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(To Hunt) At the Nox

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  1. #41
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    "From what I can see, he has called in boons to try and cover up his mess. His claim is his Reeve wasn't doing her job and fixing the issues. And that his Prince isn't very good at what he does either. However, his Sire is all that is wonderful. Perhaps he and his Sire have grandiose ideas of power. Perhaps he was trying to make his own army?" Emma was guessing at this point but she really really wanted to punch this guy and was doing everything she could not too loose her shit. She kept her eyes on Stax hoping for a twitch or something that would allow her to beat him.

    "The only thing in this domain that I know about is the problem at the old house. Several kine ran off scared. Forde, the guy in the other room, had killed what I think was his girlfriend. She was trying to help him find a way to fix his new state of unlife. We took control of the scene and kept issues to a minimum."

  2. #42
    Hugh Everwood's Avatar

    Hugh Everwood


    Jesse was watching as Carson went into his little temper tantrum, looking between the other Kindred present before sighing and tapping his foot in impatience.

    Bea had the right idea with leaving the fucking room, but instead he made a very disgusted noise and snarled.

    "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Getting louder with each snapped order to get the fledgling's attention back to him, the presence of the two Movement fellas having done more harm than any good, while William just stayed quiet and watched.

    Figured, what to expect of people wanting to be 'rebels' or something.

    "Fucking listen and stop acting like a fucking child! There is no fucking help for what you are, highly doubt Lisette's folks will be of any use to you beyond getting you in deeper shit than you are — or get you dead. Does 'black ops people' really sound like the type of people that will help you? Would be more worried they find me fucking interesting to cut up and see how I work. There are quicker ways to get dead — just go and tan yourself in the sun if you think we're just talking gibberish. Might go and prove we ain't just talking crazy to you."

      Listen to Jesse and shut up; 3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-03 16:23:46 Jesse rolls 9 to get the fledgling to shut up and listen (Presence+Persuade+SL) (10 Again) 1, 9, 2, 3, 3, 9, 4, 2, 9 3 successes

    If he failed to get the fledgling to calm down, at least some, he would not be held responsible for his actions.

    There was always staking.

    Good option to deal with whiny Kindred who don't know how to listen. It was starting to look like a very good option, indeed.

  3. #43
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    "I did not Sire anyone! And I resent the accusation that I am somehow complicit in murder!" Stax flared as if stung. For a moment his fang's dropped and he turned a vicious glare upon both the Daeva and the Savage. He didn't get much chance to elaborate as Forde was bursting into the main chamber, hot on the heels of Bea.

    Forde had been making for the door when Bea moved. The Daeva reached the portal first and bustled her way through. Momentarily cut off, Forde emitted a hissing sound from deep down in his throat. Jesse's words - brutal, direct, and totally honest - served only to spur the fledgeling on, and he bolted for the exit.

    In his wake, Hennink turned to Jesse, his eyes flickering in recognition. "Let him go. Hungry little fucker is set to go off any moment. I got the Sight. I saw his Beast. He's hungry and he's loosing it. Can't say I'm sorry."

    "I think we been used enough," Eli grunted thoughtfully. "No use getting involved now."

    In the main chamber of Elysium, Carson Forde continued to move. He made for one of the exits; hunched; fangs displayed; almost almost vacant. He managed to spare Stax and the group clustered around him a glance, yet all that seeped from his mouth was an inarticulate feral hiss.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-03 17:22:05 Stax to keep control rolls 8 to Resolve + Subterfuge (10 Again, WillPower) 9, 4, 10, 1, 7, 1, 7, 8, 8 4 successes

    The Librettist's mouth opened and then closed with a visible effort. Stax actually shook as he turned to Ale. "I would be happy to discuss the subject of boons and making amends for the disruption the chase has caused in private where Kindred of Quality can speak openly." His voice was brittle and grating.

    Forde might have taken offence at being so wilfully ignored, but the fledgeling's momentum was carrying forward. Face filled with alien fury, he would leave the Elysium if no one stopped his determined march.

  4. #44
    Bea's Avatar


    (Celerity)Vitae 1 Spent

    "¡Manda huevos!" Bea viciously swore when she saw Carson making a run for the exit. The stupid fucker was going to get away. What was worse, the bonds of Elysium were only helping the little shit. While he might run, the others teetered on the edge of a cliff. If they attacked him, they might violate a sacred law, but if they did not, well, then they would violate another...

      init 7+celerity=10
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-04 17:55:05 Bea rolls 1 die for initiative 1
    Sounds like it's time for initiative! Bea pops celerity, Iniative 10
    Bea ("Bee"). Daeva, Carthian Movement. Pres 2 (Unimpressed).

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  6. #45
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was a heavy sigh, Kine running scared means they saw something. What they saw, she had no way of knowing.

    A small smirk appeared, “Fix his new state?” was there anything Kine would not throw some weird herbs and words at? “So one body? Do we have the body or was it disposed of?” needed to know if cops or Kine were gonna find a dead girl chewed up.

    Eyebrows raise at the outburst, “Resent it all you want, but you guys are the ones who let him breach the Masquerade. Rather you Sired him or not, this falls on you.” The glare was returned, he could piss and moan all he wanted, she didn’t care.

    She was surprised at the appearance of another, but this one was making to leave.

    Merda! she spits.

    Her head snaps back to Stax, “I’m more than willing to speak further with you, but right now we have a bigger problem.” She growls through clinched teeth.

    “Restrain him!” she shouts, though Bea already seemed to be on it. If he got out and back into the public, they’d lose him. And it would probably be her fault for it. “Or stake him, whichever.” Or ash him, all worked right now. And she mad her move towards the fleeing fledgling.

    initiative 10
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-04 18:35:34 Ale rolls 1 die for initiative 5
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #46
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Fuckers. "Eli, Hennink get your asses out here." Emma was pissed as hell and it wasn't getting better.

    "Body has been cleaned up. I think everything is fine at the house now."

    Initiative 7 rolled plus 6

    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-04 19:43:15 Emma French rolls 1 die for initiative 7

  8. #47
    Hugh Everwood's Avatar

    Hugh Everwood

    (Vigor)Vitae 1 Spent

    Eli was right, this was pointless. The fledgling was gone and not listening to no reason.

    "Oh, fuck this then." He threw up his hands in exasperation, giving an annoyed look at the two Movement fellas for wanting to stay out of it, before leaving the room hot on Carson's tail before telling them just what he thought of them.

    Bigger problems to deal with right now.

    For the second time tonight, Jesse let blood fuel his strength supernaturally, planning to restrain the fleeing fledgling first chance he got so others could go and stake him.

      Initiative 15
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-06 06:58:47 Jesse rolls 1 die for initiative 10

  9. #48
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Just to clarify my initiative is 13.

  10. #49
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Hennink was busy shaking his head as the fledgeling made his exit. There was a comment on his lips but it was lost in the general tumult that followed.

    Eli's eyes shot open; his facial expressions did not change yet something in his bearing spoke of destruction unleashed. The big man bound swiftly from his place by the wall.

    Stax might have had something to say to the Reeve. Might. It was lost in the moment. Stax actually grinned.

    Carson Forde was starting to run as he stormed for the exit.

    And some book keeping:
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-01-06 17:32:52 Carson Forde rolls 1 die for initiative 3
    2017-01-06 17:31:41 Stax rolls 1 die for initiative 6
    2017-01-06 17:31:04 Eli to take Forde's measure rolls 1 die for initiative 10
    2017-01-06 17:30:49 Hennink Initiative rolls 1 die for initiative 5

    Eli 15 - Jesse 15 - Emma 13 - Bea (Celerity) 10 - Ale 10 - Stax 10 - Hennink 10 - Carson Forde 8

    Eli with his superior strength and motor skills, is bursting out of the private meeting room and charging into the Court.
    Jesse Acheron is up! He is still in the meeting room with Hennink.

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  12. #50
    Hugh Everwood's Avatar

    Hugh Everwood


    With Eli charging out of the room, Jesse did the very same and ran out as well, leaving Hennink behind to do whatever. Did hope the man thought about actually helping and not just standing around like William was.

    Passing out he did catch Stax grinning, Jesse sneering but ignoring it in favor of catching up with the damn fledgling and stopping him before he could go and leave the Elysium and cause another fucking breach. Should just gone and handed the whiny brat over to Stax and have him do with him whatever he wanted, but they had to go and drag this domain into it all as well.

    Also, grinning Stax? Made him a prime candidate for staking as well.

    Not sure if they could go and do it with justifications, but they should consider it just because of him getting them all tangled up in his fucking mess.

    Jesse runs after Carson, doubling his speed to catch up with him. Psychangel (Emma) is up!

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