Al looked through the folders of those sensitive things he didn't trust his computer with and found a list of things he had planned to do months ago... There were some on the list that he hadn't thought about (like seeing whether there actually were more Acolytes than him and Mabel at that time), things he had actually wanted to do but then they had been submerged in the daily drudge (a clan meeting to welcome Mrs. Hamura for example or the gaining further knowledge of Quinn and her plans) and also that meeting with the Nosferatu that had been mentioned once... So much yet to do and in the meantime some more things had become... matters to deal with.

With a sigh he put Rigoletto on the record player (the 1902 version with Nellie Melba and Enrico Caruso) some paper on his desk, prepared his pen and began writing letters while thinking about what else would have to be added to the list... Not for the first time he thought that an assistant, just like Proctor when he had been teaching would be good to have...