After his acknowledgment Cameron returned to the upscale apartment he had acquired located a few blocks north of downtown. He walked into the well furnished apartment, loosening his tie. Picking up the remote control from the countertop he powered on the large 4k TV which chirped out a tinny electronic melody before coming to life. The channel was set to MSNBC. The quiet was briefly broken by the sound of a talking head reporting on the Ebola case in Dallas before Cameron hit the MUTE button and tossed the remote back onto the counter with a clatter.

It had been a productive evening toward getting himself situated in a new city. He had taken the oath, learned much about the city, and even met an interesting new acquaintance in the form of Daniella Sage who had been quite kind to him. In any domain it was very important to know the right people, especially in one so influenced by the Invictus as this one was.

He stepped into the bedroom, doffed his jacket, untied his necktie, and tossed them on the dresser. Sitting on the bed he kicked off his shoes before, peeled his socks off, and unbuttoned his undershirt. He flopped back on soft Egyptian cotton bedsheets, splaying his arms out, eyes stuck on the ceiling but his mind elsewhere.

It was going to take a lot of bootlicking to get anywhere in this town. Bootlicking and money. In the nights to come he would offer his services and expertise to anyone whom he thought could make it worth his while. He would make gifts and "donations" to any Kindred who he could get in his corner and would be swayed by such things. This would be the grueling part. Ingratiating himself to the bloodsucking monsters that Dansed in this city. There was an old saying, though, about building houses on sand, and if Cameron was going to be here a while he needed to put in the hard work to build a strong foundation.

Tonight, though, his stomach growled. He sits up, removing the (very) expensive watch from his wrist and carefully setting it on the nightstand. As he does so he briefly glances at the time, and at that same moment there is a soft knock on the door.

He stands up and exits the bedroom to answer the front door. He stops, however, in front of a mirror fixture on the wall in the living room - having observed his own blurred visage. Frowning, he uses some of the blood, and the blurry image snaps into focus. He'd have the mirror removed tomorrow, he reflects as he opens the door to greet his visitor.

Alejandro stands outside the door, and beside him - being absolutely dwarfed by the big ghoul - is a petite, fair skinned, dark haired young woman of eastern Asian ethnicity. She's dressed in a form fitting black dress, wears stiletto heels, and a generous amount of makeup. She smiles at Cameron with with half-lidded eyes. Cameron smiles back.

"I'll take it from here, AJ." he says, never taking his eyes off the woman. He opens the door and steps aside, inviting her in and she wiggles her way inside the apartment. Cameron turns to the ghoul, whose eyes had been fixed on the escort's posterior before snapping back to his master's attention.

"2 hours" he said, before closing the door and turning to focus his attention on the beautiful young lady of the evening before him.

A couple hours later Alejandro escorted her as she left the premises on shaky legs. As the big Mexican man pressed a small stack of bills into her palm she considered that she couldn't remember the last time she had been so exhausted after seeing a client.