The ring had to be perfect. It had to encompass their relationship and who they were. Both Monarchs, both Fairest. Nothing less than perfect would work.

So the time had been spent carefully sketching the design. Numerous designs drawn up, then crumpled and thrown at the wall in frustration. It took days to finally sketch the ring, matching what she saw in her head.

Then came hunting down the materials among the Markets she could find. It had been expensive, given it was Summer and not Autumn, but it was worth it to her.

In an ornate box sat the first of Autumns leaves to change and drift from the tree to the ground. The colors bright reds, oranges and yellows. The other box contained the warmth of the first Spring morning with a gentle breeze.

The tricky part was working them into a ring. One that was a color to compliment Rhodes skin tone, even with the branches and roots. This would be a first real attempt at jewelry, having not finished the others she had been working on. It was a whole new challenge for her, but it was a challenge she relished.

Which ingredient to work into the ring first? She wasn’t sure, but went with Spring, it was kind of her thing afterall. Focusing her mind and energy into the warmth that sat in her hands, and molding them into the ring. It took a few tries, there was a few tears and screams of anger as it failed. But then satisfaction as they settled into place. A dim glow coming from the band, the warmth of the Spring morning radiating through the metal.

Now the leaves. Those were…interesting. Ever moving in an invisible breeze, slipping through her fingers numerous times. The frustration of each failure building inside her, her blood pressure raising as her frustration hindered her work. She screams in anger, slamming a hand down on her desk and jumping up. Deep breaths. Eyes closed as she worked to calm herself. She had this; she could do this.

The breathing helped. Her heart slowed and her anger was at a manageable level. She had this, and sat back down, one more deep breath taken.

Leaves were carefully worked, manipulated and twisted to fit the ring. Laying across the band, the colors were subtle, but eye catching, as Autumn leaves often are. And once they mixed with the Spring warmth and gentle breeze, they moved and danced. The warmth of the breeze radiating through the ring.

It was perfect. It would look mundane to those outside the Hedge, Autumn leaves artfully etched into the metal, tasteful and eye catching. But once in the Hedge, it came alive with the mixture of their Courts.

7 Successes