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(1807) The Prince and the Dragon

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  1. #11
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    With a nod Aaron confirms that he might find Mable enjoyable to talk with, and that he will probably do so soon. He smiles when the Prince shares her intention to sit with the Grand Wyrm. 'Good. That would be beneficial to us all.' The Lord wouldn't mind being there either, but he'd have to let Lina know.

    When Alessandra takes her time to provide further details on her Praxis over the Domain, Aaron is all ears. The rules are as he expected, which means they are very reasonable. 'I have, in fact, granted Tenancy rights to Madam Whip Simmons. Which was part of the agreement on our division of roles.' He says it in an almost business-like tone. Clearly, without a similar agreement he would not grant such rights to someone.

    'Perfect. I understand such privileges are not to be granted lightly, for otherwise they would hardly be privileges at all. And speaking of services to Domain,' it appears as if this was a final point he had planned to discuss already, 'although I call myself a 'scholar' in a broad sense, as my profession, I should let you know that I proud myself for being a proficient scholar in the occult. While I'm certain Your Majesty has her own knowledge, connections and resources - I would be a fool to not offer my own expertise. I'm always willing to lend my expertise in service of the Domain, especially when concerning... mysterious sites.' ​That seems like a neutral term to describe a whole lot of things.

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  3. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Sounded like Simmons was making out nicely in being Whip.

    “Thank you for letting me know. I’ve spoken with her outside of Court and she is certainly deserving of Tenancy.” She rather enjoyed watching the woman handle Davis. Her and Lina would be a formidable team.

    Smiling, “Exactly.” Was good to know there were those who understood how privileges worked. Maybe this one would be very beneficial to the Domain.

    “A proficient scholar in the occult? Well, that is certainly a very useful proficiency to have, one I’ve sure has served you well over the years. While I have some occult knowledge, I would call it basic at best.” A smirk and light laugh, “And thank you for the offer, I'll call you should something come up.” And she meant it, it was always useful to have someone with occult knowledge on hand. “Though if I may ask, has the occult always interested you?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  4. #13
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Aaron is curious where the two have met outside Court. Where does one meet the Prince? But he leaves that for what it is, mostly glad that Alessandra takes the news so well.

    'It has brought me where I am now, Prince Antinori. So I would say that it has indeed served me well.'
    His words come out quite flat, but the Lord takes on a more relaxed and somewhat inviting posture. Als he hears her laugh, he would almost forget the feeling of her Beast constantly coming a little bit closer, only appearing to be friendly. 'Well, not always.'

    He grins, it is as if she had opened a mental door to a whole range of stories. 'I used to disregard the idea of anything occult truly being able to exist, back in my human days - mind you. I don't remember it clearly at all, except for a strong feeling of resistance to my mother. She came from South England... which is filled with stone circles you know, and lost castle ruins. While everyone is very religious, it does nothing to quell the thirst for telling and believing in ghost stories. She was so superstitious, I could not stand it I think.' Aaron pauses shortly, collecting actual memories and matching them together with what he assumes must have been true. 'However, the moment I became the living truth of one of those stories, I could not help but dedicate much of my time to finding out what else was actually true.'

    Too much. Damn too much.

    'Can I safely assume your origin is not on the American continent either, Your Majesty? Her accent was very clearly there, but still, he would be no academic if he'd draw conclusions just from that one observation.

  5. #14
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    From the look on her face, she was listening as he spoke. “In my experience it’s common to disregard anything occult unless you have first hand knowledge. And I agree, England is rich in that type of history. I’ve been a few times and found the stories and ruins quite fascinating.” It was hard not to pick up ghost stories in foreign countries. “I would love to hear some of the stories sometime.”

    Nodding, “It’s amazing how our views and opinions can change when we’re Embraced. It’s almost like a switch is activated and we become more agreeable to what was once unheard of to us. Though I’ve personally found its been the years of experience that have shaped my opinions.” Experience was a tough teacher.

    A smirk and then another nod, “Your assumption is correct. I’m originally from Italy, born and raised in Florence. Have you ever visited the country?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  6. #15
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Aaron tilts his head a little as he thinks about the stories, and about telling them, 'Me too, Your Majesty' he admits with a chuckle. He has, in fact, never been in England. So in the back of his mind is a little bit jealous of the Prince. It makes him more and more curious about her past. 'I know a few, of course. Perhaps I should practice my storytelling skills. Although, typically, they have to be told while sitting around a campfire. I suppose... there will be a guaranteed success on the frightening part.'

    Unless I invite some more experienced Dragons to the party.

    'I agree, the Embrace only brings a whole lot of questions along with it. Questions you never knew you had to ask before. The answers though, come over time.'

    At the mention of Florence, Aaron melts a little inside. 'The birthplace of the Renaissance! Oh how wonderful. I have never been, unfortunately. But I would definitely love to see it. To experience Michelango's David in its true glory - the perfect man. In my nightly existence, it seems like such a distant place, only accessible through books. But if I ever decide to go to Europe, North Italy will certainly be the first place to land.'

    That alone could be motivation for the Great Work. To see so many other great works of mankind. There are many questions he wants to ask, but they all seem too personal to ask an Apex Predator on a first meeting.

  7. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A delighted smile spreads across her lips, “Well, once you’re skills are brushed up on, please let me know. I do love a good story.” Now the campfire thing was a bit unnerving, “Frightening is a polite way of putting it. Maybe we’ll have to improvise with one of those electronic ones or something.” A wink. Yeah, the Prince just winked at him.

    Nodding, “Yes they do. And some of us are lucky enough to have someone with us to help guide and answer those questions as they arise. Though I do feel bad for those who have poor leadership in the beginning.” They turn into ill mannered brats who were used as examples.

    Laughing, “Yes, the one and only. I do hope you get to travel there some day. You will not be disappointed by the history that brings the city to life.” But she never knew what people saw in that statue. Sure, she’d seen it, but to her, it was just a statue. “One place you must promise me you’ll visit, should you visit, is San Miniato al Monte.” The Italian rolling of her tongue. “It is the oldest church in Florence. And while I’m not religious,” a shake of her head, “it offers panoramic views of the city, which is breathtaking. But it also showcases the diversity of the Renaissance Era.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  9. #17
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    'That is an excellent idea, Prince Antinori.' Aaron responds amicably. Of course it was a joke, but his imagination sees a real plan brewing. 'I'm pretty sure we can make a nice event out of this. Good for All Hallow's Eve. I cannot be the only one here that knows some good scary stories.'

    When she mentions being lucky with someone to guide, the Lord's expression shifts. While he has had more time to process the loss of his Sire now, there still a noticeable melancholy in his eyes. 'Very true. I suppose I can consider myself lucky in that regard. It all concerns how one values his or her lineage. Which I believe to be of great importance.' Perhaps more so for Ventrue than for the other Clans, but Aaron tries not to generalize.

    While Alessandra speaks, he makes a lot of mental notes. He is perhaps a little bit surprised that she is not religious. Being an older vampire, and from Italy. But it might be part of the reason why she is now here.

    'Al Monte, alright. I will certainly remember that.'
    When Italians say Italian things, it all suddenly goes so fast. But Aaron is sure he should be able to find it with the additional context. 'I find the Renaissance quite inspirational. The striving to perfection, the rise of humanism, the constant self-consciousness and self-reflection. It offers an interesting perspective to read some ideas of my Covenant with.'

  10. #18
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Lineage. History. Where they came from, whos blood they have flowing, sometimes, through their veins. “Lineage is extremely important, at least in my eyes. Knowing who my Sire was and where he came from was something I wanted to learn. I’ve always enjoyed learning about someone and what makes them tick. Thankfully, my Sire humored me.” Though it wasn’t as special as she had hoped. “I was then able to help decide what I wanted, what direction I would take.” And while she lacked the pedigree that the Invictus prized, she thought she was doing pretty damn good.

    She eagerly listened as he talked about the Renaissance. “Oh I agree. The way it paved the way for everything from culture, science and even political movements is remarkable. It was, in my opinion, one of the most important periods of human development.” She wasn’t a genius, but she saw the way it shaped things in Italy.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  11. #19
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Aaron nods, agreeing with the Prince's statement. 'Indeed. Getting to know those around you, and those who came before you, is extremely important. Especially given the fact that we usually have less Kindred to hang out with than humans have other humans. If anything, socializing helps with staying sane.'

    An eternal night is bad enough. Go through it alone and you will certainly end up Draugr.

    'For me, getting to know my Sire was getting to know a whole different world. I have taken on his last name, you see. I am in fact born and raised on the American continent. But after so much time together, his history became a part of my own identity.' He smiles innocently. If Alessandra wanted to get to know what makes him tick, he'd be curious to find her motives to get up every night. Over time, of course.

    For a moment then, his attention drifts off to the now large group of Kindred gathering around a table in one of the corners of Court. John Davis, it appears, is the center of attention yet again. It brings a question to his mind, 'Do you like games, Your Majesty?' A pause, as he reconsiders his question, 'By which I mean, partially, are any traditional First Estate games practiced in the Domain? I've heard the rumors of what Invictus courtiers sometimes partake in...' his tone and probably the mischievous smile reveal that probably he had done more than just hear rumors.

  12. #20
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Isn’t that the truth?” finding Kindred you wanted to hang around with was a problem. “I spent many years on the road, alone. So sometimes I’m a little awkward with the whole socializing thing.” A light laugh. It was true, she was socially awkward.

    “Interesting. Did he encourage you taking on his last name?”
    curious. “My Sire only had one name and never elaborated on why, though looking back, I wished I had pushed the issue. Cause I’ve always been curious about it. But we all have our secrets, some buried deeper than others.” She certainly had hers. “Do you think that was a way for you to become closer? Or perhaps a way to add to who you already where.” People could be weird sometimes.

    The Savage’s eyes follow his, seeing what appears to be Davis making friends.

    Well good for him, she thinks with a smirk. Still didn’t get him out of the hot water he was in with her, but playing nice was always good.

    “Games?” and then he clarifies.


    “I personally haven’t participated in any games in the Domain. As a fairly new member of the First Estate, if ones were played before I joined, I don’t know of them. Are there some I would like to partake in?”
    her own smile turning mischievous as well, “Of course. When done right, games can be fun and beneficial.” A moment, “Are games something you enjoy?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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