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  1. #11
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)


    The Reeve had returned the nod of greeting from her Lady with a bow, though in truth her attention was focused upon the newcomer, Goto. So far, there was nothing to worry about, though the Demon had carried a full Daisho. That meant that she was either an oddity like Takeda, a relic from a traditional family in modern times, or she truly was an Elder. Given her title of Madame, Takeda assumed it was the later, which was even more worrying, for she knew as well as anyone that a Bushi, a warrior, did not rely upon their swords. They were the weapon, the sword was merely an extension of that.

    Thankfully, that extension was an advantage that Takeda still had should Goto prove to be an issue.
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

  2. #12
    Izayoi Goto's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Assassin, under the pseudonym Silhouette
    (Fame: Criminals)
    Izayoi Goto

    Called Koine Yoshida around Kine

    Uses Mask of Tranquillity.


    As her presence is acknowledged the Kage no akuma rises, head bowed politely in deference.

    "Yes, I am Izayoi Goto. Invictus Madam, and Mekhet." a bow, as she continues the introduction she shouldn't have had to do. "In deference to protocol, and scheduling along with the letter I sent to Your Majesty, and Her Grace, I also delivered a letter to Mister Taft, as the only high ranking Mekhet I could locate with your august Domain, I assumed he my Priscus. My apologies for my incorrect assumption." another bow, hoping that this is the case and not that she had erred so grievously as to directed to the Prince with this mist thin reasoning to have her Danse concluded, permanently.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae:

  3. #13
    Lawrence Taft's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    New Identity
    (Frank Petros)
    (City Hall)
    Lawrence Taft


    If he were the type, he would cringe at the Prince's words. Her very suggestion implies that he'd simply rolled over and dropped the responsibility at her feet. But... patience. Calm. He waits for her to finish speaking before regarding Goto anew. It just so happens that Goto had also spoken her piece. His gaze rests heavily on the lesser Shadow for a moment after her 'apology'. It seemed more like a slight.

    "This is a situation easily remedied. I will represent the Mekhet in your Domain, with your blessing, Highness. Then I will take on the burden of acknowledging Madam Goto. Then no incorrect assumptions will have been made."

    No nagging voice warns him against assuming responsibility for another's actions... that voice can't be heard over the one that tells him the Prince is already watching him. Waiting for him to step outside of her 'comfort zone'. This is what being honest gets him.
    Health | Willpower | Vitae

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  5. #14
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist catches the look Alessandra gives her, and as she lifts from her own curtsy a single shoulder lifts in a small shrug. The small hint of a smile of understanding. How many times had Asa dealt with customs strange due to his position.

    But like Asa, Alessandra handles the newness of the display with grace.

    Watching the exchange regarding Izayoi, she keeps quiet. Though there is a flicker of surprise when it is revealed that Lawrence had not claimed the spot of Priscus. Granted... Priscus of so few may not seem the prestigious position it was in some cities, but it was still a position.

    She smiled slightly at Lawrence, "Congratulations on your new position Priscus."

    A warmer smile is granted to Izayoi herself, "And welcome to Sacramento. I look forward to seeing you around."

    "If you will excuse me though, I think I may take the opportunity to enjoy the décor while the acknowledgment formalities are handled."

    After all... after months of nothing but a chair, even she could appreciate the abstract art. Lowering her head to Alessandra, she steps back a pace to wander toward the nearest piece.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  6. Likes Travisc06489, Cayce liked this post
  7. #15

    Arriving late to Court was not a habit he wanted to become known for. In his hurry, he banged his head on downward sloping ceiling, "Damn it," he bellowed. He rubbed his head to ease the pain. Rather than thunder down the steps, he stepped cautiously, so not to disrupt conversations.

    Remaining off to the side, he politely waited for an opportunity to speak to a Kindred when they were free.

  8. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Dark eyes watch Izayoi as her head nods,

    “You followed the correct protocol, and your assumptions were correct.” As the only Mekhet in the Domain at the time, the position fell to Taft.

    “Once Priscus Taft has handled your Acknowledgment, I would like to speak with you, get to know you better, if you don’t mind.” A smile. She wouldn’t force someone to talk with her, it wasn’t her way.

    Eyes move to Taft. He didn’t really need her blessing to assume the role, she had already figured he had taken it.

    “By all means.” He would need to be watched.

    A bow of her head was offered to Twist as she excused herself. She couldn’t really blame her, the Court had been barren for some time. Seeing décor was welcome.

    Though Ale was curious as to what Twists take on Taft was. But there was no privacy within Court, not unless they stepped into an office. She’d just reach out to the Daeva later.

    It was hard to miss Krieg, being a giant and all. A simple smile was offered as he appeared, and she then glances around, noting who wasn’t present. It wasn’t a formal Court, but she still enjoyed seeing people make an effort to attend.

    With matters seemly under control, Ale moves away and steps beside Twist .

    “What do you think of the art?” she asks.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. Likes Travisc06489 liked this post
  10. #17
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)


    Takeda continued to stare at Goto...

    No matter that she was handling everything perfectly correctly.

    It was still advantageous to be sure she understood what might happen should she not.
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

  11. #18
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist steps to the side at Alessandra's approach to make room, a smile on her face showing that she welcomed the company.

    "It is not that I don't enjoy abstract. Anyone who visits my theater to see one of my shows will know that I am perhaps overly fond of the concept. And yet... I find myself unsettled by the pieces here" unsaid was the 'and now' but it hung in the air nonetheless.

    "I feel like the emptiness of before with the chair was abstract. Until it wasn't. And that perhaps that new theme could have continued. A return to before with," she lifted a hand at the piece directly in front of them. "It is not to my taste this evening."

    A shrug, a look sidelong to the Prince. "What about you? Are they to your tastes?" After all, if they were... then they would remain and Twist would be happy with them.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  12. #19
    Izayoi Goto's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Assassin, under the pseudonym Silhouette
    (Fame: Criminals)
    Izayoi Goto

    Called Koine Yoshida around Kine

    Uses Mask of Tranquillity.


    Masterful stroke. The newly comfermed Peiscus of Sgadows had just been acknowledged as such before the highest points if the Domain. Though it dose seem he could have taken more Initive.

    Initive or not, the results are the same however, and Izayoi bows at the pronouncement.

    "Priscus Taft? It seems we have business," her head tilts towards the side of the room away from the gathered kindred.

    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae:

  13. Likes Travisc06489 liked this post
  14. #20
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Twist and Ale continue HERE
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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