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  1. #11
    Freya's Avatar

    A.K.A. Freya Bloom
    Striking Looks
    (Entertainment, Clubs)
    (Tooth and Claw)

    Freya's Mein is a hybrid between her mask and some hellish bird of prey. Her face is much like her Mask, save for the larger, saucer-like amber eyes that a more reminiscient of a bird of prey than a human being. Within her mouth, her lower and upper canines are also more prominent and elongated.

    She bears no hair atop her head, boasting instead a short headdress of dark brown feathers. These feathers trail down her spine and along her shoulders and upper arms before erupting yet again along her thighs and rear. Freya's lower legs and forearms are scaly, not unlike the legs of a large bird of prey, and end in wicked talons which serve as her primary tools against her enemies.

    Truly, she is terrifying, but their is a Savage beauty to her.


    Freya's eyes widened as she listened to Lucifer describe the means of her injury. She did not see through the lie as Rhodes had and was thus surprised when the Fairest expressed his doubt about the truth in the Shadowed Beauty's statement. Freya thought the best of others. Unless she was given a reason not to. Then Rhodes spoke of the Gentry.

    The mother protects. Freya closed her eyes a moment, breathing deeply as a means to process what has been said. She opened them again to look upon Lucifer and Penance, her gaze one of concern. She was no True Fae, but she was gifted in the Contracts of the Dream. She could help.

    As Rhodes made his way to her and spoke, Freya offered him a soft smile. Despite the seriousness of the situation before them, the need to nurture was strong and so she offered he best face, "The well-being of our brethren is all of our responsibility. You don't need to bear that alone." The statement was simple, but clear enough in Freya's eyes. The bird-thing would lean in as Rhodes spoke about the troubles of Luci, Penance, and dear Ingrid. "I am not academically inclined with oneiromancy... but I am gifted in Contracts of the Dream. If nothing else, I can help affect change and seek the poison. If Lucifer and Penance would consent to my meddling, of course."

    Resisting one among the Gentry and pushing them out of a dream would be difficult, but it was not impossible. Additionally, if she could pull it off, Freya felt that the True Fae in question would be unlikely to try again. At least for a time. Thus, the Clawed Mother knew she could not leave the issue unresolved now that she was aware of it.
    Wyrd: 2 | Mantle: 1 (Spring)
    Mantle: The light scent of apricots

  2. Likes , Cayce liked this post
  3. #12

      Lie Detected
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-08-28 10:47:02 Penance rolls 5 to Read Luci's lie (Wits + Emp) (10 Again) 4, 1, 9, 4, 8 2 successes

    "I do not think you were mugged. Only because I think you would be happy if you were because of what ever you did to the poor mugger. And if you were, God rest the soul of that man."

    As much as Penance would like to probe further, it was clear Lucifer wasn't in the mood to share. And as both her and Rhodes had pointed out, they did have more important matters on the agenda. She offered a brief bow to Freya at the mention of her name as means of introduction. Of course, they WOULD choose her to relate what happened in the dream, probably the most inexperienced in this area and no longer a great public speaker to boot.

    "I was in the middle of a dream when I heard a siren, so I went towards it. I think this is true for Ingrid and Luci too. I ended up in a big stone maze and ran into the others. Literally. That is the word for when something happens as said, yes? It was my first time talking to either of them and Luci demanded I make a promise not to harm them. I tried and it did not work, but before we could try again, we were chased by a giant... giant. Me and Ingrid tried to stand our ground. Luci ran away. I was not much help, but Ingrid dropped a bunch of rocks on him."

    "After that, we chased Luci to a big arena with a cage in the middle of it and the crowd was chanting for us to kill it. Inside was another Lost with quills. Ingrid convinced us not to kill it and talked to it. ...It kept repeating three words so it was hard to understand for me. The crowd was making me angry. Ingrid tried comforting the Lost, but then they sent lions on us. Half lions. They had human faces and scorpion tails too. One of them could fly. They were weird. I tried attacking one, but I woke up as soon as it hit me."

    Having finished her recounting, Penance went back to her seat and partook of her tea. It was nice after all that talking.

    "I do not mind the help. I hate to say it, but I did not feel of much use in the dream. Ingrid did most of the work."

  4. #13
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    derp derp, My thoughts got all turned around, thanks Cayce for clearing things up!
    Penance and Rhodes do detect Luci's lies.

  5. Likes Cayce liked this post
  6. #14
    Lucifer's Avatar

    Distinctive Voice
    Striking Looks

    Lucifer's alien beauty is almost cruel, the eye moving uncomfortably from one monstrously perfect feature to the next.

    Lurking beneath the alien beauty of the mask is the echo of the grotesque. Cruel teeth hide behind plush lips, goat eyes glitter beneath long lashes, ears are twisted into points, with skin the color of curdled milk.


    "She speaks the truth," Lucifer continued, nodding slowly in Penance's direction. If she wasn't so dehydrated and suffering from blood loss, she no doubt would have begun to sweat. They had seen through her lie. Seen through the illusion that she had hoped to throw over their eyes to block out her shame. Would they suspect the Truth? Did they know how weak and helpless she already was?

    "What she did not mention, however, was that while Penance tried to protect us, and while the Spring Queen tried to play Nurse Maid, I found the Gentry's touch in the dream. It had been Poisoned, the dreamer no doubt already mad. She begged us to find Queen Anne, though whoever that is, I do not know."
    Lucifer. Fairest: Shadowsoul/Illes, Pres 4 (Smoldering), SL 4 (Nonpareil), Distinctive Voice 2 (Disquieting). Autumn Mantle 1 (Candlelight reflecting in her eyes).
    Pledges: Dignitaries Vow

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  8. #15
    Rhodes's Avatar
    Distinctive Voice
    Rigid Mask
    Mantle - Chilling breeze, summoning tiny leaves

    Mein: Rhodes has pale whitish skin, elfin ears and deep, overly large emerald eyes. Thin black veins broach the surface of his skin like the roots of a tree emerging from the ground. Dark, broad leaves sprout from his wrists, ankles and temples, spreading around the back of his head. Deep red flowers bloom at the temples and wrists.

    Mantle: A breath of icy wind, the kind that penetrates and sends a chill down the spine. Ash leaves in red, yellow and gold spin into existance around him, caught on the breeze. As the wind blows, unnerving whispers can be heard, always coming from a direction just out of one's field of vision.



    Rhodes inclines his head to Freya in acknowledgement. "Thank you. Please understand what I mean when I say because Lucifer is of my court, I feel.... more obligated. Between us, I have the knowledge and some raw practrice and you, Freya, have the specific tools in the contracts that will be most helpful."

    Rhodes does not speak with Penance recalls her account, and Lucifer adds her notes. His gaze lingers on her longer than it might, as if watching her might provide some manner of insight. So. She flees. She lies about injury. Pride no doubt, and I can understand that. What is going on, Lucifer? Other than the hard stare that could have been simple concern, the Fairest made no indication that he was aware of Lucifer's attempted deceit.

    Eventually he looks over to Penance. "Queen Anne... hmmm. Either a Fae or perhaps a Courtly Queen...?" He muses aloud. "No. The poison alone makes the latter unlikely. Obviously we cannot leave one of our own to torment, if there is a way to save them. Penance, could you try to recall the repeated words the tormented Lost was uttering? They may be helpful."
    Flowering Fairest, Mantle: An ever-changing, spine-chilling icy wind, creating spinning autumn leaves and haunting whispers.

  9. Likes Cayce liked this post
  10. #16
    Freya's Avatar

    A.K.A. Freya Bloom
    Striking Looks
    (Entertainment, Clubs)
    (Tooth and Claw)

    Freya's Mein is a hybrid between her mask and some hellish bird of prey. Her face is much like her Mask, save for the larger, saucer-like amber eyes that a more reminiscient of a bird of prey than a human being. Within her mouth, her lower and upper canines are also more prominent and elongated.

    She bears no hair atop her head, boasting instead a short headdress of dark brown feathers. These feathers trail down her spine and along her shoulders and upper arms before erupting yet again along her thighs and rear. Freya's lower legs and forearms are scaly, not unlike the legs of a large bird of prey, and end in wicked talons which serve as her primary tools against her enemies.

    Truly, she is terrifying, but their is a Savage beauty to her.


    Freya listened as Penance recounted her tale, taking in the details. As the young woman discussed the arena, concern spread across Freya's face. She was gifted in the Dream, but less studied in it as she had said before. Still, this did not sound like an ordinary nightmare, though the fact that three of the Lost had experienced the same version of events should have been the Clawed Mother's first clue.

    Looking to Lucifer as she spoke of a few other events to which Penance had not spoken too, Freya's concern deepened. As the beauty spoke of encountering the poison of the dream, Freya's gaze traveled downward to the cause. Still, she did not know Luci well enough to comment on her guarded nature. And a mother cannot comfort when once rebuffs such things. Thus, Freya returned her gaze to Rhodes, a compatriot of the Dream albeit of a different variety.

    "You don't need to apologize. The ties of our Courts are deep. I'd be more concerned if you did not feel obligated to help your fellows."
    At the last statement, Luci recieved another glance from the bird-thing. Still, that was a matter for another day and, as Rhodes commented on her gifts and how they could compliment his studies in this endeavor, Freya smiled, "Then it seems you'll be the surgeon and I'll be the scalpel, Mr. Rhodes."

    Then Freya considered the statement of this 'Queen Anne' being a member of the Gentry rather than one of the Lost, "We assume the Lost is maddened by the poison of the dream, but perhaps our comments are missing the mark," The Beast leaned forward, her eyes looking to the Autumn courtiers before her as she searched her mind for the right words, "We all endured our own Durance... some of us for years, but even those lost to madness still had Clarity locked away in our hearts. It helped us remember and flee from a Durance we'd like to forget," A tone of sadness was present in the final words, before Freya quickly remembered herself, shaking away the dark thought, "It's how we escaped, yeah? Perhaps our brethren's call for Queen Anne is indeed a call for one of the Lost as a desperate plea of their own failing Clarity. I don't think it's smart to dismiss that as a possibility. She could be the key to finding out this whole mess."
    Wyrd: 2 | Mantle: 1 (Spring)
    Mantle: The light scent of apricots

  11. Likes Xadun, Cayce liked this post
  12. #17

    The Ogre gnashed her teeth a little and looked away for a second, almost shamefully.

    "I must apologize in advance for not remembering it all. There was a crowd chanting, I was not paying all of my attention. They were rising my temper."

    In all honesty, by time the dream had gotten to the end, she was all to happy too spill some blood. Even after having been forced out of the dream, her bloodlust needed an outlet. ...She probably needed to write an apology to her neighbors.

    "...Just like her. Just one, definitely said one. ...Can't. Thank you. She said that somewhere. ...I cannot remember anything else. I do not remember her saying Queen Anne. I must have been torn out before that."

  13. #18
    Rhodes's Avatar
    Distinctive Voice
    Rigid Mask
    Mantle - Chilling breeze, summoning tiny leaves

    Mein: Rhodes has pale whitish skin, elfin ears and deep, overly large emerald eyes. Thin black veins broach the surface of his skin like the roots of a tree emerging from the ground. Dark, broad leaves sprout from his wrists, ankles and temples, spreading around the back of his head. Deep red flowers bloom at the temples and wrists.

    Mantle: A breath of icy wind, the kind that penetrates and sends a chill down the spine. Ash leaves in red, yellow and gold spin into existance around him, caught on the breeze. As the wind blows, unnerving whispers can be heard, always coming from a direction just out of one's field of vision.



    The Fairest man smies and inclines his head at Freya's response. This one is insightful. We shall have to talk more. "I look forward to working together. And I suppose you make a valid point," he concedes slowly. "If you are willing to share, Freya, I would like to know how many contracts with Dream you have, so I might plan accordingly for what we may find there. It is inevitable, if we are to resolve this on our own terms - before our enemy is ready - that we go back to the dream in force and I would like to be as prepared as possible."

    He looks tro Penance as he leans back in the elaborate chair. "It is alright. The Dreaming can be chaotic and confusing place, and a lot can be forgotten. But if this Queen Anne is a real person, we should know about them, as well as preparing for a Fae threat."

    Saber Soth , what kind of roll would it be to have heard of Queen Anne?
    Flowering Fairest, Mantle: An ever-changing, spine-chilling icy wind, creating spinning autumn leaves and haunting whispers.

  14. #19
    Freya's Avatar

    A.K.A. Freya Bloom
    Striking Looks
    (Entertainment, Clubs)
    (Tooth and Claw)

    Freya's Mein is a hybrid between her mask and some hellish bird of prey. Her face is much like her Mask, save for the larger, saucer-like amber eyes that a more reminiscient of a bird of prey than a human being. Within her mouth, her lower and upper canines are also more prominent and elongated.

    She bears no hair atop her head, boasting instead a short headdress of dark brown feathers. These feathers trail down her spine and along her shoulders and upper arms before erupting yet again along her thighs and rear. Freya's lower legs and forearms are scaly, not unlike the legs of a large bird of prey, and end in wicked talons which serve as her primary tools against her enemies.

    Truly, she is terrifying, but their is a Savage beauty to her.


    Freya offered Penance a gentle smile, her voice adopting a forgiving, motherly tone by instinct, "You have nothing to apologize for, Penance. Dreams can be fleeting, even for the Lost. There is a reason the Fae target them."

    Then the Den Mother turned her attention to Rhodes, "I don't see the harm in telling you, Rhodes. I have two, but the latter allows me to shape the Dream. It's... useful in the Harvest and gentle on Man." She took a breath, what she was about to suggest was risky, but she could not allow the Quilled One to suffer if there was a chance she could help, "It also allows me to confront outside forces as an accomplished oneiromancer might. It... can be taxing, even dangerous, but I'm willing to help."

    Freya steeled herself. She was willing to put herself on the line. This was her new home and if its peope were at risk, she had to do what she could in order to ensure their survival.
    Wyrd: 2 | Mantle: 1 (Spring)
    Mantle: The light scent of apricots

  15. #20
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    If your character has lived in the Bay/San Francisco area before coming to Sacramento you will have heard of Queen Anne, if your character has passed through the Bay area before March of this year, you would have heard of Queen Anne.
    If one or the other is true, let me know!
    If neither are true, it's time to roll some dice!
    Wits+Investigation-3 If you are actively attempting to locate rumours. Intelligence+Streetwise-3 if you are attempting to remember rumours heard.

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