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New face in town enters Reverence

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  1. #1

    Deacon steps into Reverence as he placed his ID back into his pocket smiling to himself since he didn't have to worry about coming up with fake names or anything, not yet anyways. He was dressed in a silky button up short sleeved shirt, with black military pants and shined black steel toe boots that gave the impression that they were regular hiking boots. He looked around smiling at the fact that in this setting it seemed like he was just wearing black scleral contacts, he moved to the bar got himself a rum and coke and sat in the back of the club and relaxed to the music. Its been so long since I could just relax

  2. #2
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani sits in a booth of her own in the back of the club. She wears a very short black dress and has her hair put up with little black spider clips that reflect the lighting of the room. Her make-up is done in traditional gothic style......too much and with carefully drawn designs starting at the edges of her eyes and moving down to the sides of her face. Each design is done with flowing lines to depict small daggers with roses wrapped around them.

    She has her legs propped up by a chair and a small stack of papers in her lap that she is flipping through. A calculater sits on the table next to her. She looks up briefly as Deacon passes, giving him a brief smile before going back to the paperwork with a frown.
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  3. #3

    He swished his drink in its glass, and then stood up after a song had finished, and while the next track loaded made his way to Ishani, and waited till she had an opening within her work to address him.

  4. #4
    Frost's Avatar

    She looks up from the calculater and gives him a once over. Realizing he is probably the man on the phone she gives a sudden smile.

    "Hi. Let me guess, you're Deacon?" She pulls her feet off the chair and settles her legs back under the table. She motions for him to take the seat across from her. "What can I do for you?"
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  5. #5

    He nods and gives a slight bow, as he moves into the seat, the two motions seeming to be one instead of individual movements. "Well one thing I was taught was to introduce one's self to the harpy, and not to just come in as a surprise." He rubs his neck slightly at the end, seeming to rub a scar that wasn't there anymore but it still was mentally. " Especially to learn the laws. "

  6. #6
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani raises her eyebrows, slightly confused but smiles anyway.

    "Well yes, that is one person who should definitly know the laws, however if I were to list them off for you, then I would be agreeing to take responsability for you until the next court when you could be properly introduced. I can tell you that you should not feed until you meet your Priscus or covenent head. Once you have met them and have gained temporary acknowledgment, then feeding won't be an issue. So, I will help to direct you to one. What family do you hail from and do you have any other ties?"
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  7. #7

    " I am currently unaligned, though my ... 'father'..." He raised his hands and did the quotations for father, "is part of the First Estate, and a Nosferatu." He says the last part lower, and rubs his thumb against the glass as his shoulders lower some as he relaxes a little bit.

  8. #8
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    "All right." Ishani says, setting the paper aside and pulling out a small notepad. She scribbles something on the paper and tears it off the pad sliding it across the table. "Then you'll want to speak to Reeve Arnold Culler. He is the current head of the Haunts. He can fill you in a little more on what you need to know and get you temporary feeding rights and the like."
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  9. #9

    He took the paper, memorized the address and name, and placed it into pocket. "Would it be best to wait til court ?" He took a long sip of his drink, which he simply swished the drink in his mouth and let it slide back into the glass tasteing the drink and the memories which it brought.

  10. #10
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani shrugs. "If you'd like but I doubt the Prince will be pleased to find you don't have a sponser. He prefers that someone of your friends or family be willing to vouch for you at the time of acknowledgment. I don't know how he will react to someone he doesn't know approaching him and announcing they've been in the city for a week or so and not spoken to someone in their chosen group."
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

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