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(Discovery Park) The King's Man

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  1. #21
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    He moves a few feet away tracing a semicircle on the ground, from the new position he gets a much better view of the glyphs. For a minute, not a single breath flees his mouth.

    "Three arcana from three different Watchtowers, I don't recognize any sign of the path of Doom. If it's Langdon, he wasn't alone",

    Supernal Vision Pot 3, Gain Occult (2) Pot 4, -1 Mana

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  3. #22
    Sand's Avatar
    Striking Looks

    Tiny sparkling particulates like dust motes are shed to reveal what is below. With vulgar magic, the shedding is more of a scouring and the motes obscure in the frenzy.

    Armor 0
    Defense 2

    Vulgar 0
    Active Spells: 1/5
    Personal Spells: 1/2

    [3] Supernal Vision (Rit)


    "That shouldn't be a surprise. Assuming this is what the note references, this was found by Langdon- not created."
    Crouching, eyes scan and fingers reach.

    • Not insignificant mass
    • Small volume
    • High structural integrity
    Search results: Positive
    Specifically: A rock

    Straightening, rock slipped into pocket for phase 2 investigation.

    Phase 1 involved reaching, forming, and ... failing.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-26 08:41:30 Sand rolls 4 to Chronicle Resonance (Gnosis + Prime) (10 Again) 4, 2, 4, 3 failure

    A huff as the rock is retrieved from pocket. Phase 2 it was.

    "Let's see if we can even get into it first..."

    Returning to the 'front' side, the rock is tossed lightly toward the center.

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  5. #23
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Weavebreaker shook her head at Winter's words. "I'm not completely sure this is the work of a Wise." She did a quick motion to the Gray, aspect of it all. "That holds different resonance than the note."

    Weavebreaker glanced to Sand as she spoke and watched her intently. She gave a approving nod to her ingenuity. "Nice thinking."

    Weavebreaker slowly turned in a circle, as she watched the surroundings for anything amiss. She was worried about being watched, or if this was an ambush. There were enough eyes on the anomaly, which meant that it would be safe for a set of eyes to be turned elsewhere.

      5 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-27 20:40:42 [01] Weavebreaker rolls 6 to Perception (10 Again) 8, 10, 10, 2, 3, 10, 9, 2, 2 5 successes
      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-27 20:40:42 [02] Weavebreaker rolls 6 to Perception (10 Again) 3, 1, 2, 1, 10, 8, 3 2 successes
      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-27 20:40:42 [03] Weavebreaker rolls 6 to Perception (10 Again) 10, 7, 7, 7, 2, 4, 1 1 success
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

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  7. #24
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "It could be a spontaneous phenomenon". He alleges summarily. "Give me a minute, and I'll tell you more"
    A few incantations later, a spark of supernal takes hold of his vision.

      3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-28 02:13:01 Winter rolls 6 to Paths of Power Imp (Gnosis + Prime + HS) (10 Again) 10, 1, 7, 1, 9, 9, 4 3 successes

    Supernal Vision (Pot3), Gain Occult (2) (Pot4), Paths of Power (Pot3), -1 Mana,


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  9. #25
    Kelreth's Avatar

    Death is ever present as every Moros knows and every person knows somewhere deep in their Souls. No matter how hard you fight it comes for you in the end as all must end. There are stories of course..but those are stories surely. For Banshee the veil between the living and where the dead may visit lifts. Showing a shadowed version of the park itself. Except for a flickering presence. Dressed professionally the pale haired ghost flicks between weeping, rage, sorrow, joy, and nothing. Not a lack of emotion but rather the ghost flickers out of existence for moments then reappears. Each flicker acts on its own. After watching it for a short time it looks like there may be multiple ghosts, all with their own emotion. All overlapping with each other and nothing.

    As the rock Sand slips into the whirling nexus of supernal the colors seem to implode and explode at the same time. A paradox of behavior only made odder by the fact that the two effects fuse and stabilize. The outer edge a hap-hazard circle that almost touches the grass and stands over seven feet tall. Inside edge the implosion seems to stretch forever until an open expansion of space appears. Unlike what lays beyond the physical event happening this space is open with trees seeming to circle it. Clear bright light shines down across the space. Away from the mages a stack of grey with what may be a man rests. White, grey, and cyan flow like a river along the outer edge of would probably be called a Portal if it wasn't for...what it is.

    The park itself is uneventful, though there is a lunch box on top of a car. Weavebreaker can easily see that a blond haired man is the shape resting against what looks like a squat but wide stone pillar in the space through the portal. His head is down and he's leaning against the pillar at an angle that the portal probably isn't visible to him. Back on your side of reality you hear the soft sound of a running group talking a breathier and discussing the day. Except now, now they're quiet. In fact..everything just got very quiet.

    As the stone entered the nexus and reality rearranged here and there Winter can see the that there are no lay lines. A split moment, not even the flash of an eye, later and a ley line forms. Except it is not a line.

    It's a circle, neatly under the portal.

    Knot As the nexus opens the flow of time comes to a crashing halt. No more pulling, no more leaves aging in moments. Stopped.

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  11. #26
    Banshee's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Unseelie Beauty)
    Distinctive Voice

    Libertine Moros who calls herself Jane Doe around Sleepers.


    A figure in Banshee’s distorted image flays the Moros from the inside, ripping and tearing at her flesh, desperately seeking an escape from this cage of meat.

    Mana: |
    WP: |
    Armor 1/0
    Defense 2
    Occult 3

    Active Spells: 2 / 5
    Personal Spells: Dual Casted 2E Death Shield/Grim Sight (Sight Pot 1, Shield Pot 6)


    "There are ghosts." she says to the group for the first time seeming like she was a part, instead of apart. "Cycling..." she whispers more to herself, her eyes pinned upon them, while her mind works.

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-29 11:56:13 Banshee rolls 5 to Ghost Cycles (Int 2 + Occult 3) (10 Again) 6, 4, 6, 9, 7 1 success
    Health: | Mana: | Willpower:
    Monthly Rits: Dual Casted 2E Death Shield/Grim Sight (Sight Pot 1, Shield Pot 6)

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  13. #27
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "Whatever is causing this fracture", he says looking at the portal, "it is rearranging the area, there's a ley line under the hole, twisted into a circle".
    He keeps studying the recently formed construct, to no avail.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2018-07-30 07:47:26 Winter rolls 5 to Scrutiny the lay line (Int + Occult + Supernal Vision) (10 Again) 3, 6, 2, 2, 5 failure

    Supernal Vision (Pot3), Gain Occult (2) (Pot4), Paths of Power (Pot3), -1 Mana,

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  15. #28
    Weavebreaker's Avatar

    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow | Consilium

    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Ritual Spells Active

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9
    Current Scenes

    The Descent of the Circle

    Phantasmal Armor - 6
    Supernal Vision - 5
    Mage Armor - 3

    Mana - 7
    Willpower - 6

    All the Kings Men

    Supernal Vision (Cloaked) - 5
    Transform Aura (Sleeper)(Cloaked) - 4
    Mana 7
    Witch Hunter

    Armor 2
    Defense 2

    Vulgur Spells in Scene - 4 (+2 Paradox)

    Spell Tolerance - 2 (@3(-1))
    Active Spells - 3/6
    Read Matrices - 1
    Unseen Shield - 3
    Reduced Friction - 2


    Weavebreaker quickly looked around to find whether the sudden silence was part of the phenomena or if there was something else that caused the joggers to fall into silence. As she did her quick search, she said to the others. "I see someone inside the portal. Blond man, up against the stone pillar."

    "We need to figure out what to do. if a sleeper sees this..." Weavebreaker couldn't contain her grimace, not liking the fact that there was a open portal. "If it condenses back down, we should wait here until night. I can throw something up to hide it on this side."

    Weavebreaker bit her lip for a moment. "If it doesn't I should try to close it."
    Obrimos | Adamantine Arrow
    Gnosis ●●● | WP ●●●●●●● | Mana 9(12/3)

    Supernal Vision(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 10

    Transform Aura(Cloaked)(Month)Potency 9

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  17. #29
    Sand's Avatar
    Striking Looks

    Tiny sparkling particulates like dust motes are shed to reveal what is below. With vulgar magic, the shedding is more of a scouring and the motes obscure in the frenzy.

    Armor 0
    Defense 2

    Vulgar 0
    Active Spells: 1/5
    Personal Spells: 1/2

    [3] Supernal Vision (Rit)


    A step back (instinct)
    A lean forward (curiosity)

    Eyes narrow, an attempt to bring the gray shape and man into focus. Langdon?

    "Ghosts?" repeated. A show of attention despite lack of glance.

    "Are they interacting with..." hand wave. A blink. Interacting. Weavebreaker's mention of sleepers. Suddenly quiet park.

    Not looking. Not wanting to look. "Was that... visible? If so then yes- we need to get this hidden from them, asap."

    Eyes narrow at the anomaly. "And I think I have the beginnings of a hypothesis on this. Or at least some ideas about function."

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  19. #30
    Winter's Avatar
    (West Point Grad)


    Dark shadows scatter in ordered symmetrical patterns traversed by a crackling pallid silver light that wraps Winter in a pleasantly numbing and icy coldness.
    When vulgar magic is cast, the frequency of the oscillation of the dark fluid surges until the shadows arrange themselves in a solid black halo around Winter's head, the white light darkens into a fiery black sunlight and his eyes are set ablaze with vivid incandescence.

    Armor: 1(General)/2(Ballistic)
    Defense: 3

    Active Spells: 1/6
    Personal Spells: 1/3
    Incognito Presence (Mind 2) Rote, Scene, Pot[1]


    "There are only 3 cars in the parking lot, and two are ours. It's not even noon and the place is empty", he said as a matter of fact, "whoever is altering the landscape is making sure Sleepers stay away", he fishes his smartphone out of his pocket, "let's see if we can snap a shot of the inside".

    Supernal Vision (Pot3), Gain Occult (2) (Pot4), Paths of Power (Pot3), -1 Mana,

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