The music thumped and thudded loud enough to make her teeth rattle at certain points during what passes for music among the masses. To Yuki it sounded a lot more like organized noise or perhaps structured chaos, which was a fitting representation of the times she thought absently to herself. In addition to the music there was the shouting of people to be heard over the ambient noise and it only added to the noise and the small woman’s discomfort.

And this passes for entertaining and fun? She fumed silently while choosing to ignore the lewd behavior around her. If the club goers didn’t have the good sense to do such things in private she wouldn’t embarrass them further by drawing attention to such acts. Besides what other behavior does one expect from the common folk? Despite all this she couldn’t help but feel overdressed and if society had anything to say underexposed judging from the women around her, but Yuki didn’t care.

About that time was when she spotted her target across the room. He had seemed an agreeable sort of kine when she spoke with him after a sparing match with one of the local martial arts schools. She had taken an interest to see how the art of the Naginata had changed since she learned it and so had tracked down a local group. That is where she had met Tom.

The evening was progressing along, but well before closing time, and that was when she chose to approach him and make her move.

“Mister Williams? Is that you,” she shouted with welcome surprise, “fancy meeting you here.”

There wasn’t any coincidence in meeting him here because she had heard him talking to others about this place and about coming here tonight, but he didn’t need to know that.

“Miss Saito!” he exclaimed pleasantly surprised. “You didn’t tell me you come here. You look great!”

“Thanks!” she said with a smile letting the complement wash over her. “I don’t usually go for places like this but wanted some thing new,” she lied casually.

“Say, since were both here did you wanna dance?” he asked her with a grin.

“Sure,” she lied returning his smile. Then she lightly gripped his hand when he set his drink down as he lead her out onto the floor.

It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy dancing, or men for that matter. It was just odd for her to think of playing with someone who had been placed in the food category. She imagined it would be similar to this friend zone she had heard people talk about.

For someone who didn’t care for modern dance Yuki danced surprisingly well, after all she hadn’t been studying people and practicing for nothing. It wasn’t long before her date began to move in closer to her and then brushed up against her casually. Careful about which signals she was sending, because she didn’t want to drive him off. So while she might not have been returning the accidental brushes, she didn’t discourage him either. It wasn’t until several drinks and songs later that the mood changed.

“It’s getting late; you want to get out of here?” Yuki casually dropped.

“Good idea. Lets go,” he said a little more enthusiastically than before.

“I’ll drive. You’ve had a little too much to drink I think,” she said helpfully as her date only nodded in agreement. “My roommates at home,” she fibbed. “You have somewhere we can talk?”

“Yeah, we can go back to my place,” he quickly replied.

As they drove to Tom’s apartment, she silently hoped that he wouldn’t pass out on her, at least for now. She looked him over after she got him out of the club and he was a little more intoxicated than she would have cared for, but after thinking about it realized it could work to her advantage.

It wasn’t long before they arrived and reached Tom’s apartment. He fumbled with his keys for a bit at the lock and after a few moments Yuki politely took them and opened the door for him as he leaned on her shoulder.

In such close proximity to the man, the smell of sweat and booze was strong and for once wished that she would have been able to get drunk in the traditional manner herself, at least then she might not be so keenly aware of it.

The moment after she closed the door behind them she felt hands groping her and he moved in to kiss her. Yuki almost startled out of her skin not expecting him to move this fast. Then recovering quickly, and holding back her ire at being manhandled so unexpectedly in such a familiar manner, she returned a kiss and then quickly made her way to his neck and sunk her fangs into it. The warm salty rush of fluid filled her mouth and she drank greedily.

All too quickly she felt his grip slacken and she licked closed the wound. He was mostly dead weight now and she dragged him over to his bedroom and laid him down on his side only to be greeted by a gentle snoring.

The small daeva pulled off his shoes and then stood up making sure he was alright despite his ungentlemanly behavior. Only to be greeted by her own head beginning to cloud over as the alcohol in the blood hit her all at once. She cautiously decided to call a cab on her way out after resolving to make Tom make it up to her for his behavior