‘I make-believe
That you are here
It's the only way
That I see clear
What have I done?
You seem to move on easy’

Her mind continued to add him to her Dreams, night after night. But each time, he was walking away, she never got to see his face, just him walking away from her. A translucent hand was always held out to him as she chased after him, calling out his name, tears streaming down her face.

And yet, he continued his walk.

What did she do? Did something she had done or said cause him to break their vows, their Oath, and leave? No matter how hard she racked her brain, nothing came to mind. But there had to be something! She had to have messed up!

This time, as she reached out for him, she heard the voice. One that would cause any Changeling to stop dead in their tracks and their blood to run ice cold.

Her Keeper. His voice came from all around her, spinning around, she could not pinpoint a location! She feels her body begin to tremble in fear as her knees go weak and she drops to the floor.


‘You know you are never good enough to be loved.’ Bellows the voice with a sick laugh.

I am good enough….” she mutters.

‘He never loved you; no one is ever going to love you.’ It continued.

‘Always been too broken for love and happiness. We’ve gone over this.’ The laugh continued.

“No!” screams out the Nix, pressing her hands against her ears, “You’re wrong!” she cries out.

‘I’m never wrong. You’ve always been worthless without me.’ She can picture that twisted smile in her mind.

“No!””NO!” hands clamp over her ears as she shakes her head.

Then she lets out the most feral, gut-wrenching scream, “Shut up! Shut up!” her voice becoming hoarse, the tears streaming down her face as she reaches out and shreds the Dream. Rips it apart from its very core, the scream turning to anger as the Dream falls apart around her. There was no effort to remake it, and she feels the bed beneath her.

Sitting up, wet eyes take in the room, one of the guest rooms she had taken over. A heavy, deep breath released. Her body shaking from the fear she still felt, and the emotion.

‘At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away’

Will the memories ever fade? Will she always see him in her Dreams? Will her heart and mind ever be free?

Tears continue to fall as she hugged the pillow to her chest, burying her face.