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The Dragon's Rest

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  1. #1
    Lina Moretti

    The apartment was mostly boxed up. Plainly, Moretti was planning on moving, and accordingly, she wasn't spending a bunch of time worrying about this particular Haven's security. She had others. This would do for a place to meet tonight; private, homey, and Masquerade safe. They could talk freely here. That was the point.

    And so it was that Dirt Nap and Atticus James were invited to the Sheriff's apartment. A nicely appointed and spacious place, there were elements that were so her - framed prints of covers of detective stories, noir scenes and a framed copy of her first private investigator's license adorned the wall while comfortable couches formed an L in the living room. But there were some pieces still that did not look so feminine.

    A man had lived here. Recently. One with a love of books and fine wood. A coat he had left behind still rested on the coatrack by the door.

    She waited in the living room, a glass of Bulleit in her hand with one ice cube swirling slowly as her wrist worked around and around...

  2. #2
    Atticus James

    It was a bit of a hike from the shelter to the address he was given, which is okay. Not that he had calories to burn or something, but because he needed to get the lay of the land. He’d need to know the ratholes and flophouses, as well as the tenements and bars. Pulling drunkards and addicts out of bad places tended to be part of the job.

    In his ears, he had a third-hand pair of earbuds that connected to an equally old mp3 player. He won it in a bet with Mitch from the Adelita, a crab boat out of Juno. The music was okay, a few albums were good, others were garbage. Mitch said, “Don’t make fun of me, they’re my kids,” But Atticus didn’t believe that talk at all.

    A cigarette dangled from his mouth as the Gangrel looked up the building, “Bet there ain't an elevator,” He thought out loud as he finished his smoke.

    A man stumbled by and hit up Atticus for a smoke. Atticus gave him the pack and made his way in the building. The nice part about being dead, don’t need to worry about withdrawals, at least from cigarettes.

    The building wasn’t bad, and he was wrong, there was an elevator. A punch of a button, a brief wait, and then he was there. He felt her before he knocked. At least the second run-in was better than the first. A brief rap on the door and Atticus waited for the answer.

  3. #3
    Lina Moretti

    Words, from within.

    "It's open."

    Apparently, the Sheriff wasn't super concerned about random passersby right now.

  4. #4
    Atticus James

    I guess I am coming in. Atticus says as he turns the handle and steps inside. Once inside he looks around a bit. “Hey, It’s Atticus.” He says by way of announcement, seeing shoes by the door he kicks off his boots and makes his way into the place further. “Nice place,” the gravely Gangrel says as he looks about, not sure how to break the ice, and Atticus sucks at small talk.

  5. #5
    Lina Moretti


    The small Grand Wyrm chained the Beast with her usual exercises, pressing down the urge to bleed this Dragon dry on the floor of the apartment she once shared with the closest thing she had had to a friend since her Embrace.

    "Moving out's a bitch, but Supplicant van Valen got called away on Order business. Pity, too. He was a rockstar occultist."

    She gestured to the couch across from her, inviting him to sit.

    "That's okay. A Chapterhouse is coming together in Florin. I wanted to discuss that with you two tonight, in fact. So. Tell me, Atticus James, what Coils have you studied thus far, and where do you seek to go?"

  6. #6
    Atticus James

    "I can help you move," Atticus offers, if he can do anything, it's lifting stuff. Alright, right down to brass tacks, works for me.

    A chapterhouse in Florin, interesting. Atticus takes the seat offered to him and looks to the diminutive "I have been a member of the Order since my embrace, I am a Supplicant of Terror." There was a bit of a dramatic pause as Atticus took a moment among the ghosts to decide how much he wanted to tell this stranger. "As for where I seek to go, I'm honestly not sure. I have ideas but no goals set in stone. Right now my research involves keeping the beast that lives in us in its box. I've found parallels in what we have to deal with the soldiers and trauma victims I've worked with."

  7. #7
    Lina Moretti

    "I won't say no to a hand. Especially since I intend to move to the Chapterhouse, where any Dragon in good standing can stay if they contribute," she said with a nod, like it was relevant information. As he mentioned that he was a Supplicant of Terror, she gave a little clap of her hands. "Excellent, Supplicant! Good. I'm glad to meet another who understands what I had to go through to put a chain on the Beast. I went another way, for now, learning of the connections between the Man and our condition, but I started where you are. I am a Scribe of Equilibrium, you see, but I expect my focus going forward will be to follow the Elysian tradition to its conclusion."

    She leaned forward in interest as he described his work. "Trauma victims? Are you a doctor, or...?" Plainly, it was an invitation to tell her more. He didn't scream 'doc', but hey. Neither did Simmons.

  8. #8
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    Dirt Nap arrives, a little late. He came by motorcycle, and had to wheel it along the last mile or so. It needs work. He parks it and takes the stairs.

    He knocks softly. If he's in the right place, they will hear it just fine.

  9. #9
    Atticus James

    "It's better than staying in one of the shelters. It ain't safe for us." Atticus said by way of accepting the offer of a place to stay that has more security than a simple latch and a dresser.

    "Yeah, it took some strong knotwork and a deep dive to pull that off, but I am glad I did," Atticus remembered what it felt like, the burning pain within him. The scrambling skittering darkness past the searing agony. Still, he did it. It was an insane path to walk through his already fractured mind. Now he just had Atticus and…

    “A Scribe of Equilibrium, that is a hard row to hoe all its own. Congrats to that accomplishment.”

    Atticus gets up and makes his way to check the door. As he walks he continues to explain, “Yeah, I work with various charities and support organizations. I help people who have suffered violent attacks, PTSD, suicide attempts and alike. Not fun work, but good work. I was telling my Priscus, I spent some time in Alaska working on a charity that helps vets get jobs on boats.”

    Atticus puts his eye to the peephole, it wasn’t entirely necessary, he felt him through the door. “Thin kid, straggly hair, could use a shower, this the CJ we been waiting on,” Atticus asked?

  10. #10
    Lina Moretti

    "I'll need you to help out with the space, but it certainly is better, and better for Covenant unity," she replied as he explained how he'd done the Beast thing. That was worth digging into, and there'd be time later - but the second knock at the door required answering. He took the initiative. That was fine. She didn't feel like getting up anyway. "You have no idea how good that sort of work is for understanding certain Coils. Good for you. By being connected to troubled mortals, you're keeping yourself from getting too stagnant, too aloof."

    A half-smile crossed her face at his description of the 'kid'. "Yeah, that'd be Dirt Nap. Let him in, please."

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