oh yeah, I've been told you Shadows are studious and pretty careful about your knowledge. I guess you wouldn't assume now, would you?" she laughs. "I'm curious, can you really disappear like they say? I know the blood has its gifts. It's pretty fascinating if you ask me, my Sire told me about some pretty wild stuff."

    Amelita shook her head. "Not me. I could see in your head though. Want me to try?"

    Jacqui seems a little shocked and hesitant at this, but is curious overall.

    "Umm. Sure Am, go for it this time. Try not to do it unless I give permission though, ok? Anyways, that's pretty cool!"

    Amelita takes Jacqui's hand and prepared to expand her consciousness into Jacqui's.

    "I wouldn't. Maybe after this you could show me what the Lords can do. Same conditions."

    She lets go and slips softly into the Ventrue's mind.

    Jacqui seems to be thinking prominently of the number 14 at the forefront of her mind. Her consciousness flickers to thinking about this is the first time she's knowingly met a Mekhet, and while she thinks this is pretty cool, it's genuinely concerning that they can read minds. What other powers are there? Well, I guess that's fair afterall if Amelita can read them and Jacqui can command them. She starts wondering if maybe Amelita can also talk into peoples minds like telepathic communication.

    Amelita massages Jacqui's hand with her thumb as she concentrates, eyes closed. She speaks directly into Jacqui's mind after a moment or two.

    I can do that. Why 14?

    "Oh. I just thought it appropriate to think of a number, like you know, for mind-readers? Wow. You got all that?"

    She pauses for a minute and thinks:

    "That's going to be pretty handy for you. If you ever REALLY need to tell me something quietly, go ahead and do that."

    she doesn't skip a beat in the conversation.

    "Ok, my turn."

    She makes eye contact easily between the two of them.

    "Hmm, let's do something you haven't done for a long time. Sneeze."
    she says, with vampiric force.

    Command: Sneeze

    Amelita broke eye-contact as her eyes reflexively screwed up - an anemic little sneeze issuing out. The Blush helped. She rubbed her nose. No mess, just the memory of sneezing for real.

    "I can't believe you made me do that," Amelita laughed.

    Jacqui smiles triumphantly while saying:

    "Yeah. I can do quite a bit more, but I'm still working out the kinks of it all. It was a lot easier for me to do that back in the valley with my Sire."

    She pauses, reminded of something that helps her change the subject:

    "Speaking of which, out of curiosity, how is it yours didn't teach you to feed?"

    Amelita smiled softly. "My Sire taught me how to feed. Just not how to hunt. They hunted, I fed from them. These nights I usually feed on people who let me. Or craigslist. Nothing like we just did."

    Jacqui looks like she had an epiphany:

    "Ohhhhhhh. It's fun. It makes me feel like a boss. Your lucky you have people who let you. I'm waiting for that. Anyways, we should do it again sometime. Want my number?"

    Jacqui offers.

    "Sure," Amelita agreed, getting her phone out ready. "Give it to me and I'll text you mine. Hey, uh, if we're going to get chrysanthemums, you got anything I could wear? Feeling a little self-concious again."

    "Oh. Hmmm. Hold on a second."

    Jacqui glances back at the winding down party, and then back to Amelita eyeing her for size.

    She walks back inside searching for someone who's curves could match Amelita's. Target found near a table full of shot glasses, stumbling about with friends, she simply looks her in the eyes and says "You're drunk! It's a party! You should UNDRESS," commanding her mortal mind. Her friends look in wideyed shock as she listens and a few drunken "Woooohs!" fill the air. Jacqui quickly scoops the clothes up and navigates her way through the freshly renewed excitement.

    Jacqui returns to the car clutching a sequined midriff black dress. "Here, I think blacks supposed to match anything? Oh. I should have got you the shoes too."

    Amelita smiled as she took the dress. "Thanks. It's cute. I can just wear these." She raised her heels and pushed the seat back.

    "So... I'll just get changed in the back. There's a nice historical district in Citrus Heights with gardens and flowers and stuff."

    Amelita crawled awkwardly onto the backseat and began the laborious process of wriggling out of one tight set of clothes and into another.

    "That'll work. Let's get moving before it's dawn, transplanting can take more time than you think. I apologize in advance for your nails. I don't have my tools on me. It's pretty handy they always grow back though"

    Jacqui glances at her own nails there on the steering wheel, which look a bit short and like she had a nail biting habit.

    She waits for Amelita to finish and make her way to the front seat before starting the car and driving.

    Amelita sat up in a state of rumpled dress. The stolen clothes fitted her well enough, but nothing as flattering as the altered pantsuit she'd begun the night in.

    "Ok. I'll direct you. Can I crash at your place after this? My living situation's a little complicated."

    Amelita will direct Jacqui to a communal garden within a gated community in Citrus Heights.

    Jacqui remembered from earlier in the night as Asylum Amelita hinting at this.

    "Um, Am, that's a bit to ask for. What do you mean, complicated?"

    Amelita threw on a seatbelt and curled her legs up on the backseat, breathing blush-warmed air onto the windows and doodling.

    "I fell out with the person I was staying with. And where I'm living now has rules. That's all I can say. But if it's a big deal I'm not gonna impose."

    Jacqui has to weigh this. She was taught by her sire to have extreme caution with her haven, but she had room and she'd always had a soft heart for someone who needed a couch to crash. She decided this hinged on one thing. Besides, she was hoping she'd get to move soon.

    "This gonna piss whoever your staying with off? Besides, I did mention sleeping together on the first date usually costs, but we can work that out later."

    Amelita scooted up behind Jacqui, smiling. She poked her head over the shoulder of the frontseat.

    "Thanks Jacqui. It'll be fine. And we will..."

    "It's all good. The place's alright, two story and old style, but I swear to GOD you can hear banjo's playing in the background. I'm still fixing things up there, but there's definitely room. It's pretty far out in the boondocks, that's the only thing I don't like."

    Jacqui continues following directions to Citrus Heights Park, finding an empty parking space beyond the gate in the abandoned lot.

    "We're here!" She says triumphantly.

    "Thanks, Jacqui," Am beamed.

    Amelita slid out of the car, sans shoes. There was no way she was wrecking those things burgling flowers. She leads Jacqui to a section of wall, clambering up it and tumbling into a well-pruned hedge. The Kindred are surrounded by a communal garden with all manner of flowers, sculpted hedges and fancy benches. Am wanders around aimlessly. Jacqui recognises a cluster of Chrysanthemums near the centre of the garden.

    Jacqui waves Am over going :

    "These are Chrysanthemums. Want to help? See, these flowers are symbolic. They've got a history to them. Here in the U S they're positive and cheerful. Only here in the great young states. Everywhere else though, they're strictly funerary flowers. Strictly used for funerals. I'm hoping Miss Villiers will appreciate a good bouqet, and the irony and balance they represent."

    She digs in with practiced gusto. Careful to avoid root sets and pulling up clumps of dirt topped with white blooms.

    Amelita kneels next to the flowers and unenthusiastically sets about carving hunks of flower-anchored soil out with her nails. She smirks.

    "Is there any kind of flower which means 'tone it down, pigtails'?"

    Jacqui laughs. "Yeah. Sorry. Gardening's my thing, really. We won't need too many, Chrysanthemum are hardy and take to pruning well, so I'll probably be able to get a bouquet together fast as long as I keep 'em watered. I'll try not to make you do this again, it's just transplanting can take a moment, and while the flowers enjoy the dawn, I'm not such a fan."

    Jacqui sets aside a few more petal and stem topped clods of dirt, bringing the total with Amelita's help to a healthy half dozen.

    "Alright. Let's get them in the car. We can toss them in the hatch, I'm sure it's seen its fair share of dirt by now."

    Amelita shrugged as she placed the flowers into the trunk. "I don't mind this too much. Just ragging on Martha." Am gets into the front passenger side, looking content and comfortable in the stolen dress. "To yours?"

    "Yeah, to mine."

    Jacqui seems reluctant at this, but during the small talk on the way back her unease fades to a gentle happiness. Jacqui likes Amelita, and is very happy to have someone there at the house. Afterall, she's used to it.

    They arrive after about forty-five minutes drive down the highways, maybe ten minutes of which was down winding roads without stoplights. Little to note out here in the barrens, as they pull up to an isolated two story modest bay windowed home that's showing it's age. There's tilled soil with creeping vine's and ripening melons apparent in the front yard, with some bare soil patching towards the driveway. There are fresh boards nailed diagonally over some of the windows there, looking recently nailed to support sagging frames.

    "Here we are. We'll get the flowers planted tonight, and I'll help you pick up your stuff whenever to move in. There should be decent space for us both."

    Jacqui says triumphantly. She thinks: It's good to be home, it's been a helluva night.

    Amelita brings in her clothes and shoes and favours Jacqui with a peck on the cheek.

    "Thanks for a lovely evening," she answers playfully, toying with the first date motif Jacqui's been working. "I'm a pretty good guest. I don't make trouble."

    "I believe that Am. I thinks this can work." Jacqui smiles, she's truly happy, more so than she's been since entering Sacramento.

    She hates to do it, but it has to be done. Her next statement has a suddenly stark tone in the middle.

    "Just one thing. Never bring anyone else here."

    Jacqui and Amelita take on the task of planting the Chrysanthemum in the tilled patches of the yard approaching the drive way before Jacqui gives out the grand tour. The house is sparsely furnished but surprisingly clean considering Jacquis demeanor. Upstairs Jacqui shows Amelita to a sun proofed guest room of average size. Jacqui herself sleeps in the tub of the bathroom attached to the master bedroom.

    Just before dawn as Amelita settles in, Jacqui pops the door open hearing that Amelita is still moving about.

    "One last thing Am, thank you for this. It makes me feel a bit better about things."

    She closes the door back not inviting comment on the statement, and heads for the tub as the weariness of day takes her.

    "What a complete bitch," Amelita answers, disgusted and no longer whispering. "Who does she think she is?"

    "I have no idea. Apparently, prim, proper, and pushy. It doesn't matter."

    Jacqui makes a gesture with her hand, indicating she's trying to waive it off, and decides a change of subject is in order.

    "I'm here to have fun. Let's make smalltalk. How ya liking Sacramento? Night life been kind to you?"

    "It's ok. It's more ordered than where I was. The nightlife's pretty blah though. Next to what I'm used to."

    Amelita leaned back against the bar.

    "Y'know, I've got a birthday coming up," Amelita began, tentatively.

    "Oh really? Which one."

    Jacqui laughs at the double entendre hidden therein.

    "We'll have to celebrate! I'm a fan of the right kind of party. One with good company."

    Jacqui's gaze wanders over to the door hiding Miss Villiers and Yuki Saito then back to Amelita.

    "Maybe we could arrange something? You could bring any friends if you like?"

    Jacqui starts smiling again in her usual grin, seeming happy to have something to celebrate.

    "The first one," Amelita smiled. She couldn't even recall her D.O.E. She'd been out of it at the beginning.

    "A party'd be great," she went on. "I just don't know who I'd invite. Who would you like to see?"

    "Good evening Ladies." Conner says as he makes his way to the bar. Conner slides onto a stool gesturing for the bartender to give him a drink. "Jameson, rocks." The Mekhet says

    As the bartender hands him the drink he looks down into it not bothering to take a swig. He mearly swirled the goldan liquid and looked far away for just a moment. "Are you ladies enjoying your evening?" Conner asked in his normal polite voice.

    Jacqui looks at the sudden arrival of Conner Greyson trying to hide some shock that one, he's joined them, and two, he's socializing.

    "Why, yeah, it's definitely been an adventure. So far we've been having fun people watching, and I've been getting to know Ms. Cordoso here quite a bit better. I hope the evenings been treating you kindly?"

    She takes a moment to collect herself, brushing some stray hair behind her ear, and to sit up a bit straighter.

    Amelita sips her beer. "People watching," she nods. "It's my favourite game." She wondered what Conner thought of birthdays. Probably not much.

    Amelita sips her beer. "People watching," she nods. "It's my favourite game." She wondered what Conner thought of birthdays. Probably not much.

    "I have been known to enjoy that game as well. But I will leave you ladies to your festivities." Conner says and takes his drink heading back into the crowd.

    Jacqui waves goodbye demurely as Conner leaves the bar, and looks back to Amelita

    "Well, that was interesting. I think he was checking up on us."

    She loosens back up and leans back against the bar again.

    "Yeah, maybe," Amelita shrugged. "I just realised, this place actually sucks once you're over the whole car-crash rubbernecker thing. Wanna go someplace fun?"

    "Sure Am. It's about time to get out of here anyways."

    Jacqui stands up and kicks the bottom of the barstool with the side of her foot, scooting it closer to the bar.

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