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(1902) Let the Light Hold Back the Night

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  1. #1

    Outside the Mirror Maze was an open area. It was an evening that the park was entirely closed and a sign was at the gate. It was winter anyway, and the public didn't particularly come calling at this time of year.

    Getting the proper things lined up for an outdoor bonfire. She'd run an extension cord outside for music and speakers. There was another table with food that was kept warm. Another table with food that temperature didn't matter, and a pineapple punch with other items on the drink table.

    The fire itself was built and contained well, it would be stoked by whomever wanted to add wood. The fire department was already informed and they had came out earlier in the day to check to make sure it would be safe. Thankfully there was no wind that evening.

    A banner across the front of the tables read:

    Let the Light Hold Back the Night

  2. #2
    Alfonso Franco's Avatar

    (Looking for clues)
    Sworn Officer
    (Sacramento PD)
    (Homicide Detective)
    Alfonso Franco


    Alfonso Franco arrived at the park, dressed in his usual attire, coat and hat. He watched over the setting, and made his way to the table of warm food first, to see what choice tidbits he might pick out before it became crowded.

    "Good evening, Your Majesty." He greets his sovereign, Sasha. "Is there anything I can do of service?" he asks.

  3. #3
    Maxwell J. Pierce

    Maxwell J. Pierce stood back from the fire, dressed in a fine charcoal suit with a scarf wrapped just so around his neck, the end trailing down at the front over his heart. Cold brown eyes sparkled with the light of the flames as he stared meditatively into the cleansing heat. This was their hearth, their place of rest, where stories could be shared and where tears could be shed.

    The Winter Court fed on Sorrow, but its functions were numerous. One involved helping others to cope with the trauma of their lives. Events such as this were key to that duty, allowing people a physical and metaphorical comfort to know that they could burn away the darkness and let some light back in.

    A warm cider filled one hand, holding off the Winter's chill. The other idly adjusted the black tie and heavy overcoat that concealed weapons and armor just as well as it kept him warm.

  4. #4
    John Doe

    John arrived wearing a parka and balaclava. He had seemingly jogged to the event. The Darkling removed the ski mask and tucked it into his pocket. He went over to pour himself some coffee and joined in the group of Winters.

    "Majesty, brothers-in-season- how have you been?"

  5. #5
    Rhodes's Avatar
    Distinctive Voice
    Rigid Mask
    Mantle - Chilling breeze, summoning tiny leaves

    Mein: Rhodes has pale whitish skin, elfin ears and deep, overly large emerald eyes. Thin black veins broach the surface of his skin like the roots of a tree emerging from the ground. Dark, broad leaves sprout from his wrists, ankles and temples, spreading around the back of his head. Deep red flowers bloom at the temples and wrists.

    Mantle: A breath of icy wind, the kind that penetrates and sends a chill down the spine. Ash leaves in red, yellow and gold spin into existance around him, caught on the breeze. As the wind blows, unnerving whispers can be heard, always coming from a direction just out of one's field of vision.



    The door to Edna's opens, and the Dread Lord of Autumn steps boldly across Funderland. Though the air was still, the Mantle of Rhodes brought noticeable twisting winds several feet around him, golden leaves spinning elegantly into existence as he made his way over to the roaring fire. The Hedgespun thundercloud coat whisped slightly in the air over his black suit and shirt, but no scarf. The cold never bothered the King of the Leaden Mirror.

    Embers on the air were snagged by his Mantle's gusts, reminding him not to approach the fire too closely as the Autumn Sovereign made his way around to the Winter Queen. "Lady Sasha," Rhodes greeted her, inclining his head and offering a hand that he might kiss hers. "Another wonderful seasonal delight. I hope you are well?"
    Flowering Fairest, Mantle: An ever-changing, spine-chilling icy wind, creating spinning autumn leaves and haunting whispers.

  6. Likes Krakenbox liked this post
  7. #6
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes
      The Plunge!, Break Grapple
      Dreaming, -1 WP to analyze, WP to hold Dream together, Dreamscape


    Treasured Nix

    She didn’t know why, but the night felt off. Her thoughts had been scattered, a constant whirl of thoughts mixed with overthinking. It had been troubling to say the least.

    But when Winter throws another party, you go. You find your favorite silk slip dress, the one that hugged the curves and looked killer on you. You made sure your hair and makeup were on point, and the perfect pair of shoes. A smile was painted on, let none see the inner turmoil.

    Grabbing her leather jacket, she headed over. Would she be cold? Maybe, but she was going to look damn good and that was the most important thing.

    Spotting the fire, and the others already gathered, she makes her way over.

    A smile was offered to Sasha, her event, her Season, she gets the most attention. “Queen Sasha! What a great evening! Thank you for hosting.” A smile and bow of her head. Other Sovereign, “King Rhodes, nice to see you this evening.” Another bow of her head.

    Finally, the others, “Good to see you John! You’ve been a stranger lately, we need to have coffee and catch up.” A nod.

    “I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Seraphina, or just Sera.”
    Says the Nix.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  8. #7
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses
     Harden Mask, 
      Dreaming, Cloak of the Elements



    If there was a party, it was certain that Sonja Wu was going to show up and make a fool of-- ahem, enjoy herself. Quietly. With dignity (whatever that was).

    Smiling, she came to the outdoor event dressed in blue jeans, her hedgespun shoes, a red knit wool scarf and matching beanie, and a sweater with a monkey on it. The Beast waved happily at those she knew... which at this point was everyone present. Queen Sasha, however, she curtsied towards.

    "Your Majesty. So very cool of you to throw this shindig for everyone! Thanks for the invite. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know!"
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  9. #8
    Abraham Norton

    Abraham may enjoy fine clothing and a change from time to time, but he also understands the power of brand. That's why he wears the exact same outfit as at the Coronation - long, green coat, high boots and a brown shirt. Brass buttons glint like embers, reflecting bonfire's light.

    The tour of greetings follows "Queen Sasha" and a bow "Mr. Pierce, Mr. Franco, Mr. Doe" He greets each with a nod, but no emotion.

    He figures that's how they like it.

    "King Rhodes" A deeper nod "Seraphina and Sonnie. Greetings to you all"

    With pleasantries exchanged, Abraham nears the Darkling "Mr. Doe, I never had the chance to compliment you on the Salt Well idea. Similarly, is there any symbolism to be known in this sentence?" He looks towards the banner.

  10. #9

    The Dancer was checking some cords and a few other things. Luckily, extension cords were easy to find in Funderland. With so many asking to assist, she started dividing out a few things. "Welcome Alfonso, if you could make sure to run this cord over to the other plugin so we have the coffee urn warmer, or whatever it is and the one for cider staying warm?" She smiled with a gratefulness in her eyes.

    The Dancer's leather jacket made a few sounds while she moved, other than the cute glowing butterflies in her hair, she was wearing all black.

    Since the Monkey offered, Sasha turned and pointed to a large bucket to the side. "Sonnie Wu, if you want to go start opening the glow sticks and other glowing party favors, you can hand them around if you want." It seemed like something that the Spring may like to do.

    It was a whirlwind of people who already showed up. The Dancer stood back a moment and made a quick announcement. "Thanks for all who've come so far. There is plenty of food, coffee, cider and some glow stick party favor things. Feel free to help yourself, and let anyone else who shows up know to do the same."

    Her graceful hand ran a single hand through her hair while she looked to see if everything was in place and the fire was stoked. "Those of the Winter Court, please make sure the bonfire doesn't go out tonight. The logs and other wood are to the west side of the Mirror Maze." She would leave that task to her court alone, since she trusted her Court. After the last gathering, the Onyx would be a little cautious on who would keep the fire stoked and going.

    Pausing in the hustle to answer the question of the Leaden Sovereign. "Well, so far I am other than the craziness this was for the day, Lord Rhodes. How are you?"


  11. #10
    Alfonso Franco's Avatar

    (Looking for clues)
    Sworn Officer
    (Sacramento PD)
    (Homicide Detective)
    Alfonso Franco


    Alfonso nods and says, "Of course, Majesty." He heads out with the cord to make sure the warm beverages are appropriately warmed.

    Then he takes a position by the wood, lurking just out of the edge of the light from the bonfire, and watches over it, making trips into the radius of light and heat to replenish the fire's fuel whenever it starts to die down.

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