The time had come, she needed a personal space. A space where she could work on her Hedgespinning and a place she could just be.

After showing Rhodes her past, showing him how damaged she was, she threw herself into tasks. Homework was done early, various sketches for Hedgespun things done, cabinets re-arraigned, everything and everything was done. Sometimes over and over again.

If she was busy, she didn’t have to attempt to put things into words. Was it healthy? Probably not. But it was how she knew to deal with stress, the unsure and her fear.

When doing things around the house wasn’t working, she took on the Hedge.

So there she was, in an old, ripped up pair of jeans and a tank top, carving out a space in the Hedge. Ripping and tearing branches, thorns, pushing rocks and tossing chunks of whatever was in her way.

The Hedge was stubborn, but so was she.

It was hard work, she was filthy, had bruises and scrapes, some deeper than others and bleeding, but it was exhilarating! Seeing the space open bit by bit, seeing her work pay off.

It wasn’t much, at least, not yet. Only one room, but it was a start. And it had been done with her own hands.

Plopping herself down on the ground, she grabs one of her bottles of water and nearly emptied it.
Reaching back to tighten her ponytail, she pulls out a few twigs and branches, laughing as she tossed them aside. Falling back, sapphires look at the roof over her, picturing in her mind how she wanted it all to look when she was done. What lights she wanted, what furniture would go where, her mind going a hundred miles an hour with ideas.

And yet still, in the back, was the knowledge that she needed to face it. Face her past with words, overcome the fear that gripped her.

But, not now. Pushing herself up, she sets back to work, there were floors to be added!