Kaze sighs as he approaches the Circle after Ubering to three blocks away, so he could walk the rest of the way. He can't help being reminded of when he first arrived the same way, before he bought his truck, before he met Phoenyx. He remembers living in the Adamantine Arrow quarters when the Circle seemed so empty. He thinks about the exploring and experimenting he did in the sub-basements.

The walk was nice. The neighborhood was pretty cool, with the locals pretty friendly once they got used to you. He hadn't just hung out as much around the neighborhood since he moved out to be part of the Cabal with Alastor and Phoenyx, and then got an apartment of his own and started scouting out the University. Then just a couple months later, he was single and not really spending any money.

Except for going to that concert. He still can't believe it, but that guy had the right name, was a dead ringer. It looks like he really has found his father. Like a wuss he didn't do anything, stay after and try to connect, or even try to get a message to him. Kaze just wasn't sure yet what he wanted if anything from the guy now.

It was nice though, and weird how he just kept felt like things were coming together though. His Prime studies finally got to the point he could transform his aura and cloak his spells; that had been something he had set as a goal before registering full time at Cal State Sacramento. He remembered what Weavebreaker had said about living that way all the time because the schools were infested with Seers.

So when he finally was good enough to set up the spells for a month at a time, he went looking around. He already had the apartment, but somehow, he felt like it was time to look for something more permanent than a rental. They say the main thing is, 'location, location, location' and when he found the place, with a Hallow, and the calming resonance and he could afford it, just, with the 'historic lows' for 30 year fixed rates. He set up direct payment from his bank, even though he doesn't have to make the first payment until June, which is perfect.

Yeah, going into prison with his ex-girlfriend as his warden is not what he would call 'winning', but it still feels like everything is going according to some divine plan. So, here he is, just like he was nineteen months ago, with his big duffel bag over his shoulder, heading into the Circle to meet Phoenyx. But his Master had been right, of course, when she sent him to Sacramento, and he was not the same; he'd learned a lot and faced a 'variety of challenges' and found home.