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(Good Guys) Do Things the Right Way

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  1. #41

    Jacob, with the titillating awareness that nothing was aware of him, began to hum yellow submarine under his breath -- just the chorus, endlessly repeating. His gaze roved the area, jerking with every other note.

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  3. #42
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    And the way is open.

    No alarm is sounded. The device Victoria located continued uninterrupted and inactive.

    The roller door rattles as the Ventrue lifts it...

    ...And the moderately sized interior is revealed.

    The Street

    Outside the facility, nothing much happens. Some cars drive past and Jacob is witness to a feral cat slinking out of the alley they had gathered in, but that is all.

    That cat... Is creepy.

  4. #43
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross moves up beside the Reeve as the door is opened, peering into the gloom.

    Before taking a step within, his experienced eye roves over the contents of the storage unit and the spaces between, searching for any signs of a trap or additional surveillance: trip wires gleaming in the half light, a compression trigger currently held down by some box, WiFi cameras placed discretely in far corners. You know, normal stuff.

      3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-09-09 06:12:12 Robert Cross rolls 6 to Wits3 + Composure3 (10 Again) 1, 10, 10, 6, 2, 10, 4, 7, 4 3 successes

    If nothing appears out of the ordinary, the Burned Man will cautiously make his way inside, examining the contents. Specifically, he will gravitate toward the cork board, where--given the evidence of their investigations--he will try to put together what, exactly, these "vigilantes" might know when it comes to the Undead.

    Let me know if you'd like me to roll for interpreting their investigation notes, Crow!

  5. #44
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    When the door was opened, Victoria looked around the room once more, this time with her own eyes. Compound eyes were sure weird. At least one didn't see dozens of little images of the same thing with them and it just looked like looking through a screen door or lattice.

    She watched Cross dive into his element and took up position near the door to keep an eye on things while Cross worked. An investigator like a former cop might be able to glean more from the scene than she might be able to, however, she would look things over once her deputy had.

    "So it looks like more a staging area or command post for investigations from my first glance at the room while investigating for traps and less an armory. Take some pictures of everything and we can look over it later. I do not want to disturb things if we can ambush some of them if they return to the scene. Leave as little evidence of our presence as we can. I suppose it is good that I did not bring a bolt cutter, would be a little obvious."

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  7. #45

    As there wasn't much to see, the little things caught his eye. It wasn't that strays were uncommon enough to rouse serious interest, it was more that wasn't anything else to look at. So that cat caught his eye. Except usually, cats weren't this... disconcerting. He narrowed his eyes.
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-09-10 16:44:15 Jacob Maddox rolls 7 to Check out that cat (Wits + Composure) (10 Again) 7, 6, 1, 5, 1, 3, 4 failure

    Guess it's nothing.

  8. #46
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    As per Yumyumcrow's instruction, Cross will roll Wits + Investigation, as an extended roll with a -2 penalty due to the working conditions (its cramped) and the information is piecemeal (and not all in one convenient spot). Number of rolls will be capped at Wits + Investigation pool.

    Cross looks back to the Reeve, nodding his understanding, and then gets to work. His main area of focus is the cork board, which he scrutinizes without disturbing anything, but then he moves on from there, seeing if he can figure out what, exactly, these bastards are up to. Taking pictures with his phone as he goes.

    Investigation Rolls

  9. #47
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Robert Cross sets to work - checking the shelves on his way to the cork boards. The shelves contain packs of bullets, a couple of shotguns and a brace of pistols. Far more numerous than weaponry, however, is the odd and ends; bits and bobs; scavenged pieces of equipment that could be turned to another purpose - jury rigged into a hunting tool or surveillance contraption or other devices. Te hunters have been diligent in sourcing materials for their hunt.

    The cork boards are relatively easy to work out. Relative being a stretchy term, given that the information presented only shows half (or less) of the work the hunters have already done. Still, Cross has enough to work out the general scope of the hunter's current projects.

    They believe that Club Reverence has been compromised, taken over by some shadowy clique and used for their gatherings. The hunters have copies of the clubs layout; have gone into wild speculation over a secondary basement; and a currently pouring their energies into mapping the network of the club's owners and staff. So far it seems they have uncovered a layer of criminality from the drug scene and a bit of nepotism in the staff rosters but nothing concrete for their purposes. Some of this spreads to other clubs such as the Nox, but it is no more concerning than the bubbling effluent of drug pedlars who provide party drugs to the club circuit.

    They are staring down a rabbit hole in Citrus Heights: a rabbit hole of shell agents and safe houses (most likely defunct or otherwise abandoned). They have cracked open the substrate of criminality in the area, have it mapped, and if the news reports are right, have been venting their frustrations upon that underworld in the hope of shaking something... anything... loose. Naturally, they have been working through the list of safe houses, closing them down as permanently as they can.

    The third board represents "other things" that do not fit the hunters current pattern of investigations. The pieces of a wider puzzle they cannot fit to their schemes; weird rumour and strange things that their hunt has bought up but which they are unable to contextualise. The young prostitute is new to the streets, yet is universally reviled and no pimp claims her; according to the notes, even the hunters are finding her inexplicably revolting. Something lives in the tunnels: a man thing that should not be, a creature that has lived off the filth of the city for years, but now its getting bolder - or complacent given the hunters now have an imprint of its foot and a grainy picture of the thing exiting a tunnel. And the club kid clique? They were designer drug pedlars to the student set. They had a Big New Thing but recently they've lost the supplier and are turning to more conventional drugs; they have the network and a righteous zealotry that will ensure they transition from club kids to gangsters; the hunters are in two minds, seeing this group as both a threat and a possible ally outfit.


    That cat... That cat appears normal. It just has a peculiar habit of looking exactly where Jacob is standing with its evil, yellow eyes. Its a mangy thing: sleekly feral yet showing no signs of trauma or starvation; it either has an owner or it knows where to source food (clever thing).

    And then it leaves, slinking off down the alley they had congregated in.

    And another car - yay! - a much worn and much loved hatchback with stained windows. It rolls up to the storage facility. A burly old wild man winds down the window and fishes out a key; a lanky guy with either a buzz cut or shaved head, waring a balaclava, rides shotgun.

    Yep - someone's doing a late night run to their self storage. Bloody weird if you ask me.

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  11. #48
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Ale perks up at the sight of a car entering the facility. Look out duty was boring as hell.

    She tries to see the license plate, wanting to remember it in case these guys are part of the storage unit they were looking into.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  12. #49

    A cat leaves, a car pulls in; Jacob's attention shifts. His eyes shift to the car as it slides by, memorizing it's every detail with practiced ease. Another shift, his enhanced eyes on the two figures, giving them the same treatment. He glanced at Ale, assuming she would text the other two, seeing her eyes on the car instead of her phone Jacob didn't want to risk it.

    Better two texts then zero. He pulled out his cell, an old cracked thing, and walked to a darker part of the alley. Leaning against the stained wall he checked to ensure the two newcomers weren't looking and, when they weren't, he dropped his cloak. A quick message to Robert Cross and Victoria Stamford followed.
    |Incoming, two guys in an old hatchback.|
    He let them draw their own conclusions about how suspicious that was.

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  14. #50
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross is just finishing up his tour of the unit, taking pictures and gathering intel, when his phone lights up in his hand. Fuck, is his only thought when he reads the message from Jacob.

    Unsure if the Reeve has received the same text, he turns to her, "Looks like we've got a problem. Two unidentified males in a car at the gate. Could be nothing, but we should get moving. I'm done here anyway." The report will have to wait until they're safely out of the field.

    But then, Cross has a thought: "Or, if you like, I can go dark and wait outside for them, see if I can pick anything up if they are here to visit this unit..."

    It's up to the Reeve how she wants to play it. Cross is ready to move, one way or another.

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