The process turns out surprisingly simple. Designating Alyssa as his Illuminate seems to be all Truce needs to do to get things moving. She is already eager to search out others who are called to the mysteries of the hereafter. And there is no shortage of them. Alyssa knows plenty of support groups and rehab centers from her time in the hospital. And she has a way with them that rivals his own persuasiveness.

Death's Door soon becomes what some would call a secret society. The only problem being that at times Alyssa becomes almost too eager and shares her ideas with those less than worthy for initiation. Truce helps Alyssa screen and profile the candidates, being stringent with how much she could reveal and how to identify those who are ready to advance.

Most are Demoi, those grieving from the loss of a family member and seeking reprieve. Enthusiasts too, convinced by personal sightings of the otherworldly. The promise of relief or revelation is all that is needed to keep their interest and dedication. But Death's Door needs to be more than just another support group or hobbyist haven. It needs to hold purpose and meaning beyond curiosity. There would be no use for it until they all share the same expression of reverence as Alyssa's.

Truce does not appear directly to them, only meeting with Alyssa. Though they know that the Priestess confers with a greater master. Sometimes he walks among them in Twilight, speaking with the Ghosts that linger around some and sending messages to Alyssa as she voices her questions to the ether. There are even times he grants her the ability to see and speak with the dead herself.

These miracles are rare, often leaving Truce battered by backlash or drained of supernal essence. But they cement Alyssa's legitimacy and the loyalty of her followers without violating the Precept of Secrecy. And it is that Precept that he walks dangerously close to crossing. He cannot share the mysteries with them. And he remains vague with Alyssa too, worried that she may one day become a liability.

For the time being, Death's Door has achieved a life of its own. Through Truce's subtle guidance it may yet lead some to see beyond the Lie of the Fallen World. But just as importantly, it would become seed for talented Technoi to grow and ripen.