Matthew tossed and turned in bed, thinking about the past couple of days. It still irked him how Tony had unceremoniously foisted the two new wolves off on them. He certainly didn't mind the new blood, but . . . did Tony really have to be so abrasive?

Matthew couldn't speak for Steven, not having seen him in action, but Grip-of-Steel had certainly managed to prove himself. He was resourceful and held up under pressure -- a lot of pressure -- and had spoken quite eloquently when the situation called for it. Matthew also wondered whether Grip-of-Steel had some personal demons of his own.

Finally, Matthews thoughts turned to his awareness of Taylor and Jacob, as he puzzled over what he had felt this evening. For several minutes, they had seemed to be on both sides of the Gauntlet at the same time. Matthew racked his brain, but then he thought about what he new about Beshilu. Suddenly the realization hit him that the rat-creatures must have gnawed completely through the Gauntlet! Matthew sat bolt upright, his heart pounding. Finally, Matthew calmed himself and slipped off into sleep.