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(Beneath Notice) Finale

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  1. #31

    No late-night stores are open. Rope is not easily available here, and time is of the essence. Contacts, at this point, would require too long for Krieg to find them useful.

    The Options:

    Here are the choices your rolls generated, folks, and your characters can put these facts together.

    1) The Jump: The distance from the nearest roof that could be jumped, building to building, is 15 feet across an alleyway. A running long jump is possible from the roof. You can get up there without a challenge.

    The pool is Strength + Athletics. If your character has paid for Athletic Shoes and is wearing them, this will grant a +1. A Size 5 character in a running long jump jumps 5 feet plus 4 feet per success rolled. The Vigor discipline adds to that 4 feet per success rolled by 1 foot per dot.

    Accordingly, a character with no Vigor requires 3 successes on a Strength + Athletics test to successfully make it.

    A character with Vigor 1 or more requires 2 successes on a Strength + Athletics test
    (noting that Vigor also adds to Strength.)

    All the normal things that can add to Strength rolls can be used here.

    This is the test that will not be observed by police if you make it. Undoubtedly, this is the most surprising approach you are aware of into the building where your targets are concerned. However, this building is ten storeys tall. Should you fail, you will fall enough distance to take ten lethal damage.

    A character who can fly can do this trivially without challenges.

    2) The Sewer Crawl

    This is straightforward, but runs the risk of encountering the police. No challenges are required until the exit from the sewer. The exit that John Davis knows of opens up into a side area next to the building's side entrance in an alleyway. If the characters simply do nothing but sneak in from the manhole to the building, they will need to roll a Stealth check versus an observer that they know is there based on their previous rolls. Should someone be seen entering, that will draw a police encounter and change the nature of what will be inside the building. Streetwise characters would note as well that being in the building reeking of sewers and covered in what is in sewers is probably pretty suspicious.

    Of course, someone outside who would be interested in being a distraction could do something to do so and draw that observer off... but that would realistically prevent them from being inside the building for the combat encounter.

    3) The Kindred can still choose to stand down if they wish.

  2. #32
    Rebecca Simmons

    One was a jump, most likely to Rebecca's torpor. The other was a journey through the sewer with Davis where she could be caught, and appear even more suspicious than if she jumped between buildings. Rebecca had to take a moment and seriously consider if all of this was even worth it. Sure they had called the team together, but the task was seeming almost impossible right now.

    "Both of these options suck if I'm being honest. Falling or smelling like shit. I told the Sheriff what's going on and her instruction was to mind the First." She paused for a moment then looked at the group. "This is not a decision I should make alone. My title does not grant me authority over these types of operations, so I will leave this to the group. If the group wants to go forward with this then I will go with the sewer team. I already know I could not make a jump between buildings, and I'd be more help trying to talk my way out of a police interaction. But we should, at least for a moment, consider the risks of going in at all, not just to ourselves but to the First." It had to be said.

  3. #33
    Blackbird's Avatar

    Public Identity: Lisbeth "Beth" Graham
    Striking Looks
    (Criminals, Academia)
    New Identity
    (Lisbeth Graham)

    Daeva Curse - Glutton for Praise:
    Blackbird's ego often gets her into trouble. If someone offers Blackbird praise or compliments regarding her abilities when attempting to recruit her for a task, she finds the request quite difficult to refuse, even if such an action might be particularly dangerous to her well being.


    "There is a third option, particularly with the need to mind the First," Blackbird offers, her low tone indicating she is about to play the role of Devil's Advocate, "Police are closing in on the area. The poachers are holed up in an building that makes them difficult to reach without substantial risk of discovery, either by our entrance to the building or the fighting that will ensue afterwards. Therefore, it may be best to step back, reassess, and try again another night."

    The expression on the neonate's face showed she didn't like the option either. There were poachers in Sacramento and she wanted to confront them as well. However, the risk may be too great on this particular night.

    "I know it's not what you all may want to hear, but regrouping and planning an assault... or a parley may be the best option going forward," she continued, "And I'd recommend neither for the moment due to the proximity of the SPD."

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  5. #34
    Rebecca Simmons

    Rebecca had been hesitant, but Blackbird's words hit Rebecca's mind and fueled an idea. "That's true. And I know I just said we should consider the risks, but if we don't do this tonight I fear they will escape forever. But I did just get an idea." She turned and faced the group, not sure how they'd take it. "I'm not one for combat, I'm one for talking. As such I am willing to be a distraction, to distract the police and help make sure the teams entry into the building is secure and undetected."

    Rebecca is volunteering to be a designated distraction for the team to allow easier entry for the sewer team

  6. #35

    Mediation accepted. Rebecca will not participate in the strike, but will successfully divert the police officer using her sick street wisdom and old lady abilities long enough for the Kindred to enter through the sewer access. Anyone who wishes to jump or fly to the building top to engage in a pincer can do that. The rest can come up through the bottom.

    In your next post, if you are jumping, please make the roll called for above (if you are flying in Protean, no roll required, just spend the Vitae). If you are coming up through the bottom, indicate as much and I'll move this plot forward. If you are pulling out, advise in your next post. After this, it will not be easy to retreat.

  7. #36
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood

    (Bat)Vitae 1 Spent

    "I'm going to fly across. If we get to the roof and find wire or rope or anything really that can help, I will drag it and then tie it off. If we find nothing I will remain as a bat until I locate the poachers." Mable knew she may get there before the others in bat form but perhaps she could distract them some how. She was feeling less vengeful now and had a clearer mind. She didn't have a good solid plan but to make sure they were nothing but dust in the wind.

    Turning bat after we talk and start to move to roof

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  9. #37
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    Dirt Nap is just about to volunteer to be a 'distraction' when the Harpy Rebecca Simmons does it first, and makes a much better case for doing it.

    He nods with respect to the Harpy.

    "I'll go in through the sewers." Dirt Nap says.

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  11. #38

    "I will go up to the roof. I'll give whoever needs a helping hand to get across." He surveyed those who had remained. "Who else is going up there?"

  12. #39

    Setting the scene, so people know what they're going into in their next post.

    The Rooftop Crew

    The Kindred who chose to go to the rooftop found that they were able to go through the back door of the adjacent building. It was attached to a parking garage, and at each floor was an access point to the building's back stair. Some simple larceny made it easy to get through.

    The roof was dark, with only one small light illuminating it from above the doorway. Still, Kindred could easily see. They had the benefit of their powerful senses, and the darkness and shadows provided cover for the jumpers.

    Mable Wood flitted up, flying safely to the far roof. She could see that it had no lights on, and that the way down was a hatch that probably led into a hallway of some sort. The far rooftop was empty. Wherever the poachers were, they were not up here.

    Between them? The gap. Fifteen feet over a plunging drop into an alleyway, with a cement ground. The risk? Torpor. The reward? A pincer maneuver that might catch the enemy between them.

    Krieg has decided he will go first. Strength + Athletics (+1 if Athletics Shoes purchased and on, +Vigor, plus any other valid sources of augmentation or Willpower). 3 sux without Vigor active is required, 2 with any level of Vigor up.

    If Krieg makes it, then as a Giant, I have ruled that if you are one success short of your target, he can roll Strength + Athletics - 3 to try to catch you and pull you in.

    The Sewer Crew

    Down through a manhole, John Davis led the way for the Kindred who had decided to be the bottom of the pincer movement. It didn't take long to cover the couple of blocks to the manhole cover by the building, but it was crunched over, dirty, and disgusting all the way. Good news? Davis probably knew a way back out through the cordon. Bad news? More of this shit.

    When the group was ready and in position, a quick text to Rebecca could get the distraction started.

    No tests are required here, as Rebecca is going to take care of this by distracting the guard.

  13. #40

    Effective Strength is 6

      4 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-12-05 17:14:06 Krieg rolls 10 to Rooftop Vault [Str+Athletics] (10 Again) 10, 9, 7, 10, 7, 9, 7, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2 4 successes

    The giant ran to the edge at full speed. As he reached the edge, he hopped once, slamming both feet down onto the roof. Like a coiled spring, the massive Haunt launched across the distance. Running through the air, he landed and kept his stride going forward to slow himself down safely.

    Krieg returned to the edge, readying himself to provide assistance.

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