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(0818) A quiet place

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  1. #21
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily sags as she finishes the story, knocking knuckles with Chris and watching the gathering of wolves. She tenses as the older man, older than Tristan even, edges out of the darkness, but his greeting to Hector and Chris, alongside their calm responses, denote nothing to be overly concerned. "Felix, huh? Sounds more cat than wolf..." she mutters to Chris with a grin.

    "Looks like I wasn't the only one finding wayward folks, huh?" She says more loudly, giving a nod to Felix. "Hey. I'm Emily. Pull up some floor. And don't let the stories fool ya. Carillon Call's Cresent of Farsil Luhal and resident party girl."

    She snaps her fngers. "Oh yeah. The point of the story. Yeah." Another drag on her cigarette. "The Tur was a place of peace and meeting in the times there were more packs here. And it it looks like, through whatever blessings of the Spirits when it was formed, it's managed to stay a small island of peace in a twisting spiritscape. Go ahead. Take a look. It looks much nicer than anything I've seen in years." The last part is given a lot more quickly, as if trying to push out all the information before she forgets it again.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  3. #22
    Valentina Queen's Avatar

    Half Moon Iminir
    Status: Psychiatrist
    Primal Urge
    Wuffy Shrink


    Party girl, huh? Hmm. Well, it was clear that there was grief riding hard behind that story, not to mention what was likely some comorbid Survivor's Guilt, so it was likely that the partying was just a heuristic coping mechanism. Thankfully, with the Uratha's physiology, finding Merekith dead of alcohol poisoning was basically impossible, the physiological effects of alcoholism much more difficult to come by, and the primal killing machine lurking in her soul likely enough to keep her safe from whatever trouble she got herself into.

    Still, concerning...

    Then there was Chris, the No Moon of Destroyer wolf. He seemed solid, though he was hard to get a read on. Patient. Mild. That didn't mean there wasn't a presence to him, however. He was insubstantial, he was like the stone, or the Oak, vitally there, yet still.

    Hector was also a mystery. Like a river, rushing and crashing, and yet who knew what lurked beneath his frenzied depths?

    Then there was Roach of the Mange, and this newcomer, Felix. What was his deal?

    "Well, I don't want anyone to assume I'm careless, but I don't particularly care what challenges we face. I'm just wanting to face them alongside my Sisters and Brothers, and...I wouldn't met getting my fangs into something. Luna knows, I show them off often enough."

    Dr. Queen give a bright smile then, her broad, white smile glistening beneath the Mother's light, the Dalu tips of her canines long and sharp, showing the Primal ferocity lurking within her soul.

    "Now, I'm also one of the Iminir,"
    she went on, her eyes landing upon Hector, "but leadership isn't an interest of mine. Doing right by my pack is, in the best way that I can, and if you accept me, that's what I intend to do. And, if I fall down on the job, you won't even have to bother kicking my fluffy butt out. Skolis Ur will do that for you."

    Because, honestly, what better reference was there than the Second-Born?

    1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-08-29 01:15:50 Val rolls 7 to Read the feels (wits3+emp4) (10 Again) 7, 3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 9 1 success
    Dr. Valentina Queen, MD.
    Elodoth Iminir, Honor 3, PU 3

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  5. #23
    Hector's Avatar
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    "They interesting People," Hector replied, bobbing his head toward Chris.

    His grin seemed to get wider when Felix appeared. "Felix!" The Alpha gave the as yet unattached Menina a friendly growl. "Welcome! Glad you could make it! This here is Roach and here is ... Dr. Queen. I guess. Now Chris you've met. Emily is also Clarion Call - our spirit speaker. Tristan isn't here tonight; he's Elodoth and works for as a sheriff or cop among the Herd. So I guess he's busy with that. Viola... I ain't seen Viola in some time."

    His smile faded before it bounced back, more wicked than before.

    "Since we are all here. More or less. I have a proposition. A hunt. Clarion Call and the rest of you. Together."

    A forestalling hand shot up.

    "Not now. Another time. But soon. When the auspices are better. What do you say?"

    They could chat and tell their stories after. Maybe there would be two packs by the end of the night, maybe not. It would not matter if he could convince them all to hunt together. The Hisil would only see one large pack of Uratha - the first in many years. The spirit courts would talk...

    Necessary Guile would be pleased.
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

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  7. #24
    Felix Grey

    Felix stalked over to the group, having been welcomed by both Chris and his ragged alpha. Still he stayed on the outskirts, squatting by a tree as Hector introduced him to the gathered Uratha. With a glance, he acknowledged the assembled group with a nod.

    He glanced to each of the collected Uratha who were unknown to them. First the dirty Roach in her well mended clothing. The air around her suggested another guarded soul, something with which Felix would likely appreciate. This seemed to earn her a knowing nod as the balding wolf dipped his head. Then their was the friendly Ithaeur, Emily. She didn't recieve much from Felix in the way of a reaction, although as she spoke of the maintained peace of the Tur around them the barest hint of a smile alighted the dirty man's lips.

    Then there was Dr. Queen. Felix found the Storm Lord's smile irritating, though he wasn't certain why. Perhaps it came off as fake to him or perhaps the balding Meninna simply did not feel most of the People could be that happy. Followed by her statements about not caring about the trials the Uratha of Sacramento faced, it was safe to say the cautious Hunter was less than impressed.

    But he would not show it.

    "Felix. Irraka Meninna." he offered to the collective before directly his gaze back to Hector, "A shame Viola hasn't been seen. I would have liked to meet another of Black Wolf's children. Safe hunting to her."

    Hector's suggestion that Felix and the others hunt with pack earned yet another nod from the Meninna, "It is our way. I will answer the call, just give me a wring. Not working with the Herd, so... I got time."

    Felix's expression remained guarded. In truth, he was excited to meet more of the People, as he had not met in relative peace with an entire pack since he had left Boise. However, he was unwise for a predator to let his intents and thoughts be known to those he did not know. Thus, Felix kept the walls up.

    Those perceptive enough might see the glimmer of contentment in his eyes or perhaps the anticipation in his form. Though he had yet to master it, Felix was skilled in hiding his intent and the truth of his emotion. Such was the way of a wolf that often hunted alone.

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-08-29 15:24:54 Felix Grey rolls 5 to hide his emotions (Composure 2 + Subterfuge 2 + Specialty 1) (10 Again) 7, 2, 1, 10, 8, 5 2 successes

  8. #25
    Roach's Avatar
    Irraka Iminir | Cunning ●● Honour ●
    Danger Sense
    Trained Observer
    Trained Memory

    Irraka Iminir | Cunning ●● Honour ●

    Contacts: Street, Criminals, Charities
    Allies: Street ●
    Allies: Criminals ●
    Stats / Common Equipment

    Quick Draw (Knives)
    Fleet of Foot 3

    Backpack w/ small amount of clothes
    Cell, Reinforced Cloths (Jacket), Bowie Knife.


    The story, the history passes her by. She listens to Makerith, and her easy way with words. She listens to Hector-Cahalith-Alpha tease the gathered with the plethora of tales he guards, and learned in the Rocky's.

    Roach fiddles with the strap of her backpack, curling it in on itself. Feeling the texture of of the nylon under her thumb and the scraggly frayed edges, of the well worn strap.

    Unwashed, grubby. Street slicked scent. New face among new faces. Felix older, balding, Irraka, Meninna. "Hey," a jerk of her head, moving matted hair around her face. "Irraka. Iminir." Three words, less of an infusion into the active conversation, but it's something from the women who'd learned that attention was Very Fucking Bad.

    But here wasn't there. Now isn't then. Even with Val-Queen-Smiling-Shrink. Bitch is Uratha. She would have known she might have helped Shit fuck. Fucking damn. Keeping to herself and the road isn't gonna cut it anymore. "And I can't believe I'm saying this - I agree with Queen. I'm an Iminir too, and I ain't about shouting that I'm the bestest wolf who ever fuckin' wolfed. I've met assholes like that. Think being the sons of Winter wolf gives them free passes to be a huge bag of dicks."

    She nods, fringe falling once more over her murky blue eyes.

    "We ain't gonna bring shape to the Shadow's madness if we don't get off our - what was it Queenie? - fluff asses and do something about it. Count me in for a hunt, whenever."
    Irraka Iminir | Primal Urge ● | Heath: | Willpower: | Essence:

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  10. #26
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Smoke curls around Emily as she curls up after doing her story of Sacramento. She watches. Listens. Smokes. Wisdom sometimes was listening, and there were still 3 unknowns here. Never one to hide her emotions, Emily breaks into a grin and her eyes light up at Hector's talk of a hunt. It only grows wider when all the new folk sign up, but new guy Felix makes a point Where is V? Not seen her in a while... I should check she's okay.

    And a Storm Lord that isn't an asshole? Every Iminir Emily met was an ego-trip on super-caffine. Maybe Roach could be coaxed out a little more, and maybe Val was super-forward - hell, Emily liked that in her partners but with Uratha it was soooo different - but maybe, just maybe this could work.

    "Hunting? Hells yeah, count me in!" She blows out a long plume of smoke, and her grin suddenly shows lots of teeth. The ripple of muscle. The chase. the feeling of blood and essence beneath your jaws... Emily growls playfully. "I'm always for getting my teeth into something." She winks at Val cheekily.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  12. #27
    Chris Laurent's Avatar

    Chris Laurent

    Irakka Blood Talon


    Chris flashes a small smile at Emily's joke but nothing more. The new guy seems like he could be solid. The Talon's eyes move to the Storm Lord. A Storm Lord not interested in Leadership? Man the old Alpha would shit bricks then demand a fight with them over that. Corrective Action, ya sure.

    Hector gets a toothy grin at the talk of a hunt. "Hell yes." Three Irraka? It's going to be glorious or a clusterfuck. A glorious clusterfuck. Then chuckles as Roach says fluff asses. "Something is gonna have a really really bad day once we get going."
    Irraka Blood Talon:

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  14. #28
    Valentina Queen's Avatar

    Half Moon Iminir
    Status: Psychiatrist
    Primal Urge
    Wuffy Shrink


    "As long as you can give me a few hours of notice, I'll be ready to hunt any time," Val agreed, her smile that of a wolf not just relishing the hunt, but relishing the thought of hunting with other wolves. To be part of a pack, to scare and chase their prey, to trap it, to work as a team, as many bodies, but one mind...

    She'd missed it so much she almost wanted to cry.

    Still, as her mind was filled with images of the hunt, something the Menina had said began to tug at her. He didn't work with the Herd, hmm? Well, that wasn't surprising. He seemed to have proudly cultivated his mange, unlike poor Roach, who just couldn't help it. But that raised other questions.

    "Since the Big Hunt isn't happening now, though," Val continued, plopping down on the ground and doing some more stretches, "I'm curious about all the lil hunts that you all get up to. Hardt hunts among Law Enforcement. I'm in the health community, so I track psychosis and the influence of spirits, as well as health trends. But what about you, Felix? If you don't have contact with the Herd, what do you hunt? Or you, Roach? I would ask Merekith, but based off how I met her, I'm pretty sure she hunts stray wolves."

    Queen giggled at that, then bent deep into a hamstring stretch while she listened.
    Dr. Valentina Queen, MD.
    Elodoth Iminir, Honor 3, PU 3

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  16. #29
    Hector's Avatar
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    There was a time to speak. And there was a time to listen.

    On this occasion Hector keeps his mouth shut and shifts his posture into something akin to a particularly slovenly Buddha. Basket ball to his side. Hands clasped on knees.

    The Cahalith listens to the song of the People.

    The Alpha is contemplating the harmony of their personalities.
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

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  18. #30
    Felix Grey

    Felix watched the assembled Uratha as they spoke and carried on. Truthfully, the expression on his face was not one of hatred, but of strong-faced caution. To Roach, the balding wolf merely nodded in agreement. Whether that agreement was to her tribe being egotisical dicks or regarding her statement about the Uratha's purpose was a relative unknown. It was probably a little bit of both. Most folks, even among the People, were kind of shit. Still, to the latter comments, Felix actually opened his mouth to speak.

    "We're blessed with that purpose, regardless of Tribe," He offered, "but it is more than the Hisil. We should hunt beyond just our duty."

    Felix was, of course, referring to the hunting of their own food. In a way, his statement was a test, a means of probing the group's values. Felix believed eating as the Herd did promoted weakness in the People. He was curious to see if the group or at least some among their number felt the same. Irraka or no, Felix was also Meninna. This Purity was important to him, even if the brands were smaller than his Cunning.

    Moving his glowering gaze to the smiling Doctor, Felix let out a huff, "I hunt for myself, mostly as Urhan... Your statement suggests your asking how I get money though and I don't see why that fucking matters." Then a grimace as his mind reprimanded his own actions, Don't be an asshole. A grumble and a pause... then Felix met the doc's eyes with his own,"Got assets in Montana. Co-Owner of a construction company up that way. Old Life..." His tone indicated he didn't want to delve into that part of history tonight though, as they had just met. "As for helping to heal the Hisil, I haven't been able to do much here. Only got here recently. Years past I helped a few packs here and there on the Mother Road. Used to run with a pack out of Boise too."

    Then came a smile, "But with Hector's suggestion, there can be blood on the wind again." The smile turned to a grin briefly, as Felix shamelessly showcased his love for the hunt.

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